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Maximum Punishments UCMJ Offenses 2024: Combined UCMJ Punishments Chart

Below is a combined list of all offenses punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). It contains the Maximum Punishments for UCMJ Offenses as of May 2024. The maximum and minimum punishments for UCMJ offenses vary depending on the date of the offense. Pay close attention to the date that the alleged offense occurred.

Offenses committed after December 27, 2023, are now categorized as 1-6 (see chart below). There are now maximum and minimum punishments. Many offenses now carry a mandatory minimum jail sentence. This chart does not constitute legal advice. Please consult with an experienced military defense lawyer and the Manual for Court-Martial for updated sentencing laws.

New Categories: Mandatory Confinement Ranges for UCMJ Offenses Committed After 27 Dec 2023

  • Category 1 Offense: Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Category 2 Offense: Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years)
  • Category 3 Offense: Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years)
  • Category 4 Offense: Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years)
  • Category 5 Offense: Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years)
  • Category 6 Offense: Confinement for life with eligibility for parole Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2024 ed.), Appendix 12C

Maximum Punishments For Ucmj Offenses 2024: Combined Ucmj Punishments ChartNote: For all above categories, if the confinement portion of the maximum authorized punishment for the offense is less than the Offense Category’s confinement maximum, the lesser confinement portion of the maximum authorized punishment shall be the recommended maximum confinement time for that offense. At a special court-martial, for an offense that is a category 3 offense or greater, the jurisdictional maximum period of confinement (12 months) constitutes the parameters; however, the military judge may impose a period of confinement less than the jurisdictional maximum period of confinement upon finding specific facts that warrant such a sentence.

