Gonzalez & Waddington – Attorneys at Law

Bahrain Court Martial Attorneys

When You Require a Defense Attorneys in Bahrain

We have successfully defended and exonerated US Military personnel living around the world. Compare our court-martial results with other civilian military defense attorneys.

Our court-martial defense attorneys have earned a name for representing US military personnel at Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain. Suppose you are stationed at Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain, and are charged with a military violation. In that case, having the most experienced civilian defense counsel can be the difference between losing everything. Our military attorneys tenaciously represent Military service members in court-martial and non-judicial matters, including sexual offenses, Aggravated Assault – Article 128, UCMJ, Aggravated Sexual Contact, Larceny & Fraud, or Cruelty and Maltreatment – Article 93, UCMJ.

Our criminal defense lawyers vigorously fight for Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain personnel charged with sexual offenses, adultery, BAH fraud, Death or Injury of an Unborn Child – Article 119a, UCMJ, and Indecent Act. We also defend against other specifications under military law.

Reach out to Our Aggressive Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain Military Criminal Defense Counsel

Unlike most civilian military defense counsel or your free Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps defense attorney, pleading out is not something we often do. When our court-martial lawyers take a new case, our military counsel force the Army, Navy, Air force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard to give us the evidence and prove their case. We take almost every charge to a contested court-martial and fight the allegations in front of a military jury.

Your trial will not be outsourced to a random lawyer, and we will not intimidate you into a guilty plea at the eleventh hour. Our court-martial defense lawyers have fought military trials and administrative separation (ADSEP) hearings in the United States and worldwide.

Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain Court-martial Lawyers

Attorney Alexandra González-Waddington, has represented hundreds of American Military service members accused of rape and has aggressively defended some of the most serious war crime cases from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Alexandra co-authored three leading books on cross-examination, Pattern Cross-Examination for Sexual Assault Cases: A Trial Strategy & Resource Guide, Pattern Cross-Examination for DNA and Biological Evidence, and Pattern Cross-Examination of Expert Witnesses, published by a leading legal publisher. These trial books are used by criminal defense law firms in the United States and globally. In addition, Alexandra was one of the first defense attorneys to serve as a Public Defender for the Augusta Judicial Circuit.

We defend military cases at the following Air Force Bases in the Middle East:

Our firm’s other founding lawyer, Michael Waddington, graduated from Temple Law in Philadelphia, PA, and is a current member of the American Board of Criminal Lawyers, one of the most honored legal groups of some of the best defense attorneys in the world. Also, some of Michael Waddington’s cases were made into documentary films, such as “Killings at the Canal,” a CNN documentary special that unveils what caused the murders of Iraqi terrorists by Army soldiers. He also regularly instructs civilian counsel on cross-examination techniques. Our hard-hitting Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain civilian defense counsel, will use our training to fight your court-martial or ADSEP case at Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain.

Call today to consult with our criminal defense lawyers.

Soldiers, Sailors. Airmen, Marines, and Coasties working at Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain, require the best criminal defense counsel to defend them at their trial or administrative separation proceeding. Therefore, if you or a family member are located at Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain, and are accused of a UCMJ offense or if you are looking at an administrative separation (ADSEP), then call our defense lawyers immediately.

Information on Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain

The Uniform Code of Military Justice forms the backbone of the military legal system. It applies to all active duty, national guard and reserves, and retired armed forces personnel across all branches. If you or someone close to you has been charged with a crime under the UCMJ, you must turn to lawyers for help right away. The unstoppable civilian military defense counsel at Gonzalez & Waddington can help. As a former member of the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s Corps (JAG), Michael Waddington has a reputation for helping Bahrain US Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coasties in punitive and administrative matters.

Sheik Isa Air Base US military personnel needs to know their rights. US military personnel have the legal right to be represented by court-martial lawyers, so don’t wait to contact court-martial counsel. Instead, call the defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington to start defending your case. Our counsel will handle your case from start to finish.

Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain Defense Attorneys

Our military defense attorneys will arrange free counseling to discuss your allegations in detail and explain how they will fight your case.

