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Military Administrative Discharge Lawyers

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Administrative Separation Boards – Boards of Inquiry – Officer Show Cause Boards

How to Win a Military Administrative Separation Board

Call our military defense lawyers to discuss your rights if you face an administrative separation from the military.

Military careers can be cut short for disciplinary reasons and criminal misconduct. One path is administrative separation, which occurs when the military separates a service member administratively rather than judicially (through a court-martial).

An administrative separation is a serious matter that may have life-long legal consequences for the service member being separated. Administrative separation from the military is similar to being fired from a civilian job for misconduct. However, an administrative separation could strip one of the important military benefits and impact one’s ability to find work in the future. The following military boards impact a servicemember’s rights and military service.

Administrative Separation Boards

These are non-judicial procedures for separating service members from active duty for reasons such as misconduct, unsatisfactory performance, or medical conditions. The type of discharge received can affect future benefits and opportunities.

Boards of Inquiry & Officer Show Cause Boards

BOIs are formal proceedings to determine whether an officer should be retained in the service. They evaluate evidence related to misconduct, substandard performance, or medical conditions. The outcome can significantly impact the officer’s career and prospects.

Military Discharge Review Boards

Also known as Discharge Review Boards, these bodies review and potentially upgrade the discharge status of former service members. A successful upgrade can improve access to benefits and employment opportunities.]

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Administrative Separations

Administrative Separation Boards Boards Of Inquiry Officer Show Cause Boards Gonzalez &Amp; Waddington - Attorneys At LawAdministrative separations, or administrative discharges, are non-judicial procedures by which the military can separate a service member from active duty. These separations can result from various reasons, including misconduct, unsatisfactory performance, or even medical conditions. Understanding the intricacies of administrative separations is crucial for service members facing this process, as the consequences can significantly impact their future.

Types of Administrative Separations

1. Honorable Discharge: This is the most favorable type of discharge. It indicates that the service member met or exceeded the required standards of performance and conduct. Benefits such as the GI Bill and VA healthcare are usually fully available to those with an honorable discharge.

2. General Discharge (Under Honorable Conditions): This type of discharge is given to service members whose performance was satisfactory but who failed to meet all expectations of conduct. While some benefits are available, they may be limited compared to those with an honorable discharge.

3. Other Than Honorable (OTH) Discharge: An OTH discharge is less favorable and indicates significant departures from conduct and performance standards. This discharge can result from serious misconduct and carries substantial loss of benefits and can affect civilian employment opportunities.

4. Entry-Level Separation (ELS): This is given to service members who separate before completing 180 days of service. ELS is not characterized as honorable or otherwise and does not entitle the service member to veterans’ benefits.

Grounds for Administrative Separation

Misconduct: This includes behaviors such as drug abuse, insubordination, or criminal activity. Misconduct can lead to an OTH discharge and significant future challenges.

Unsatisfactory Performance: If a service member fails to meet the required standards of duty, proficiency, or conduct, they may be separated for unsatisfactory performance. This typically results in a general discharge.

Medical Conditions: Conditions that impede a service member’s ability to perform their duties can also be grounds for administrative separation. This can include physical or mental health issues that are not considered misconduct.

Parenthood: In some cases, service members who cannot adequately care for their dependents may be separated. This ensures that the service member’s family obligations do not interfere with their military duties.

The Process of Administrative Separation

The administrative separation process typically involves several steps:

1. Notification: The service member is notified in writing of the intent to separate them from the military. The notice includes the reason for separation and the recommended discharge type.

2. Response Period: The service member is given a period to respond to the notice, during which they can submit statements, gather evidence, and seek legal counsel.

3. Administrative Board: In cases of OTH discharge, the service member is entitled to a hearing before an administrative board. This board reviews the evidence, hears testimonies, and makes a recommendation regarding the separation.

4. Final Decision: The final decision on the type of discharge and separation is made by the appropriate authority, which could be a commanding officer or a higher-level authority within the service member’s branch.