Combined UCMJ Maximum Punishment Chart 2024

  • Article 77 UCMJ: Principals
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: When an accused is charged as a joint offender, the military judge should consult the Military Judge’s Bench Book, DA PAM 27-9, Instruction 7-2, for assistance drafting appropriate instructions.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense.
  • Article 78 UCMJ: Accessory after the fact
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Maximum authorized for the principal offense, except: no death; no more than 1/2 of the authorized confinement for the principal offense; and no more than 10 years confinement in any case.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 79 UCMJ: Conviction of offense charged, lesser included offenses, and attempts
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 80 UCMJ: Attempts – Other than Murder and Voluntary Manslaughter (Article 80)
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: That authorized for commission of the offense attempted, except (1) in no case shall the death penalty be adjudged, (2) in no case, other than attempted murder, shall confinement exceeding 20 years be adjudged, and (3) except in cases of rape/sexual assault (Articles 120(a) or (b)) and rape/sexual assault of a child (Articles 120b(a) or (b)), mandatory minimum punishment provisions shall not apply. A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for an attempted sex-related offense committed on or after 24 June 2014 under Article 120(a) or (b); Article 120b(a) or (b); and Forcible Sodomy, Article 125. As of 1 January 2019, Article 125, Forcible Sodomy, ceased to exist and the act of forcible sodomy was subsumed under Article 120. However, Article 125, Forcible Sodomy may still be charged as an offense or as an attempted offense for conduct alleged to have occurred before that date as long as not barred by the applicable statute of limitations.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 80 UCMJ: Attempts – Murder, Premeditated and Unpremeditated (Article 80)
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023
        • Attempted murder: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
        • Attempted voluntary manslaughter: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
        • Attempted voluntary manslaughter of a child: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 80 UCMJ: Voluntary Manslaughter (Article 80)
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023:
      • Attempted voluntary manslaughter: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
      • Attempted voluntary manslaughter of a child: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 81 UCMJ: Conspiracy
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: (1) Conspiracy and Conspiracy when offense is an offense under the law of war (not resulting in death): The maximum punishment is that which is authorized for the offense that is the object of the conspiracy, except that in no case shall the death penalty be imposed. (2) Conspiracy when offense is an offense under the law of war (resulting in death): Death.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 82 UCMJ: Solicitation of espionage
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, Life, TF, and E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 82 UCMJ: Solicitation of desertion, mutiny or sedition, misbehavior before the enemy if committed or attempted
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 82 UCMJ: Solicitation of desertion in time of war if not committed or attempted
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 82 UCMJ: Solicitation of desertion if not committed or attempted
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 82 UCMJ: Solicitation of mutiny or sedition if not committed or attempted
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 82 UCMJ: Solicitation of misbehavior before enemy if not committed or attempted
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 82 UCMJ: Solicitation of other offense regardless of whether committed or attempted
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1 or maximum punishment for underlying offense, whichever is less.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 83 UCMJ: Malingering – Feigning illness, physical disablement, mental lapse, or mental derangement in time of war or in a hostile fire pay zone
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 83 UCMJ: Malingering – Feigning illness, physical disablement, mental lapse, or mental derangement Other
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months, DD, TF, E-1
  • Article 83 UCMJ: Malingering – Intentional self-inflicted injury in time of war or in a hostile fire pay zone
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 83 UCMJ: Malingering – Intentional self-inflicted injury Other
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 84 UCMJ: Breach of medical quarantine involving a quarantinable communicable disease defined by 42 CFR 70.1
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 84 UCMJ: Breach of medical quarantine
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, 2/3 pay/month x 6 months, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 85 UCMJ: Desertion In time of war
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 85 UCMJ: Desertion Intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important services
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 85 UCMJ: Desertion Terminated by apprehension
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 85 UCMJ: Desertion Terminated otherwise
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 86 UCMJ: Absence without leave (AWOL) Failing to go, going from appointed place of duty
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 pay/month x 1 month, 1 month, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 86 UCMJ: AWOL Absence from unit, organization, Not more than 3 days
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 1 month, 1 month, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 86 UCMJ: AWOL Absence from unit, organization More than 3, not more than 30 days
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 6 months, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 86 UCMJ: AWOL Absence from unit, organization More than 30 days
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 86 UCMJ: AWOL Absence from unit, organization More than 30 days and terminated by apprehension
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 18 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 86 UCMJ: AWOL Absence from guard or watch
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 86 UCMJ: AWOL Absence from guard or watch with intent to abandon
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 86 UCMJ: AWOL Absence with intent to avoid maneuvers or field exercises
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87 UCMJ: Missing movement by Design
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 87 UCMJ: Missing movement by Neglect
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87 UCMJ: Jumping from vessel into the water
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87a UCMJ: Resisting apprehension
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87a UCMJ: Flight from apprehension
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87a UCMJ: Breaking arrest
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87a UCMJ: Escape from custody, pretrial confinement, or confinement pursuant to Article 15
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87a UCMJ: Escape from post-trial confinement
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 87b UCMJ: Escape from correctional custody
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87b UCMJ: Breach of correctional custody
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 87b UCMJ: Breach of restriction
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 1 month, 1 month, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 88 UCMJ: Contempt toward officials
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dismissal, TF, 1 year.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 89 UCMJ: Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer in command
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 89 UCMJ: Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer in rank
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 89 UCMJ: Striking, drawing, or lifting up a weapon or offering any violence to superior commissioned officer in execution of office in time or war
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 89 UCMJ: Striking, drawing, or lifting up a weapon or offering any violence to superior commissioned officer in execution of office all other times
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 90 UCMJ: Willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer in time of war
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 90 UCMJ: Willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer all other times
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 91 UCMJ: Insubordinate conduct: Striking or assaulting a Warrant officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 91 UCMJ: Insubordinate conduct: Striking or assaulting a Superior noncommissioned or petty officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 91 UCMJ: Insubordinate conduct: Striking or assaulting other noncommissioned or petty officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 91 UCMJ: Willfully disobeying a Warrant officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 91 UCMJ: Willfully disobeying a Noncommissioned or petty officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 91 UCMJ: Contempt or disrespect against a Warrant officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 9 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 91 UCMJ: Contempt or disrespect against a Superior noncommissioned or petty officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 91 UCMJ: Contempt or disrespect against other noncommissioned or petty officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 92 UCMJ: Violation of or failure to obey general order or regulation
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1 (but see paragraph 18d (Note), Part IV, MCM).
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 92 UCMJ: Violation of or failure to obey other lawful order
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1 (but see paragraph 18d (Note), Part IV, MCM).
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 92 UCMJ: Dereliction in performance of duties through neglect or culpable inefficiency
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 92 UCMJ: Dereliction of duty through neglect or culpable inefficiency resulting in death or grievous bodily harm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 18 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 92 UCMJ: Willful Dereliction in performance of duties
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 92 UCMJ: Willful dereliction of duty resulting in death or grievous bodily harm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 93 UCMJ: Cruelty and Maltreatment of Subordinates 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 93a UCMJ, Prohibited Activities With Recruit Or Trainee By Person In Position Of Special Trust
  • Article 93a UCMJ: Prohibited Acts with Specially Protected Junior Member of the Armed Forces 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 93a UCMJ: Prohibited Acts with an Applicant for Military Service 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 94 UCMJ: Mutiny by Creating Violence or Disturbance
  • Article 94 UCMJ: Mutiny by Refusing to Obey Orders or to Perform Duty
  • Article 94 UCMJ: Sedition
  • Article 94 UCMJ: Failure to Prevent and Suppress a Mutiny or Sedition
  • Article 94 UCMJ: Failure to Report a Mutiny or Sedition
  • Article 94 UCMJ: Attempted Mutiny
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 95 UCMJ: Drunk or sleeping on post, or leaving post before being relieved in time of war
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 95 UCMJ: Drunk or sleeping on post, or leaving post before being relieved while receiving special pay under 37 USC 310
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 95 UCMJ: Drunk or sleeping on post, or leaving post before being relieved In all other places
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 95 UCMJ: Loitering or wrongfully sitting on post by a sentinel or lookout In time of war or while receiving special pay under 37 USC 310
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 95 UCMJ: Loitering or wrongfully sitting on post by a sentinel or lookout other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 95a UCMJ: Disrespect toward sentinel or lookout
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 96 UCMJ: Releasing a prisoner without authority
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 96 UCMJ: Allowing a prisoner to escape through neglect
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 96 UCMJ: Allowing a prisoner to escape through design
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 96 UCMJ: Drinking with prisoner
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 1 year, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 97 UCMJ: Unlawful Detention
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 98 UCMJ: Misconduct as prisoner
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Running Away
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Abandonment, Surrender, or Delivering Up of Command
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Endangering Safety of Command
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Casting Away Arms or Ammunition
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Cowardly Conduct
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Quitting Place of Duty to Plunder or Pillage
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Causing False Alarm
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Willful Failure to Do Utmost
  • Article 99 UCMJ: Misbehavior before the enemy, Failure to Afford Relief
