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NCIS To Catch a Predator Sting Nets No Jail Time

NCIS To Catch a Predator Sting Nets No Jail Time

U.S. v. Army E-8 –Torii Station, Okinawa, Japan

Okinawa Military Defense LawyersAllegations: Article 80 – 4 Specifications of Attempted Sexual Abuse of a Child, Article 120c UCMJ Indecent Exposure
Max Punishment: Over 140 years in prison, Dishonorable Discharge
Result: Convicted of several of the attempt charges 
Discharge: Mandatory DD
Location/Branch/Rank: Torri Station, Okinawa, Japan/Army/E-8

Court Martial Summary: 

Our client was an Army Special Forces E-8 that was caught in the notorious “To Catch a Predator” sting operation that NCIS has been running in Okinawa, Japan. Our client was charged with Attempted Sexual Assault of a Child and numerous other charges.

This operation has snagged over 100 service members stationed in Japan. At this time of this trial, all but one of the cases resulted in convictions. Going in, we knew our chance of a full acquittal, based on the evidence, was highly unlikely.

NCIS Uses Their Adult Female Agent as Bait

DessertIn the sting operation, NCIS used Craigslist to attract military men. Then, after several weeks, they claim that they are minors (under 16 years old) and start to engage in sexual chats. Finally, NCIS lures the service member to a house on Kadena Air Base to meet with the “minor female” for sex.

The “minor” is a female NCIS agent pretending to be 14 or 15 years old.

Our client was chatting with the fake underage female for weeks. The conversation turned sexual, and she invited him to meet her at a house in Kadena, Japan. When he went to the house, NCIS tried to tackle and arrest him. Our client fought the NCIS agents and threw several of them to the ground.

He was eventually arrested and charged. The prosecution used evidence from his phone, Craigslist, and computer chat logs to back up the charges. They wanted a plea deal limiting his sentence to 3 years.

Court Martial Trial in Okinawa

To Catch A PredatorOur client learned that the average sentence on Okinawa for these same crimes was 3-5 years.

Our client rejected the plea deal and chose to fight the case in front of an enlisted jury.

At trial, Mr. Waddington attacked NCIS’s sneaky investigative tactics. In the end, our client was convicted of several charges.

At sentencing, we presented evidence in mitigation.

SENTENCE: The jury sentenced our client to NO PUNISHMENT. After the trial, Mr. Waddington and the client went to eat pancakes and visited the Japanese WWII bunkers.

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