Legal Assistance and Rights

Service members facing administrative separation have the right to legal counsel. Military defense attorneys can provide guidance, help prepare a defense, and represent the service member at hearings. Understanding one’s rights and the nuances of the administrative separation process is essential to ensure fair treatment and the best possible outcome.

Boards of Inquiry

Boards of Inquiry (BOIs) are formal administrative proceedings used to determine whether an officer should be retained in the service. These boards are convened when there are allegations of misconduct, substandard performance, or other issues that question an officer’s suitability for continued service. A BOI can significantly impact an officer’s career and future prospects.

Purpose and Function of BOIs

The primary purpose of a BOI is to evaluate the evidence against an officer and make a recommendation regarding their retention or separation. The BOI is not a court-martial and does not determine guilt or innocence. Instead, it focuses on whether the officer meets the standards required for continued service.

Grounds for Convening a BOI

Misconduct: Allegations of criminal behavior, ethical violations, or other serious misconduct can trigger a BOI. This can include issues such as fraud, sexual harassment, or abuse of authority.

Substandard Performance: Officers who fail to meet performance standards, such as consistently poor evaluations or failure to complete required training, may face a BOI. This ensures that only competent and effective officers remain in service.

Medical or Psychological Conditions: Conditions that impair an officer’s ability to perform their duties may also lead to a BOI. This includes both physical and mental health issues that affect performance.

The BOI Process

1. Notification: The officer is notified in writing of the BOI proceedings and the allegations against them. The notification includes the right to be represented by counsel.

2. Pre-Board Investigation: An investigation is conducted to gather evidence and statements relevant to the allegations. The officer has the opportunity to review and respond to this evidence.

3. Hearing: The BOI hearing is a formal proceeding where evidence is presented, witnesses are called, and testimonies are heard. The officer and their counsel can cross-examine witnesses and present their own evidence and witnesses.

4. Deliberation and Recommendation: After the hearing, the board members deliberate in private and make a recommendation regarding the officer’s retention or separation. This recommendation is forwarded to the appropriate authority for a final decision.

Rights and Representation

Officers facing a BOI have several important rights, including:

Right to Counsel: Officers are entitled to be represented by military or civilian defense counsel. Legal representation is crucial to navigate the complexities of the BOI process.

Right to Present Evidence: Officers can present evidence, call witnesses, and make statements in their defense. This is essential for a fair and thorough evaluation of the case.

Right to a Fair Hearing: BOI proceedings must be conducted fairly and impartially. Officers have the right to challenge any perceived bias or unfair treatment during the process.

Military Discharge Review Boards

Discharge Review Boards (DRBs), are administrative bodies that review and potentially upgrade the discharge status of former service members. This process is vital for veterans seeking to improve their discharge characterization and, consequently, their access to benefits and opportunities.

Purpose and Scope of DRBs

The primary function of a DRB is to review the circumstances of a service member’s discharge and determine if it was fair and consistent with military regulations and policies. DRBs can upgrade discharges, change the reason for discharge, and correct other errors or injustices.

Eligibility and Application

To be eligible for a discharge review, the former service member must:

Have Been Discharged: Only those who have already been discharged can apply for a review. Active duty members must complete the discharge process first.

File Within 15 Years: Applications for discharge review must be filed within 15 years of the date of discharge. Exceptions to this rule are rare and require compelling justification.

Submit a Formal Application: The service member must submit a DD Form 293, the official application for discharge review. This form includes personal information, the type of discharge received, and the reasons for requesting a review.

The Review Process

1. Application Submission: The service member submits the application and any supporting documents to the appropriate DRB for their branch of service.

2. Initial Review: The DRB conducts an initial review of the application and supporting documents. This review determines if the application meets the criteria for a formal hearing.

3. Hearing: If the application is accepted, a formal hearing is scheduled. During the hearing, the service member can present evidence, call witnesses, and make statements in support of their case. Legal representation is highly recommended during this stage.

4. Board Deliberation: The DRB members deliberate and make a decision on the discharge upgrade request. This decision is based on the evidence presented and the regulations governing discharges.

5. Decision Notification: The service member is notified in writing of the DRB’s decision. If the discharge is upgraded, the new discharge certificate and DD Form 214 are issued.