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 100 UCMJ: Subordinate compelling surrender
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 100 UCMJ: Striking the Colors or Flag
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 101 UCMJ: Improper use of countersign / Disclosing Parole or Countersign
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 101 UCMJ: Disclosing Parole or Countersign
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 101 UCMJ: Giving Different Parole or Countersign
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 102 UCMJ: Forcing a safeguard
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 103 UCMJ: Spying
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 103a UCMJ: Espionage as a capital offense
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 103a UCMJ: Espionage or attempted espionage
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 103b UCMJ: Aiding the Enemy – Furnishing Arms or Ammunition 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 103b UCMJ: Attempting to Aid the Enemy 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 103b UCMJ: Harboring or Protecting the Enemy 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 103b UCMJ: Giving Intelligence to the Enemy
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 103b UCMJ: Communicating with the Enemy
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 104 UCMJ: Public Records Offenses
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 104a UCMJ: Fraudulent enlistment or appointment
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 104a UCMJ: Fraudulent separation
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 104b UCMJ -Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 105 UCMJ: Forgery – Making or Altering, Uttering
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 105a UCMJ: False or unauthorized pass offenses: Possessing or using with intent to defend or deceive, or making, altering, counterfeiting, tampering with, or selling
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 105a UCMJ: False or unauthorized pass offenses All other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 106 UCMJ: Impersonation of officer, noncommissioned or petty officer, or agent or official with intent to defraud
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 106 UCMJ: Impersonation of officer, noncommissioned or petty officer, or agent or official all other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 106a UCMJ: Stolen Valor  – Wrongful wearing of the Medal of Honor; Distinguished Service Cross; Navy Cross; Air Force Cross; Silver Star; Purple Heart: or a valor device on any personal award
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 106a UCMJ: Stolen Valor – Wearing unauthorized insignia, decoration, badge, ribbon, device, or lapel button all other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 107 UCMJ: False Official Statement
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 107 UCMJ: False Swearing
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 107a UCMJ: Parole violation
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, 2/3 x 6 months, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 108 UCMJ: Selling or otherwise disposing of Military property of United States Of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 108 UCMJ: Selling or otherwise disposing of Military property of United States Of a value of more than $1,000 or any firearm or explosive
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 108 UCMJ: Military property of United States: Through neglect, Damaging, destroying, losing or suffering to be lost, damaged, destroyed, sold, or wrongfully disposed, of a value or damage of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 108 UCMJ: Military property of United States: Through neglect, Damaging, destroying, losing or suffering to be lost, damaged, destroyed, sold, or wrongfully disposed, of a value or damage of a value of more than $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 108 UCMJ: Military property of United States: Willfully Damaging, destroying, losing or suffering to be lost, damaged, destroyed, sold, or wrongfully disposed, of a value or damage of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 108 UCMJ: Military property of United States: Willfully damaging, destroying, losing or suffering to be lost, damaged, destroyed, sold, or wrongfully disposed of a value or damage of More than $1,000 or of any firearm or explosive
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 108a UCMJ: Failing to Secure Public Property Taken from the Enemy
  • Article 108a UCMJ: Failure to Report and Turn Over Captured or Abandoned Property
  • Article 108a UCMJ: Dealing in Captured or Abandoned Property
  • Article 108a UCMJ -Wasting, spoiling, destroying, or damaging non-military property of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 108a UCMJ: Wasting, spoiling, destroying, or damaging non-military property of a value of more than $1,000, or any firearm or explosive
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 109 UCMJ: Wasting, spoiling, destroying, or damaging non-military property of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 109 UCMJ: Wasting, spoiling, destroying, or damaging non-military property of a value of more than $1,000 .
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 109a UCMJ: Mail matter: wrongful taking, opening, stealing, secreting, or destroying
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 110 UCMJ: Improper hazarding of vessel or aircraft willfully and wrongfully
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or other lawful punishment
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See criteria
  • Article 110 UCMJ: Improper hazarding of vessel or aircraft negligently
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 111 UCMJ: Leaving scene of vehicle accident
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 112 UCMJ: Drunk on duty
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 9 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 112 UCMJ: Incapacitation for duty from drunkenness or drug use
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 112 UCMJ: Drunk prisoner
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Drug Offenses
    • Article 112a UCMJ: Drugs/Controlled Substances Drug Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023 Note: The sentencing for drug offenses changed substantially on 27 Dec 2023. Pay careful attention to the details, dates, and amounts.
    • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful Use of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
      • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful Use of marijuana, phenobarbital, and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Sentence Enhancement: When aggravating circumstances are alleged: Increase the maximum confinement by 5 years.
    • Aggravating circumstances:
      • It was a time of war, and
      • the accused was
      • on duty as a sentinel or lookout
      • on board a vessel or aircraft used by or under the control of the armed forces
      • in or at a missile launch facility used by the armed forces or under the control of the armed forces
      • receiving special pay under 37 U.S. Code Section 310
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful possession of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana (except possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana), methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful Possession of marijuana, phenobarbital, and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful Possession with intent to distribute of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful Possession with Intent to distribute Phenobarbital and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Sentence Enhancement: Increase the maximum confinement by 5 years when aggravating circumstances are alleged.
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful Possession with intent to distribute controlled substances/drugs
    • When aggravating circumstances are alleged: Increase the maximum confinement by 5 years.
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful distribution of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful distribution of phenobarbital and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Sentence Enhancement: Increase the maximum confinement by 5 years when aggravating circumstances are alleged.
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful introduction of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful introduction of phenobarbital and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful introduction with intent to distribute amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful introduction with intent to distribute phenobarbital, and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Sentence Enhancement: Increase the maximum confinement by 5 years when aggravating circumstances are alleged.
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful manufacture of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful manufacture of phenobarbital, and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful manufacture with intent to distribute amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful manufacture with intent to distribute phenobarbital, and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Sentence Enhancement: Increase the maximum confinement by 5 years when aggravating circumstances are alleged.
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful importation or exportation of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful importation or exportation of phenobarbital, and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Sentence Enhancement: Increase the maximum confinement by 5 years when aggravating circumstances are alleged.
  • Article 112a UCMJ: DRUG Committed AFTER 27 DEC 2023
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful use or possession of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful manufacture or introduction of amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful use, possession, manufacture, or introduction of phenobarbital and Schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful distribution, possession, manufacture, or introduction of a controlled substance with intent to distribute, or wrongful importation or exportation of a controlled substance: Amphetamine, cocaine, heroin, lysergic acid diethylamide, marijuana, methamphetamine, opium, phencyclidine, secobarbital, and Schedule I, II, and III controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 112a UCMJ: Wrongful distribution, possession, manufacture, or introduction of a controlled substance with intent to distribute, or wrongful importation or exportation of a controlled substance: Phenobarbital and schedule IV and V controlled substances
    • Maximum Punishment: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 113 UCMJ: Drunken or reckless operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel resulting in personal injury
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 18 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 113 UCMJ: Drunken or reckless operation of a vehicle, aircraft, or vessel no personal injury involved
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 114 UCMJ: Carrying Concealed Weapon
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 114 UCMJ: Discharging firearm, willfully, under such circumstances as to endanger human life
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 114 UCMJ: Reckless endangerment
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 114 UCMJ: Dueling
  • Article 114 UCMJ: Promoting a Duel
  • Article 114 UCMJ: Failure to Report a Duel
  • Article 114 UCMJ: Conniving at Fighting a Duel
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 115 UCMJ: Communicating a threat
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 115 UCMJ: Communicating Treats Concerning the Use of Explosives, Biological Weapons, etc.
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 115 UCMJ: Communicating False Threats Concerning the Use of Explosives, Biological Weapons, etc. 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 116 UCMJ: Riot
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 116 UCMJ: Breach of the peace
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 6 months, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 117 UCMJ: Provoking speeches or gestures
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 6 months, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 117a UCMJ: Wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 118(1) UCMJ: Premeditated Murder
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or mandatory minimum of confinement for life with eligibility for parole.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 6 Offense – Confinement for life with eligibility for parole, a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 118(2) UCMJ: Unpremeditated Murder
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 118(3) UCMJ: Murder while engaging in an act inherently dangerous to another
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 118(4) UCMJ: Felony Murder (That, at the time of the killing, the accused was engaged in the (attempted) perpetration of (burglary) (rape) (rape of a child) (sexual assault) (sexual assault of a child) (aggravated sexual contact) (sexual abuse of a child) (robbery) (aggravated arson))
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Death or mandatory minimum of confinement for life with eligibility for parole.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 6 Offense – Confinement for life with eligibility for parole, a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119 UCMJ: Voluntary manslaughter
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119 UCMJ: Voluntary manslaughter of a child under 16 years of age
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 yrs, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119 UCMJ: Involuntary manslaughter
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119 UCMJ: Involuntary manslaughter of a child under 16 years of age
