Gonzalez & Waddington – Attorneys at Law

Korea Court-Martial Lawyers

When You Require a Criminal Defense Lawyers in South Korea

We have successfully represented and acquitted American U.S. military personnel  living around the world. View our court-martial results with other military attorneys.

The relentless civilian defense counsel at Gonzalez & Waddington have developed a reputation for representing U.S. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coasties at bases in Korea. If you are in South Korea and are suspected of a military violation, hiring the most aggressive criminal defense lawyers can be the difference between being a registered sex offender versus winning your case or redeeming your career.

Our military criminal defense lawyers ardently represent U.S. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coasties in both UCMJ and non-judicial matters to include: Sexual assault, Death or Injury of an Unborn Child – Article 119a, UCMJ, Sexual Abuse of a Child under Article 120b UCMJ, Attempts – Article 80, UCMJ, or Burglary; Unlawful Entry – Article 129, UCMJ.

South Korea Civilian Defense Attorneys

For decades our military criminal defense counsel enthusiastically defends U.S. service members charged with sex crimes, drug offenses, Maiming – Article 128a, UCMJ, Indecent Liberty with a Child, Absence Without Leave – Article 86, UCMJ, or Forgery – Article 105, UCMJ. We also defend against other offenses under the UCMJ.

Call Experienced South Korea Court-martial Defense Legal Team

Unlike most civilian defense counsel or your appointed Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps defense attorney, taking a dive is not something we commonly do. When our criminal defense lawyers take an accused, our court-martial lawyers compel the military to divulge the discovery and present overwhelming proof. We take almost every charge to a contested court-martial and fight the allegations in front of a military jury.

Whether you are facing charges for Article 120 UCMJ sexual assault, Manslaughter – Article 119, UCMJ, Indecent exposure under Article 120c, UCMJ, Soliciting Commission of Offenses – Article 82, UCMJ, or Communicating Threats – Article 115, UCMJ our criminal defense lawyers’ court-martial outcomes are excellent.

Getting the best result possible is our primary concern we take on a client. Our Article 120 military lawyers maintain smaller caseloads than the average appointed military attorney to concentrate on each case on an individual basis. Your trial will not be outsourced to a third party, and we will not force you into taking a dive at the last minute. Our military defense counsel has contested military trials and administrative separation (ADSEP) proceedings in the U.S. and worldwide.

South Korea Military Criminal Defense Counsel

Residents demanded that the South Korean government recognize the right of farmers to live on their land and halt the violent implementation of the expansion plans. Police broke into buildings in the village and arrested many activists and residents. However, both sides remained firm. In December 2004, the government announced that it would provide the United States with 2,500 to 3,000 hectares of additional land in Pyeongtaek for the proposed expansion, tripling the base’s size.

On May 13, 6,000 demonstrators held a candlelight vigil in Seoul to demand the lifting of the expansion of U.S. bases and the release of 16 activists detained there. South Korean riot police dispersed a protest in Pyeongtaek, South Korea, after the South Korean government and camp Humphrey tripled after Washington and Seoul agreed to relocate and evict the city on May 4, 2006. In addition, a former U.S. Army helipad at Camp Walker in the southeast town of Daegu in South Korea is contaminated by a South Korean government agency with a carcinogenic substance, exposing service personnel at the base and thousands of residents there the substance.

On Saturday, the Army of Korea (USFK) said that it had put protective measures on two of its biggest bases, the U.S. Army Garrison at Yongsan and Camp Humphrey, Tuesday owing to accumulations of coronavirus infections. As a result, the United States military handed over four military sites in South Korea on Wednesday, kicking off the repatriation process to Yongsan, the garrison of the former U.S. military headquarters near Seoul.

Camp Humphrey in Seoul, South Korea’s largest U.S. military base, is home to the headquarters of thousands of soldiers, civilian workers, and their families. Near the port town of Pyeongtaek on the west coast of South Korea, about 40 miles south of Seoul, the U.N. garrison Humphreys is the center of the largest construction and transformation project in the U.S. Department’s history of Defense, with the only active airfield in the Pacific Ocean. The grounds of Camp Humphrey were engulfed in smoke on June 29 after a 19-gun salute and a wreath-laying parade when South Korea’s Defense Minister Song Young-moo and the commander of the U.S. Forces Korea (USFK), Gen. Vincent Brooks, shattered the ribbon at the new United Nations headquarters.

The base is one of the most powerful U.S. Air Force bases on the peninsula. One of the two largest U.S. air bases in Korea, equipped with the A-10 Thunderbolt II fighter jets and the F-16 Fighting Falcon light fighters.

In 2001, the United States proposed expanding its military base in the South Korean Pyeongtaek region in exchange for the withdrawal of American military personnel from its base Yongsan in Seoul. In particular, Camp Humphrey in Pyeongtaek has been converted from a small helicopter facility to a sprawling base on 3,538 hectares. By 2022, the new USFK headquarters will house 45,000 soldiers, contractors, and family members, including the largest peacetime relocation program in the history of the Defense Department. USFK’s new headquarters are 45 miles from the former Joint Command headquarters in Greater Seoul and the United Nations Command.

The United States spent over $34 billion between 2016 and 2019 to maintain its military presence in Japan and South Korea, according to the Government Accountability Office in a March 17 report. The Army contributed the lion’s share of military spending, which accounted for $9.2 billion in commitments at Camp Humphrey Air Force. In comparison, $3.9 billion in support for Osan and Kunsan Air Base came in second. However, Gao said that the two allies also provided indirect financial assistance to the U.S. that was harder to quantify.

While former President Trump Seoul and Tokyo denounced as NATO allies and wealthy free riders, the Biden administration has indicated that it wants to rely on the alliance to counter potential threats from North Korea, China, and Russia. The deployment of U.S. troops in Japan and South Korea will help maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific region where trade routes and supply lines are open for free trade, and the international order is guaranteed, said GAO experts. In addition, experts agree that the presence of U.N. troops strengthens the alliance between Japan and North Korea because both countries are reassured by America’s willingness to use their soldiers in harmful ways.

Chief of the U.S. Army Corps to Korea and Deputy Commander Ko Yunju of the South Korean Foreign Ministry office for North American affairs concluded the meeting at U.S. base camp Humphrey in Pyeongtaek, South Korea. Colonel Lee Peters, a Korean spokesperson for the Korean Armed Forces, made clear that the handover of Camp Walker Helipad and runway had been completed per the Status of Forces Agreement. No further action by the U.S. military was required.

South Korea Court-Martial Attorneys

South Korea is working with the U.S. to withdraw about 400 Afghans who are helping South Korean troops and aid workers from the region so they can be returned to Seoul, two sources familiar with the matter told Reuters. The State Department told Reuters that three military planes were dispatched to Afghanistan and adjacent countries to bring the workers back to the country.

Park Jung-Eun, secretary-general of the non-governmental organization People Solidarity for Participatory Democracy, said there were many problems with the cost and size of Camp Humphrey, arguing that South Korea‘s 92% stake in the $10.8 billion bases was too much of a burden. The State Department’s Office of Political and Military Affairs said that a preliminary agreement on common defense costs included a negotiated increase in Seoul to help pay for the deployment of 28,500 American troops in South Korea but did not specify the amount of the increase.

In 2001, when the United States proposed expanding its military base in South Korea’s Pyeongtaek region, it threatened for the third time to evict the region’s people from their country by force. The discussion about housing Afghan refugees in U.S. military bases in South Korea and Japan came when American forces were actively evacuating U.S. citizens and Afghan allies from Afghanistan due to the deteriorating security situation caused by the Taliban takeover.

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