Impact of Discharge Upgrades

A successful discharge upgrade can have a profound impact on a veteran’s life:

Access to Benefits: Veterans with upgraded discharges may become eligible for benefits such as VA healthcare, education benefits, and home loan guarantees.

Employment Opportunities: Many employers consider the characterization of military discharge when hiring. An upgraded discharge can enhance employment prospects.

Personal and Professional Reputation: An upgraded discharge can help restore a veteran’s reputation and provide a sense of closure and validation.

Officer Show Cause Boards

Officer Show Cause Boards, also known as Show Cause Hearings or Administrative Separation Boards for officers, are formal proceedings to determine whether an officer should be retained in the military. These boards are convened in response to allegations of misconduct, substandard performance, or other issues that question an officer’s fitness for service.

Purpose and Function

The primary purpose of an Officer Show Cause Board is to evaluate the evidence against the officer and make a recommendation regarding their retention or separation. The board does not determine guilt but assesses whether the officer meets the standards for continued service.

Grounds for Convening a Show Cause Board

Misconduct: Allegations of serious misconduct, such as criminal activity, ethical violations, or abuse of authority, can trigger a Show Cause Board.

Substandard Performance: Officers who fail to meet performance standards, such as receiving poor evaluations or failing to complete required training, may face a Show Cause Board.

Medical or Psychological Conditions: Conditions that impair an officer’s ability to perform their duties may also lead to a Show Cause Board. This includes

both physical and mental health issues that affect performance and overall capability.

The Show Cause Board Process

1. Notification: The officer is formally notified in writing of the convening of a Show Cause Board and the specific allegations or reasons for the proceedings. The notification includes details of the charges and the rights of the officer during the process.

2. Pre-Board Investigation: An investigation is conducted to gather relevant evidence and statements related to the allegations. The officer has the opportunity to review and respond to this evidence, and may also present their own evidence in defense.

3. Hearing: The Show Cause Board hearing is a formal procedure where evidence is presented, witnesses are called, and testimonies are heard. The officer and their legal counsel can cross-examine witnesses, challenge evidence, and present their own witnesses and documentation in support of their case.

4. Deliberation and Recommendation: After the hearing, the board members deliberate in private and make a recommendation regarding the officer’s retention or separation. This recommendation is then forwarded to the appropriate higher authority for a final decision.

5. Final Decision: The final decision on the officer’s future in the military is made by the higher authority, which could be a commanding general or a board of senior officers. The decision is based on the board’s recommendation and the evidence presented.

Rights and Representation

Officers facing a Show Cause Board have several critical rights to ensure a fair process:

Right to Counsel: Military or civilian defense counsel are entitled to represent officers. Legal representation is essential to navigating the complexities of the Show Cause Board process and ensuring a thorough defense.

Right to Present Evidence: Officers can present evidence, call witnesses, and make statements in their defense. This is crucial for ensuring that all relevant information is considered by the board.

Right to a Fair and Impartial Hearing: The proceedings must be conducted fairly and impartially. Officers have the right to challenge any perceived bias or unfair treatment during the process.

Implications of a Show Cause Board

The outcome of a Show Cause Board can have significant and lasting implications for an officer’s career and prospects:

Retention: The officer can continue their military career if the board recommends retention. This outcome can help restore the officer’s reputation and ensure continued service.

Separation: If the board recommends separation, the officer may be discharged from the military. The type of discharge received can affect the officer’s eligibility for benefits and future employment opportunities.

Impact on Career: The findings and recommendations of a Show Cause Board can have lasting effects on an officer’s career, including promotions, assignments, and overall reputation within the military community.


Understanding the processes and implications of Administrative Separations, Boards of Inquiry, Military Discharge Boards, and Officer Show Cause Boards is essential for service members and officers facing these proceedings. Each process involves specific steps, rights, and potential outcomes that can significantly impact an individual’s military career and future opportunities.

Legal Assistance and Support

For service members and officers facing these processes, seeking legal assistance and understanding their rights is crucial. Military defense attorneys can provide invaluable support, helping individuals navigate the proceedings’ complexities and ensuring they receive fair and just treatment.