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119a UCMJ: Injuring or killing an unborn child
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Such punishment, other than death, as the court-martial may direct and consistent with the maximum punishment had the offense been committed upon the unborn child’s mother.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 119a UCMJ: Attempting to kill an unborn child
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Such punishment, other than death, as the court-martial may direct and consistent with the maximum punishment had the offense been committed upon the unborn child’s mother.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 119a UCMJ: Intentionally killing an unborn child
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Such punishment, other than death, as the court-martial may direct and consistent with the maximum punishment had the offense been committed upon the unborn child’s mother.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Dependent on underlying offense
  • Article 119b UCMJ: Child endangerment by design resulting in grievous bodily harm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 8 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119b UCMJ: Child Endangerment by design resulting in Harm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119b UCMJ: Child endangerment Other cases by design
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 4 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119b UCMJ: Child endangerment by culpable negligence resulting in grievous bodily harm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119b UCMJ: Child endangerment by culpable negligence resulting in harm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 119b UCMJ: Child endangerment Other cases by culpable negligence
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Rape
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Rape By Force
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Rape By Force Likely to Cause Death or Grievous Bodily Harm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Rape By Threatening or Placing in Fear
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Rape By First Rendering Unconscious
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Rape By Administering Drug/Intoxicant/Other Similar Substance
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Sexual assault
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Sexual assault By Threatening or Placing That Other Person in Fear 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Sexual assault by inducing a belief by artifice, pretense, or concealment that the accused was another person
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Sexual assault By Fraudulent Representation
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Sexual assault By False Pretense
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Sexual assault Without Consent
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Sexual assault Of a Person Who is Asleep, Unconscious, or Otherwise Unaware the Act is Occurring
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Sexual assault When the Other Person Is Incapable of Consenting
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for this offense.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Aggravated sexual contact by Force
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Aggravated sexual contact by Force Likely to Cause Death or Grievous Bodily Harm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Aggravated sexual contact by Threatening or Placing That Other Person in Fear That Any Person Would Be Subjected to Death, Grievous Bodily Harm, or Kidnapping
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Aggravated sexual contact by First Rendering That Other Person Unconscious 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Aggravated sexual contact by Administering a Drug, Intoxicant, or Other Similar Substance
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Abusive sexual contact
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Abusive sexual contact by Threatening or Placing That Other Person in Fear
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 7 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Abusive sexual contact by Fraudulent Representation
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 7 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Abusive sexual contact by False Pretense
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 7 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Abusive sexual contact Without Consent
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 7 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Abusive sexual contact of a Person Who Is Asleep, Unconscious, or Otherwise Unaware the Act is Occurring
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 7 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120 UCMJ: Abusive sexual contact by When that Person is Incapable of Consenting
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 7 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120a UCMJ: Mails deposit of obscene matter
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Rape of a Child Who Has Not Attained the Age of 12 Years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for rape of a child conviction under this statute.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Rape of a Child by Force Who Has Attained the Age of 12 Years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for rape of a child conviction under this statute.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Rape of a Child by Threatening or Placing in Fear a Child Who Has Attained the Age of 12 Years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for rape of a child conviction under this statute.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Rape of a Child Who Has Attained the Age of 12 Years by Rendering Unconscious 
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for rape of a child conviction under this statute.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Rape of a Child Who Has Attained the Age of 12 Years by Administering a Drug, Intoxicant, or Other Similar Substance
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for rape of a child conviction under this statute.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 5 Offense – Confinement from 240-480 months (20 to 40 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Sexual Assault of a Child
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years, E-1
    • A dishonorable discharge or a dismissal is a mandatory minimum sentence for sexual assault of a child convicted under this statute.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Sexual Abuse of a Child Involving Sexual Contact
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Sexual Abuse of a Child Involving Indecent Exposure
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Sexual Abuse of a Child Involving Indecent Communication
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120b UCMJ: Sexual Abuse of a Child Involving Indecent Conduct
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120c UCMJ: Indecent viewing
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 120c UCMJ: Indecent recording
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120c UCMJ: Broadcasting or distributing of an indecent recording
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 7 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120c UCMJ: Forcible pandering
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 120c UCMJ: Indecent exposure
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 121 UCMJ: Larceny of Property of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 121 UCMJ: Larceny of Military property of a value of more than $1,000 or of any military motor vehicle, aircraft, vessel, firearm, or explosive
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 121 UCMJ: Larceny of Property other than military property of a value of more than $1,000 or any motor vehicle, aircraft, vessel, firearm, or explosive
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 121 UCMJ: Wrongful appropriation of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 121 UCMJ: Wrongful appropriation of a value of more than $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 121 UCMJ: Wrongful appropriation of any motor vehicle, aircraft, vessel, firearm, explosive, or military property of a value of more than $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 121a UCMJ: Fraudulent use of a credit card, debit card, or other access device to obtain property of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 121a UCMJ: Fraudulent use during any 1-year period of a credit card, debit card, or other access device to obtain property the aggregate value of which is more than $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 121b UCMJ: False pretenses to obtain services of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
  • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 121b UCMJ: False pretenses to obtain services of a value of more than $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 122 UCMJ: Robbery when committed with a dangerous weapon
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 15 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 122 UCMJ: Robbery – All other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 122a UCMJ: Receiving, buying, or concealing stolen property of a value of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 122a UCMJ: Receiving, buying, or concealing stolen property of a value of more than $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 123 UCMJ: Unauthorized distribution of classified information obtained from a Government computer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 123 UCMJ: Unauthorized access of a Government computer and obtaining classified or other protected information
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 123 UCMJ: Causing damage to a Government computer by a Computer Contaminate
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 123a UCMJ: Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds for the procurement of any article or thing of value, with intent to defraud, in the face amount of $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, and E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 123a UCMJ: Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds for the procurement of any article or thing of value, with intent to defraud, in the face amount of more than $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 123a UCMJ: Making, drawing, or uttering check, draft, or order without sufficient funds for the payment of any past due obligation, or for any other purpose, with intent to deceive
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, and E-1 (if “mega-spec” alleged, see US v. Mincey, 42 MJ 376 (CAAF 1995)).
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Making a False Claim – Fraud Against the United States
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Presenting a False Claim
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Making or Using a False Writing in Connection with a Claim
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Making False Oath in Connection with a Claim
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Forging or Counterfeiting Signature in Connection with a Claim
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Using a Forged Signature in Connection with a Claim
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Delivering an Amount Less Than Called for by Receipt if $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Delivering an Amount Less Than Called for by Receipt over $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Making or Delivering Receipt without Knowledge it is True $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 124 UCMJ: Making or Delivering Receipt without Knowledge it is True over $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124a UCMJ: Bribery
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 124b UCMJ: Graft
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 125 UCMJ: Kidnapping
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, life without eligibility for parole, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 126 UCMJ: Aggravated Arson
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 25 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 126 UCMJ: Simple arson, where property value is $1,000 or less
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 126 UCMJ: Simple arson, where property value is more than $1,000
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 126 UCMJ: Burning with intent to defraud
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 127 UCMJ: Extortion
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Simple Assault
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Simple Assault When committed with an unloaded firearm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years,E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Simple Assault When committed with a loaded firearm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 4 years, and E1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault consummated by a battery
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault upon a commissioned officer of the armed forces of the United States or of a friendly foreign power, not in the execution of office
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault upon a warrant officer, not in the execution of office
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 18 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault upon a noncommissioned or petty officer, not in the execution of office
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault upon a sentinel or lookout in the execution of duty, or upon any person who, in the execution of office, is performing security police, military police, shore patrol, master at arms, or other military or civilian law enforcement duties
