Gonzalez & Waddington – Attorneys at Law

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Aggressive Sunnyvale, CA Military Defense Attorneys

When You Need a Court Martial Lawyer in Sunnyvale, CA

Sunnyvale CA Military Defense Lawyers

Our court martial defense attorneys have successfully defended military service members around the world.

Militarydefenseattorneys_4388The aggressive military attorneys at Gonzalez & Waddington have gained a reputation for defending military service members at military installations worldwide. If you are stationed in Sunnyvale, CA and are accused of a military crime, then hiring the most hard-hitting military criminal defense attorney can be the difference between going to jail versus winning your case or redeeming your career. Our court martial defense attorneys defend Sunnyvale, CA military service members in both UCMJ and administrative matters to include defending service members accused of sex assault, adultery, BAH fraud, and other offenses under military law.

This film is a great example of why you need to hire the best court martial defense attorneys possible.

Our criminal defense attorneys defend false accusations of rape, child abuse, and sexual assault under Article 120 UCMJ, 120b UCMJ, and 120c UCMJ.

Unlike most civilian criminal defense attorneys or your assigned military attorney, pleading guilty is an option of last resort. Our lawyers force the military to prove their case. We take almost every criminal case to trial and fight the allegations in front of a jury.

Our military court martial outcomes are clear. The accused military service member and his or her future is our chief concern. Our defense lawyers maintain lighter caseloads than the usual free defense lawyer so that we can focus on each trial on an individual basis. Your trial will not be delegated to a third party and we will not intimidate you into taking a dive at the eleventh hour. Our military defense attorneys have successfully defended military court martial and administrative separation (ADSEP) cases in the U.S. and around the world.

Call today to speak with an experienced court martial defense attorney.

Service members stationed at Sunnyvale, CA deserve the best court martial defense lawyers available to represent them at their court martial or administrative separation hearing.

If you or a loved one are stationed in Sunnyvale, CA and are accused of a UCMJ offense such as sexual assault or if you are facing an administrative separation, Article 15, show cause board, letter of reprimand, then call our court martial attorneys now.

Click here for legal resources: Manual for Courts-Martial (2012) – Naval Justice School

Discover the great beauty of the sun-kissed valley in Sunnyvale, California:

Sunnyvale is often officially designated as the City of Sunnyvale, and it is located as part of the famous Santa Clara County in California, USA. It has an average population of about 140,095, as recorded by the surveys of the 2010 census conducted by the United Nations Census Bureau.

Key highlights of the Silicon Valley in America

  • Sunnyvale CA attracts lot of visitors, tourists and foreign working professionals as they come to work in the multinational software companies located in Sunnyvale, CA. In the entire bay area of San Francisco, Sunnyvale, CA is considered to be the seventh most populous city.
  • The city is girdled by city like San Jose, which is also a populous city in California. The Moffett Federal Airfield is located to the Northwest of the region, and the Mountain View remains to the western direction.
  • The city is located at a strategic position that remains in between the El Camino Real and the Highway number 101.
  • There are major intrusions not just by small and big industries, but some of the software companies that work in Sunnyvale CA are corporate and technologically-advanced giants who have made a mark in the world market.

More About Sunnyvale, CA

  • Militarydefenseattorneys_4385The best part about Sunnyvale, CA is that, this city houses the single most unified department of public safety that is present in few of the advanced US cities. Among the most popular professions, one can find police officers, fire safety rangers and fire fighting officials, EMTs and many other professions which call for a determination and an active skill to work during national and state emergencies.
  • Apart from this, there are public schools and libraries, which cater to a large number of reading public. The government institutions also provide several facilities for all those students who come from economically-deprived backgrounds.
  • During World War II, the fruit firms and orchards were replaced by more technically-advanced industrial belts.
  • Sunnyvale, CA records no climatic extremities, with Mediterranean climate, mild winters, which are clogged with moisture, and extremely dry summers, which provide comfortable warmth, and not the scorching desert varieties. Snowfall is generally a rare occurrence in the city, but twice in the years 1962 and 1976, the city of Sunnyvale, CA recorded snowfall.

The military and naval base near Sunnyvale, CA:

  • Among the many air-force stations, the Onizuka air force station was an installation by the United Nations air force installation that was outside the city limits of Sunnyvale, CA.
  • During the Second World War also, Sunnyvale, CA served as unique military base for the transportation of wartime necessities, arms, ammunition,s and also military and para-military forces.
  • The location of the Moffett Airfield is important as far as the air regulation, defense, national border security and international relations are concerned. The US Naval Air Station located at Sunnyvale, CA was chosen to be located along the coastline of the Pacific Ocean, after recommendations from the California political statesmen and leaders.
  • The exact site of the Sunnyvale CA naval air station, Historic District, consists of bunkers, buildings and three notable hangars called the hangar #1, #2 and #3.
  • Concrete pilings, strong girdled fortifications and heavy iron structures were initially used to mark the formation of the hangars and the powerful naval base, for resisting any external threat, and also so that the military men could act during the emergencies. This particular naval air station at Sunnyvale, CA is located at a distance of 35 miles from the city of San Francisco.

Sunnyvale, CA Court Martial Lawyers

Our experienced court martial lawyers will use our history to fight your court martial or administrative separation case at Sunnyvale, CA.

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