By being informed and proactive, service members and officers can better protect their rights and secure the best possible outcomes in these challenging situations. Whether facing administrative separation, a Board of Inquiry, a Discharge Review Board, or an Officer Show Cause Board, understanding the process and seeking expert legal advice are essential steps toward a favorable resolution.

How to Win at a Military Discharge Board – Military Defense Lawyer Tips

Military defense lawyer Michael Waddington discusses winning at a military discharge board (BOI, administrative separation, show cause, etc.).

An administrative discharge could result in an:

  • Honorable Discharge
  • General Under Honorable Conditions Discharge, or an
  • Other than Honorable Discharge. 

An Honorable Discharge is given to military personnel who meet the standards of acceptable conduct and duty performance expected of military personnel.

A General Under Honorable Conditions Discharge is issued when significant negative aspects of the member’s conduct or performance outweigh positive aspects of their conduct or performance. A General Under Honorable Conditions Discharge characterization can jeopardize a member’s Montgomery G.I. Bill and other military benefits.

An Other than Honorable Discharge (OTH) characterization is given when a pattern of behavior, act(s), or omission(s) is a significant departure from the conduct expected of military members.

Administrative separation is often triggered by serious individual events, such as an abusive sexual contact allegation or a pattern of misconduct. If you face an administrative separation in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, call a military defense lawyer to discuss your legal rights and the administrative separation process. In addition, you should contact an experienced civilian lawyer with skills in military law and administrative separations.

Your Rights at a Military Administrative Separations Board

Your Rights:

  • Consult with a military defense lawyer (military and civilian)
  • Request a hearing before an Administrative Separation Board
  • Present written matters to the Separation Authority in rebuttal to your proposed separation (can include character statements, copies of awards, a personal statement you write, etc.)
  • obtain copies of documents and discovery that will be forwarded to the Separation Authority
  • Waive any of your rights after being allowed to consult with a military defense lawyer (civilian, military, or both).

Article 134 UCMJ – Sexual Harassment

If you request an administrative separation board, you also have the right to:

  • Appear before an administrative separation board
  • Be represented by a military defense lawyer (civilian, military, or both)
  • Challenge voting members of the board or the legal advisor (for cause)
  • Testify on your own behalf, subject to the provisions of Article 31 of the UCMJ
  • Submit written or recorded matters for consideration by the administrative separation board
  • Call witnesses at the administrative separation board
  • Question any witnesses who appear at the Administrative Separation Board
  • Examine evidence presented by the administrative separation board
  • Cross-examine witnesses appearing at the board
  • Make a sworn or unsworn statement
  • Present an argument before the board closes the hearing for deliberation
  • Be provided with a copy of the report of the board and the endorsement

Administrative Separations in the Military

Administrative separations in the military are often more severe than one might assume. Unfortunately, the military often downplays what Administrative Separation means, but it could mean the end of your dreams if you are interested in a military career.

If you’re facing Administrative Separation processing, you must know your rights and fight for the best outcome possible. If your case is defended properly, you may be able to continue to serve in the military. Or, you may receive a more favorable discharge, such as an Honorable or General Discharge. However, a skilled military defense lawyer must handle an administrative separation carefully because an administrative separation can interfere with your post-service benefits and end your military career.

Administrative Separation Is Not a Court-Martial

While many court-martial lawyers are also familiar with defending clients in Administrative Separation cases, an Administrative Separation process is completely separate from being court-martialed. The differences between an administrative separation and a court-martial are essential because the relevant regulations and military law aren’t the same, even if there is some overlap. Not all of these differences are to your benefit, either.

Most notably, the burden of proof when facing an Administrative Separation Board is far lower than in a court-martial or civilian trial. This is because it is not punitive but instead an administrative proceeding. Not-punitive means it is not a criminal proceeding and will not result in a criminal conviction. That said, the board you’re facing is more than capable of taking action, which most would call “punitive” in nature. The potential for an OTH discharge is most significant, which can affect post-service benefits. Administrative separation from the military may mean the end of your military career. Therefore, soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coasties must take administrative proceedings seriously.