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault upon a person in the execution of law enforcement duties
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault consummated by a battery upon a child under 16 years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault with intent to commit murder, rape, or rape of a child
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
    • NOTE: Pursuant to his authority under Article 56(a), the President did not establish a maximum punishment for assault with intent to commit sexual assault or sexual assault of a child until the signing of EO14103 effective 28 July 2023. To determine the maximum punishment for assault with intent to commit sexual assault or sexual assault of a child prior to 28 July 2023, see RCM 1003(c) and US v Beaty, 70 MJ 39 (CAAF 2011).
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Assault with intent to commit voluntary manslaughter, sexual assault, robbery, arson, burglary, sexual assault of a child, or kidnapping
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
    • NOTE: Pursuant to his authority under Article 56(a), the President did not establish a maximum punishment for assault with intent to commit sexual assault or sexual assault of a child until the signing of EO14103 effective 28 July 2023. To determine the maximum punishment for assault with intent to commit sexual assault or sexual assault of a child before 28 July 2023, see RCM 1003(c) and US v Beaty, 70 MJ 39 (CAAF 2011).
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon when committed with a loaded firearm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 8 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon when committed upon a child under the age of 16 years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault with a dangerous weapon all other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault in which substantial bodily harm is  inflicted with a loaded firearm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 8 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault in which substantial bodily harm inflicted upon a child under the age of 16 years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 6 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault in which substantial bodily harm inflicted other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault in which grievous bodily harm is inflicted with a loaded firearm
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault when the injury is inflicted upon a child under the age of 16 years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 8 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault in which grievous bodily harm is inflicted other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault by strangulation or suffocation – When committed upon a child under the age of 16 years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 8 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128 UCMJ: Aggravated assault by strangulation or suffocation – other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128a UCMJ: Maiming
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128b UCMJ: Domestic Violence – Commission of violent offense against spouse, intimate partner, or immediate family member of that person
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Underlying offense plus 3 years of confinement. Any person subject to the UCMJ who is found guilty of violating Article 128b by committing a violent offense against a spouse, an intimate partner, or an immediate family member of that person shall be subject to the same maximum period of confinement authorized for the commission of the underlying offense plus an additional 3 years of confinement except for those violent offenses for which the maximum punishment includes death, confinement for life without eligibility for parole, or confinement for life. DD, TF, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Confinement Dependent on underlying offense, DD, TF, and E-1
    • NOTE: The term “violent offense” means a violation of the following: (a) Article 118, UCMJ, (b) Article 119(a), UCMJ, (c) Article 119a, UCMJ, (d) Article 120, UCMJ, (e) Article 120b, UCMJ, (f) Article 122, UCMJ, (g) Article 125, UCMJ, (h) Article 126, UCMJ, (i) Article 128, UCMJ, (j) Article 128a, UCMJ, (k) Article 130, UCMJ, or
  • Article 128b UCMJ: Domestic Violence – Commission of UCMJ violation against any person with intent to threaten or intimidate spouse, intimate partner, or immediate family member of that person
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Underlying offense plus 3 years of confinement. Any person subject to the UCMJ who is found guilty of violating Article 128b by committing an offense punishable under the UCMJ with intent to threaten or intimidate a spouse, an intimate partner, or an immediate family member of that person shall be subject to the same maximum period of confinement authorized for the commission of the underlying offense plus an additional 3 years, with the exception of those offenses for which the maximum punishment includes death, confinement for life without eligibility for parole, or confinement for life. DD, TF, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Confinement Dependent on underlying offense, DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128b UCMJ: Domestic Violence – Commission of UCMJ violation against any property, including animal, with intent to threaten or intimidate spouse, intimate partner, or immediate family member of that person
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Underlying offense plus 3 years of confinement. Any person subject to the UCMJ who is found guilty of violating Article 128b by committing an offense punishable under the UCMJ against any property, including an animal, with the intent to threaten or intimidate a spouse, an intimate partner, or an immediate family member of that person shall be subject to the same maximum period of confinement authorized for the commission of the underlying offense plus an additional 3 years, with the exception of those offenses for which the maximum punishment includes death, confinement for life without eligibility for parole, or confinement for life. DD, TF, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Confinement Dependent on underlying offense, DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128b UCMJ: Domestic Violence – Violation of protection order with intent to threaten or intimidate spouse, intimate partner, or immediate family member of that person
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128b UCMJ: Domestic Violence – Violation of protection order with intent to commit a violent offense against spouse, intimate partner, or immediate family member of that person
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128b UCMJ: Domestic Violence Aggravated Assault by Strangulation or Suffocation when committed upon a child under the age of 16 years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 11 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 128b UCMJ: Domestic Violence Assault by Strangulation or Suffocation when Inflicted on a spouse, intimate partner, or immediate family member of that person
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 8 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 129 UCMJ: Burglary (with intent to commit an offense punishable under Article 118-120, 120b-121, 122, 125-128a, or 130)
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 129 UCMJ: Burglary (with intent to commit any other offense punishable under the UCMJ)
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 129 UCMJ: Unlawful Entry
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 130 UCMJ: Stalking
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 131 UCMJ: Perjury
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 131a UCMJ: Subornation of perjury
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 131b UCMJ: Obstructing Justice
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 131c UCMJ: Misprision of serious offense
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 131d UCMJ: Wrongful refusal to testify
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 131e UCMJ: Prevention of authorized seizure of property
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 131f UCMJ: Noncompliance with procedural rules – Unnecessary delay in disposing of case
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 131f UCMJ: Noncompliance with procedural rules – Knowingly and intentionally failing to enforce or comply with provisions of the UCMJ
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, and E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 131g UCMJ: Wrongful interference with adverse administrative proceeding
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 132 UCMJ: Retaliation – Threatening or Taking Adverse Personnel Action
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 132 UCMJ: Retaliation – Discouraging a Report
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 133 UCMJ: Conduct unbecoming an officer
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dismissal, TF, confinement for a period not in excess of that authorized for the most analogous offense prescribed in the MCM, or if none is prescribed, for one year.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See Sentencing Criteria
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Abuse, neglect, or abandonment of an animal
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Abuse, neglect, or abandonment of a public animal
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Sexual act with an animal or cases where the accused caused the serious injury or death of the animal
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Bigamy
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Check, worthless making and uttering – by dishonorably failing to maintain funds
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1 (if “mega-spec” alleged, See US v. Mincey, 42 MJ 376 (CAAF 1995), and US v. Meixueiro, 73 MJ 536 (ACCA 2013)).
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Child pornography – Possessing, receiving, or viewing child pornography
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 10 years and E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Possessing child pornography with intent to distribute
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 15 years and E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Distributing child pornography
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 20 years and E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 3 Offense – Confinement from 30-120 months (2 years and 6 months to 10 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Producing child pornography
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 30 years and E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 4 Offense – Confinement from 120-240 months (10 to 20 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Debt, dishonorably failing to pay
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, and E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Disloyal statements
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Disorderly conduct under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 4 months, 4 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Disorderly conduct other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 1 month, 1 month, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Drunkenness Aboard ship or under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Drunkenness Other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 1 month, 1 month, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Drunk and disorderly Aboard ship
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months,
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Drunk and disorderly Under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 6 months, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Drunk and disorderly – Other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Extramarital sexual conduct
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Firearm, discharging – through negligence
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Fraternization
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: Dismissal, TF, 2 years.
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Gambling with subordinate
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Negligent Homicide
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 3 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Indecent conduct
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Indecent language Communicated to any child under the age of 16 years
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Indecent language – Other cases
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: BCD, TF, 6 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Prostitution
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Patronizing a Prostitute
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 1 year, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Pandering by Inducing, Enticing, or Procuring Act of Prostitution
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Pandering by Arranging or Receiving Compensation for Arranging for Sexual Act
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Self-injury without intent to avoid service – In time of war or in a hostile fire pay zone
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 5 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: See Sentencing Criteria
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Self-injury without intent to avoid service – Intentional self-inflicted injury
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Sexual harassment
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: DD, TF, 2 years, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 2 Offense – Confinement from 1-36 months (1 month to 3 years), a DD, TF, and E-1
  • Article 134 UCMJ: Straggling
    • Committed from 1 Jan 2019 to 27 Dec 2023: 2/3 x 3 months, 3 months, E-1
    • Committed after 27 Dec 2023: Category 1 Offense – Confinement from 0-12 months

Our Military Defense Lawyers Defend UCMJ Cases at the Following Military Bases in the United States, Europe, & Asia

Maxwell Gunter Air Force Base, Montgomery, AL
Redstone Arsenal Army Post, Madison, AL
Fort Novosel Army Post, Dale, AL

USCG Juneau Coast Guard Base, Juneau, AK
Marine Safety Unit Valdez Coast Guard Base, Valdez, AK
ISC Kodiak Coast Guard Base, Kodiak Island, AK
Fort Greely Army Post, Fairbanks, AK
Elmendorf Air Force Base, Anchorage, AK
Eielson Air Force Base, North Pole, AK
Fort Wainwright Army Post, Fairbanks, AK
Fort Richardson Army Post, Anchorage, AK

MCAS Yuma Marine Corps Base, Yuma, AZ
Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Tucson, AZ
Luke Air Force Base, Glendale, AZ
Fort Huachuca Army Post, Cochise, AZ

Fort Chaffee Army Post, Fort Smith, AR
Pine Bluff Arsenal Army Post, Jefferson County, AR
Little Rock Air Force Base, Jacksonville, AR

Petaluma Coast Guard Base, Petaluma, CA
ISC Alameda Coast Guard Base, Alameda, CA
NWS Seal Beach Navy Base, Seal Beach, CA
Naval Postgraduate School Navy Base, Monterey, CA
Naval Air Facility Navy Base, El Centro, CA
NS San Diego Navy Base, San Diego, CA
NAS Point Mugu Navy Base, Poing Mugu, CA
Point Loma Navy Base, San Diego, CA
NAS Lemoore Navy Base, Lemoore, CA
Naval Base Coronado Navy Base, San Diego, CA
NAWS China Lake Navy Base, China Lake, CA
Twentynine Palms Marine Corps BAse, Twentynine Palms, CA
MCRD San Diego Marine Corps Base, San Diego, CA
MCAS Miramar Marine Corps Base, San Diego, CA
Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Base, San Diego, CA
MCLB Barstow Marine Corps Base, Barstow, CA
Vandenberg Air Force Base, Lompoc, CA
Travis Air Force Base, Fairfield, CA
Los Angeles Air Force Base, El Segundo, CA
Edwards Air Force Base, Edwards, CA
Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA
Presidio Of Monterey Army Post, Monterey, CA
Fort Irwin Army Post, Barstow, CA

Schriever Air Force Base, El Paso, CO
Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, CO
Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base, Colorado Springs, CO
Buckley Air Force Base, Aurora, CO
Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, CO
Fort Carson Army Post, Colorado Springs, CO

US Coast Guard Academy (USCGA), New London, CT
Marine Safety Center Marine Base, Groton, CT
Naval Submarine Base New London, Groton, CT

Dover Air Force Base, Dover, DE

Naval Research Laboratory Navy Base, Washington, DC
Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, DC
Navy Yard Navy Base, Washington DC
The Pentagon, Washington, DC
Marine Barracks Marine Corps Base, Washington, DC
Bolling Air Force Base, Washington, DC
Walter Reed Medical Center, Washington, DC
Fort McNair Army Post, Washington, DC