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Facing an Administrative Separation Board

Most people recommended for discharge through the Administrative Separation process will face a three-member board. The board will then decide what to recommend to a separation authority at the hearing.

This separation authority has the final say over your discharge but will almost always follow a given board’s recommendations. That said, the authority can override the recommendation if deemed appropriate. Each military branch is different, so consult with a lawyer about how your branch handles board recommendations. In some situations, the board recommendation is binding. In other situations, the board’s recommendation is simply a non-binding suggestion.

It is your and your military defense lawyer’s job to argue why the recommended discharge is inappropriate. You can also present evidence to the board, although you are responsible for gathering that evidence yourself.

Not everyone will face an Administrative Separation Board, so your options are extremely limited. However, this is somewhat rare. Most Administrative Separation recommendations are for OTH discharges due to alleged misconduct.

If a commanding officer recommends you for general discharge, you won’t be able to present your case to an Administrative Separation board unless you have over six years of service. However, a recommendation of OTH always warrants being able to face aboard. It is also possible to waive your hearing and submit written matters to the appropriate separation authority instead. Finally, you can also wholly waive the process and accept an OTH characterization.

Waiving an administrative separation board

Waiving your board is sometimes the best decision for one’s case but should only be done at a legal professional’s recommendation. For example, a hearing can sometimes make getting your discharge upgraded later difficult.

Potential Results of an Administrative Separation

Once one understands that Administrative Separation proceedings differ from court-martial, the next logical question is what is at stake in these proceedings. At a basic level, the Administrative Separation process is one meant to decide if you should be discharged from service and, if so, what type of discharge. It is not possible to receive a Dishonorable Discharge (DD) or Bad-Conduct Discharge (BCD) through Administrative Separation; the worst charge possible is an Other Than Honorable Discharge (OTH).

Moreover, it is impossible to be sent to the brig, put on restriction, lose pay, or lose rank due to Administrative Separation. The only caveat to this is that an OTH discharge might bar you from certain benefits, which some might argue could indirectly be described as “losing pay.” The most common benefit lost through an OTH discharge that might cause a significant burden is that you become ineligible for the GI Bill. By extension, this means an OTH discharge can bar one from higher education (or at least significantly increase its cost).

That said, not all discharges due to Administrative Separation are OTH discharges. It is also possible to receive an Honorable Discharge or General Discharge. If you are discharged, the nature of your discharge will depend on the initial basis for your Administrative Separation and the quality of your defense.

If you have been in the service for less than 180 days, it is also possible to receive an “Entry Level Separation” and thus receive no characterization of your service. Except for receiving an Honorable Discharge, being discharged will almost always bar you from reenlisting with your chosen military branch or enlisting in any other.

Who Receives What Discharges?

Most service members facing Administrative Separation can expect either a General or OTH discharge. An early, forced Honorable Discharge is relatively rare due to the nature of the process. General Discharges are often the result of a failure to meet the demands of the military while still making an “honest and faithful” attempt to meet those demands.

General discharges are handed out to those who perform poorly or receive unusual disciplinary infractions. It is not a “good” discharge but leaves the service member with most of the benefits one receives from an Honorable Discharge.

An Other Than Honorable (OTH) Discharge tends to result from more serious misconduct. One of the most common causes of OTH Discharges is drug possession, where it is explicitly stated in military guidelines the processing should usually result in OTH characterization.

An exemplary record or unusual circumstances has the potential to raise the level of one’s discharge, depending on what the board deems appropriate. One example might be a decorated military service member facing processing, normally resulting in a General Discharge. In that scenario, the board may rule that the individual should be discharged but still receive an Honorable Discharge.

Your Administrative Separation Defense Lawyers

Many military defense lawyers approach Administrative Separation proceedings as if they are a court-martial. Even well-intentioned lawyers have confidently represented clients, only for both they and the client to be blindsided by the fact that boards often make decisions on minimal evidence or testimony.