Homestead Air Reserve Base, Miami, FL
District 7 Coast Guard Base, Miami, FL
Air Station Clearwater Coast Guard Base, Clearwater, FL
Blount Island Command Marine Corps, Jacksonville, FL
NAS Panama City Navy Base, Panama City, FL
Naval Air Warfare Center Navy Base, Orlando, FL
NAS Whiting Field Navy Base, Milton, FL
NAS Pensacola Navy Base, Pensacola, FL
NS Mayport Navy Base, Duval, FL
NAS Key West Navy Base, Key West, FL
NAS Jacksonville Navy Base, Jacksonville, FL
Training Center Corry Navy Base, Pensacola, FL
MacDill Air Force Base, Tampa, FL
Tyndall Air Force Base, Panama City, FL
Patrick Air Force Base, Brevard, FL
Hurlburt Field Air Force Base, Mary Esther, FL
Eglin Air Force Base, Valparaiso, FL

Kings Bay Submarine Navy Base, Kings Bay, GA
NAS Atlanta Navy Base, Marietta, GA
MCLB Albany Army Post, Albany, GA
Robins Air Force Base, Houston, GA
Moody Air Force Base, Valdosta, GA
Hunter Army Airfield Army Post, Savannah, GA
Fort Stewart Army Post, Liberty, GA
Fort McPherson Army Post, East Point, GA
Fort Eisenhower Army Post, Augusta, GA
Fort Gillem Army Post, Forest Park, GA
Fort Moore Army Post, Columbus, GA

Wheeler Army Airfield Base, Wahiawa, Hawaii
USCG ISC Honolulu Coast Guard Base, Honolulu, HI
Station Maui Coast Guard Base, Wailuku, HI
NS Pearl Harbor Navy Base, Oahu, HI
NCTAMS PAC Navy Base, Wahiawa, HI
MCB Hawaii Marine Corps Base, Kaneohe, HI
Hickam Air Force Base, Honolulu, HI
Tripler Medical Center Army Post, Honolulu, HI
Schofield Barracks Army Post, Oahu, HI
Fort Shafter Army Post, Honolulu, HI

Mountain Home Air Force Base, Elmore, ID

Rock Island Arsenal Army Post, Arsenal Island, IL
Great Lakes Training Center Navy Base, Chicago, IL
Scott Air Force Base, St Clair, IL

United States Disciplinary Barracks, Fort Leavenworth, KS
McConnell Air Force Base, Sedgwick, KS
Fort Riley Army Post, Riley, KS
Fort Leavenworth Army Post, Leavenworth, KS

Fort Knox Army Post, Elizabethtown, KY
Fort Campbell Army Post, Clarksville, TN

Marine Corps Support Facility, New Orleans, LA
NSA New Orleans Navy Base, New Orleans, LA
Barksdale Air Force Base, Bossier City, LA
Fort Johnson Army Post, Vernon Parish, LA

NS Portsmouth Navy Base, Portsmouth, ME
NAS Brunswick Navy Base, Brunswick, ME

Coast Guard Yard, Baltimore, MD
NSA Annapolis Navy Base, Annapolis, MD
NAS Patuxent River Navy Base, Lexington Park, MD
Naval Medical Center Navy Base, Bethesda, MD
US Naval Academy (USNA), Annapolis, MD
Andrews Air Force Base, MD
Fort Meade Army Post, Odenton, MD
Fort Detrick Army Post, Frederick, MD
Aberdeen Proving Ground Army Post, Aberdeen, MD

Sector SE New England Coast Guard, Woods Hole, MA
Air Station Cape Cod Coast Guard Base, Cape Cod, MA
Hanscom Air Force Base, Bedford, MA

Camp Shelby Army Post, Hattiesburg, MS
NS Pascagoula Navy Base, Pascagoula, MS
NAS Meridian Navy Base, Meridian, MS
Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, MS
Gulfport Battalion Center Navy Base, Gulfport, MS

Whiteman Air Force Base, Johnson, MO
Fort Leonard Wood Army Post,Fort Leonard Wood, MO

Malmstrom Air Force Base, Cascade, MT

Offutt Air Force Base, Bellevue, NE

Creech Air Force Base, Indian Springs, NV
NAS Fallon Navy Base, Fallon, NV
Nellis Air Force Base, Las Vegas, NV

Portsmouth Shipyard Navy Base, Portsmouth, NH

NAES Lakehurst Navy Base, Lakehurst, NJ
Mcguire Air Force Base, New Hanover, NJ
Fort Dix Army Post, Burlington, NJ

Los Alamos Demolition Army Post, North Central, NM
Kirtland Air Force Base, Bernalillo, NM
Holloman Air Force Base, Otero, NM
Cannon Air Force Base, Curry, NM
White Sands Missile Range Army Post, Otero, NM

US Military Academy (USMA), West Point, NY
Fort Hamilton Army Post, Brooklyn, NY
Fort Drum Army Post, Jefferson, NY

Simmons Army Airfield, Cumberland, NC
Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point, Brunswick County, NC
Camp Mackall Army Post, Southern Pines, NC
Air Station Elizabeth City Coast Guard Base, Elizabeth City, NC
MCAS New River Marine Corps Base, Jacksonville, NC
MCAS Cherry Point Marine Corps Base, Havelock, NC
Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base, Jacksonville NC
Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, Goldsboro, NC
Pope Air Force Base, Fayetteville, NC
Fort Liberty Army Post, Fayetteville, NC

Minot Air Force Base, Minot, ND
Grand Forks Air Force Base, Grand Forks, ND

ISC Cleveland Coast Guard Base, Cleveland, OH
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, OH

Coast Guard Institute, Oklahoma City, OK
Vance Air Force Base, Enid, OK
Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma City, OK
Altus Air Force Base, Altus, OK
Fort Sill Army Post, Lawton, OK

Naval Support Activity, Philadelphia, PA
JRB Willow Grove Navy Base, Willow Grove, PA
Carlisle Barracks Army Post, Carlisle, PA

Fort Buchanan, San Juan, PR
Coast Guard Base San Juan, San Juan, PR

Station Point Judith USCG, Narragansett, RI
Station Castle Hill Coast Guard, Newport, RI
NS Newport Naval Base, Newport, RI

NWS Charleston Navy Base, Goose Creek, SC
Naval Hospital Charleston Navy Base, North Charleston, SC
Naval Hospital Beaufort Navy Base, Beaufort, SC
MCRD Parris Island Marine Corps Base, Port Royal, SC
MCAS Beaufort Marine Corps Base, Beaufort, SC
Shaw Air Force Base, Sumter, SC
Joint Base Charleston Air Force North, Charleston, SC
Fort Jackson Army Post, Columbia, SC
NSA Capodichino
Gricignano Support Site
NSA Naples
NSA Gaeta
NAS Sigonella
Augusta Bay Port Facility
NCTS Naples

Ellsworth Air Force Base, Rapid City, SD

Arnold Air Force Base, Tullahoma, TN
NSA Mid South Naval Base, Millington, TN

Biggs Army Air Field at Fort Bliss, El Paso, TX
NAS Kingsville Navy Base, Kingsville, TX
NAS Corpus Christi Navy Base, Flour Bluff, TX
Sheppard Air Force Base, Wichita Falls, TX
Randolph Air Force Base, Universal City, TX
Laughlin Air Force Base, Del Rio, TX
Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX
Goodfellow Air Force Base, San Angelo, TX
Dyess Air Force Base, Abilene, TX
Brooks City Air Force Base, San Antonio, TX
Fort Sam Houston Army Post, San Antonio, TX
Fort Cavazos Army Post, Killeen, TX
Fort Bliss Army Post, El Paso, TX

Tooele Army Depot Base, Tooele, UT
Dugway Proving Ground Army Post, Tooele County, UT
Hill Air Force Base, Salt Lake City, UT

Naval Support Activity, Hampton Roads, VA
Training Center Yorktown Coast Guard Base, Yorktown, VA
Sector Hampton Roads Coast Guard Base, Portsmouth, VA
NSA Norfolk Navy Base, Norfolk, VA
Medical Center Portsmouth Navy Base, Portsmouth, VA
Joint Expeditionary Fort Story Naval Base, Little Creek, VA
NWS Yorktown Navy Base, Yorktown, VA
NAS Oceana Naval Base, Virginia Beach, VA
NS Norfolk Naval Base, Norfolk, VA
NSWC Dahlgren Naval Base, Dahlgren, VA
NAB Little Creek Navy Base, Norfolk, VA
Quantico Military Reservation Marine Corps, Quantico, VA
Henderson Hall Marine Corps Base, Arlington, VA
Langley Air Force Base, Hampton, VA
Fort Myer Army Post, Arlington, VA
Fort Monroe Army Post, Hampton, VA
Fort Gregg-Adams Army Post, Prince George, VA
Fort Eustis Army Post, Newport News, VA
Fort Belvoir Army Post, Fairfax, VA

Yakima Training Center Army Post, Yakima, WA
Naval Hospital Bremerton Naval Base, Bremerton, WA
NAS Whidbey Island Navy Base, Oak Harbor, WA
NS Everett Navy Base, Everett, WA
Navy Base Kitsap Navy Base, Silverdale, WA
McChord Air Force Base, Tacoma, WA
Fairchild Air Force Base, Spokane, WA
Fort Lewis Army Post, Pierce, WA

Fort McCoy Army Post, Tomah, WI

Francis E Warren Air Force Base, Cheyenne, WY

Asia - Pacific Europe South Korea Japan

Chievres Air Base, Belgium
Kleine Brogel Air Base, Belgium

USAG Grafenwoehr, Germany
USAG Ansbach, Germany
USAG Baumholder, Germany
USAG Garmisch, Germany
USAG Hohenfels, Germany
USAG Kaiserslautern, Germany
USAG Stuttgart, Germany
USAG Vilseck, Germany
USAG Wiesbaden, Germany
Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, Germany
Büchel Air Base, Germany
NATO Air Base Geilenkirchen, Germany
Ramstein Air Base, Germany
Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany

RAF Alconbury, Cambridgeshire, UK
RAF Croughton, Northamptonshire, UK
RAF Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK
RAF Feltwell, Norfolk, UK
RAF Fylingdales, North York Moors, UK
RAF Lakenheath, United Kingdom
RAF Menwith Hill, North Yorkshire, UK
RAF Mildenhall, Suffolk, UK
RAF Molesworth, Cambridgeshire, UK
RAF Welford, Berkshire, UK

NSA Souda Bay, Greece

Papa Air Base, Hungary

Naval Air Station Keflavík, Iceland

USAG Vicenza, Italy
Camp Darby, Italy
Caserma Ederle, Italy
NSA Capodichino
Gricignano Support Site
NSA Naples, Italy
NSA Gaeta, Italy
NAS Sigonella, Italy
NCTS Naples, Italy
Aviano Air Base, Italy
Ghedi Air Base, Italy
Sigonella Naval Air Station, Italy

Volkel Air Base, Netherlands

Stavanger Air Station, Norway

U.S. Army Garrison, Poland
Camp Kosciuszko, Poland
33rd Air Base, Powidz, Poland
Naval Support Facility Redzikowo, Poland
Łask Air Base, Poland

Lajes Field, Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal

Naval Support Facility Deveselu, Romania
Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base, Romania
Câmpia Turzii Air Base, Romania

Naval Station Rota Spain, Spain
Morón Air Base, Spain

Ankara Support Facility, Turkey
Incirlik Air Base, Turkey
Izmir Air Station, Turkey

USAG Japan, Camp Zama
USAG Torii Station, Okinawa, Japan
NAF Atsugi, Japan
NSF Kamiseya, Japan
NAF Misawa, Japan
CFA Okinawa, Japan
CFA Sasebo, Sasebo, Japan
CFA Yokosuka, Yokosuka
Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan
Misawa Air Base, Japan
Yokota Air Base, Japan
Marine Corps Base Camp Smedley D. Butler, Okinawa, Japan
Camp McTureous, Okinawa, Japan
Camp Courtney, Okinawa, Japan
Camp Foster, Okinawa, Japan
Camp Fuji, Japan
Camp Gonsalves, Okinawa, Japan
Camp Schwab, Okinawa, Japan
United States Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan
Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Japan
Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan
Misawa Air Base, Japan
Naval Air Facility Atsugi, Japan
Camp Kinser, Japan
US Fleet Activities Saesebo, Japan
Yokota Air Base, Japan
Yontan Airfield, Japan

Camp Humphreys, South Korea
Yongsan,  SouthKorea (Seoul, Korea)
USAG Yongsan, South Korea
Camp Casey, South Korea
Camp Red Cloud, Korea
Kunsan Air Base, South Korea
Osan Air Base, South Korea


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