It’s important to find a well-reviewed military law firm that has experience with the Administrative Separation process. On a basic level, a good defense at a court-martial is not the same as a good defense when facing Administrative Separation.

Facing an Administrative Separation board isn’t easy. But, generally speaking, you are trying to convince three military professionals your word is better than that of a superior officer. This is almost impossible without professional legal help from a skilled military defense lawyer. While a legal professional can’t erase misconduct or pre-conceptions, many officers have about lower-ranking servicemen. There are still strategies they can employ to better your odds.

Our firm’s approach is (generally speaking) to convince an Administrative Separation Board that our client is a valuable asset to the military. We feel it tends to be the best approach in a hearing whose outcome is not decided purely by law and regulation.

Whether sworn or unsworn, client testimony can show a military service member’s value, even if they look bad on paper. In addition, it will allow a person to be retained or to leave with an Honorable Discharge in many cases.

Differences Between the Military Branches

While every branch of the military has its own guidelines for Administrative Separation, the general procedure tends to be the same. Most differences are in the availability of information that is easy to consume by the public.

The U.S. Air Force appears to have very little online information on the process, although they publish important memorandums when guidelines are changed or the process is otherwise altered.

The U.S. Marines have a thorough guide on the process, an explanation of one’s basic rights, and a lot of very useful information worth reading if you face an Administrative Separation. Most of this advice applies even to those in other branches.

Pitfalls of the Administrative Separation Process

Despite the military’s strides towards a more just tomorrow, there are still undeniable issues with the modern Administrative Separation system. For instance, one known issue with the process is it can be petty and highly political. When the military is scaling back, it’s well understood that more officers are discharged over minor misconduct or misconduct years old.

It is also a system that is easy for commanding officers to bypass if they recommend a General Discharge. Lower-level military service members who haven’t been in the military for over six years have little recourse if this occurs. The fact that the burden of proof is more or less on the defense is also controversial. It makes the system easier to abuse and/or otherwise wield arbitrarily against servicemembers.

No system is perfect, and it’s worth noting that without Administrative Separation, the military would likely still need a way to discharge members deemed unfit for service but who have not committed serious offenses.

Fighting Administrative Separations in the Military

If you need a legal team with experience confronting administrative separations in the military, consider González & Waddington. Our team has the experience you need to build a solid defense before an Administrative Separation board.

Marine Corps References:

  • Marine Corps Separation & Retirement Manual (MARCORSEPMAN)
  • Board for the Correction of Naval Records (BCNR)
  • Navy Discharge Review Board (NDRB)

Below is a transcript from the video: How to Win at a Military Discharge Board – Military Lawyer Tips

It’s no secret that the military is scaling back. One of the kinds of dirty ways that they’re doing this is they’re using human resources commands to flag anyone who has any misconduct in their background. It could be something from four or five years ago that’s very petty. So those officers on senior listed are being flagged and sent off aboard. And a lot of these boards are being mishandled by defense attorneys because they go in there thinking it’s a court-martial and say, Hey, the government has to prove everything. We’re just going to sit back. That doesn’t work.

You must come into the case ready to prove that your client should be retained. I find that in many of these cases where the accused or the respondent go into it, they’re called in aboard, and they sit there and feel that it’s the government’s burden. You will most often lose those cases. So I believe that you have to have your client testify whether it’s unsworn or sworn to present themselves in the best way possible, and convince that board that you were an asset to the military, that you are currently an asset to the military, that that that mistake you made does not define who you are and the character that you can be trusted, and that you will continue to be an asset to the military and should be retained or allowed to get out with an honorable discharge, depending on your circumstances.

Military Justice Attorneys

The UCMJ forms the backbone of the military’s legal system and applies to all active duty, national guard and reserves, and retired armed forces personnel across all branches. If you or someone close to you has been charged with a crime under the UCMJ, you must turn to military defense lawyers for help right away. Find a ferocious court-martial defense counsel at Gonzalez & Waddington. As a former member of the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG), military defense lawyer Michael Waddington has a proven track record of defending US armed forces personnel in court-martial and administrative matters.

American Servicemembers need to know their rights. American Service members have the right to be defended by criminal defense lawyers, so don’t wait to retain court-martial counsel like Gonzalez & Waddington, Attorneys at Law. Instead, call the relentless military attorneys to arrange a free case review.

Our military attorneys can manage your accusations and protect your reputation. Whether you are facing accusations such as Sexual assault, Death or Injury of an Unborn Child, Sexual Assault of a Child, Accessory After the Fact, or Leaving the Scene of a Vehicle Accident, Gonzalez & Waddington can help.

Our ferocious civilian military defense lawyers can defend the US military in both punitive and non-judicial cases. If American Military service members are facing a court-martial and administrative, our military lawyers can defend them. In addition, our ferocious military attorneys can protect your career if you are accused of a crime such as Death or Injury of an Unborn Child, Sexual Assault, Title IX Sexual Misconduct Allegations, or Murder.

In all UCMJ, possible charges are determined by the JAG prosecutors and the chain of command, not by the police. Gonzalez & Waddington are distinguished in criminal defense by their complex knowledge of the law, and we take the time to understand every aspect of a case to achieve beneficial results for our clients. Our hard-core court-martial defense attorneys at Gonzalez & Waddington are heavily invested in criminal defense cases, and we are committed to protecting the interests of our clients. Military JAG prosecutors by the military.


What is Limited Use?

Under the limited use policy, the results of the following tests may not be used as a basis for an Article 15 or court-martial or to determine the “character of service” in an administrative separation action. AR 600-85, para. 10-14c.
Competence for Duty Tests. AR 600-85, para. 10-12a(1).

Medical Tests. The limited use policy would apply to tests obtained as a result of a Soldier’s emergency medical care for an actual or possible drug overdose unless such treatment resulted from apprehension by military or civilian law enforcement officials. AR 600-85, para. 10-12a(3).

If drug use discovered during a limited use test is introduced during an administrative separation, the Soldier must receive an honorable discharge.

The limited use policy does not preclude the use of limited use tests in rebuttal or initiation of disciplinary action based on independently derived evidence. AR 600-85, para. 10-12d(1).

A fitness for duty urinalysis or medical test may serve as the basis for administrative action, including requesting a second urinalysis. In the case of the United States v. Williams, 35 MJ 323 (CMA 1992), the exclusionary rule did not preclude the admission of the accused’s incriminating statements or consensual second urinalysis even though the questioning and the request for the second urinalysis were based upon prior positive fitness for duty urinalysis. The taint from the fitness for duty urinalysis was sufficiently attenuated.

Full Use.

The limited use policy does not apply to the types of tests listed below. These tests may be used at courts-martial, Article 15 proceedings, and administrative separations:

  1. Probable cause tests.
  2. Inspections.
  3. Consent tests.

In the case of the United States v. Avery, 40 MJ 325 (CMA 1994), the accused was not entitled to the protection of Air Force limited use policy, which precludes the use of certain evidence derived from a service member’s voluntary self-identification as a drug abuser. The accused voluntarily consented to a urinalysis after his wife revealed his drug use to his chain of command. The accused never admitted to using drugs.

Medical tests are not covered by the limited use policy described above.
Obtained as a result of Soldier’s emergency medical care for an actual or possible drug overdose, where the treatment resulted from apprehension by military or civilian law enforcement officials. AR 600-85, para. 10- 12a(3).
Routine tests directed by a physician are not the result of suspicion of drug use and are not taken in conjunction with ASAP. AR 600-85, para. 10-12a(3).

Command Directed Tests. Be wary of the term “command directed” urinalysis. The ability or inability to use the test results for UCMJ or separation purposes depends on the type of test, not on whether or not it is labeled command directed. In the case of the United States v. Streetman, 43 MJ 752 (AF Ct. Crim. App. 1995), the accused was convicted of marijuana use. The court held that the letter reissuing the original inspection order but labeled as “Commander Directed” (Air Force equivalent to fitness for duty) and ordering accused to submit to drug testing did not transform prior legitimate random urinalysis inspection into fitness for duty test that would preclude the admission of drug test results.

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