Hard-hitting Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain Court-martial Attorneys

Military History at Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain
Isa Air Base, formerly Shaikh Isa Airbase, is situated in southern Bahrain, in the Persian Gulf. This base has a unique location on an island nation. It is a great place to experience the local culture, and the facilities are outstanding. You can even get a tour of the base. You can check out its facilities and meet the people who work here. It is a popular destination for tourists.

The US recently completed a three-year expansion at Sheik Isa Air Base in Bahrain. It has a squadron building for the 2nd Fighter Squadron, which will house the new jets. The new facility will also have hardened aircraft shelters and a flightline for larger aircraft. It employs over 1,900 US military personnel. In addition, the new facility will be used to maintain the F-16 Falcon fighter jets.

After the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam Hussein, 40 US warplanes were deployed to Sheik Isa Airfield. The location of Camp Trueheart is a key factor in the conflict between the US and Iraq. But the airfield is not a frontline. The US military has never been allowed to carry out any military action in the Middle East. That’s why Bahrain has refused to use Sheik Isa for this purpose.

In 2009, Vectrus won a potential eight-year $210M contract from the US Navy to provide operations support at Sheik Isa Air Base Bahrain. Vectrus is a company that has served in the military for nearly two decades. The United States Air Force first set up a camp on the base, and in March 2009, the US Air Force began using the base to train its fighter pilots.

US Marine Corps units deployed to Sheik Isa Air Base Bahrain during the Gulf War. The F/A-18s was the only Wild Weasel aircraft available to the USAF during the conflict. As a result, the US Air Force repositioned F-4Gs to the base and F-4Gs to the Gulf Coast. The RF-4Cs deployed to the UAE are the mainstay of the BAAF.

In March 2009, the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing was established at the base. The 379th Air Expeditionary Wing has two squadrons at the base, one in Qatar. In June, the United States Marines were the first foreign military aircraft to deploy to Bahrain. It was the same month in 2007, and they landed the F-16C/D Block 40s on the island.

It is central to US operations in the region. The Bahraini government is a Sunni-majority country, and they have long been a close friend to the United States. The US Air Force’s first F-16 was officially handed over to the base in Fort Worth, Texas. In May 1989, the first four BAAF F-16s were ferried to Bahrain by the pilots.

Sheik Isa Air Base, Bahrain Relentless Military Counsel

Sheik Isa Air Base, previously known as Shaikh Isa, is a small military base home to the Royal Bahraini Air Force. It is home to two Royal Bahraini Air Force squadrons, and the BDF has two fighter wings. The BAF also has several other buildings. In addition to the runway, the BAF has a helicopter based in the country.

The BAAF’s M-ATVs are being loaded onto C-17s. The airbase is the largest globally, and it is a great place to train. Commander William Urban of the Fifth Fleet explains the reason for the air force’s presence. The Fifth Fleet is a major source of security for the US. It is not the country’s only ally, but it is important to have a reliable and stable base.

Its location in the south of Bahrain is prime for air forces. It is an important military base, as it hosts two squadrons of fighters. The Royal RAF uses Isa as its home base. The RAF also has several other bases in the country. They are all part of the armed forces of the kingdom. The RAF has been operating out of Bahrain for over 50 years.

Bahrain Military Air Force Bases

The Bahrain Military Air Force bases are located on the island nation of the Persian Gulf. One of these bases is Isa Air Base. Formerly known as Shaikh Isa Airbase, it serves as the home of the country’s armed forces. It is the oldest and largest airbase in the nation. The base was established in the 1940s and is home to more than 400 military aircraft. This location is the largest of the country’s military airbases.

The Bahrain Military Air Force bases are also important in the region’s defense. These bases are responsible for supporting security missions in the region. In addition, these bases are home to various aircraft, including F5 fighter jets and helicopters. In January 2011, Bahrain assumed rotational command of CTF 152. The coalition of 25 nations also uses CTF 152 to protect maritime infrastructure. The US government has recognized Bahrain as an important non-NATO ally.

Since the US Navy has a presence in Bahrain, the base provides the country’s naval forces with fuel and water. The US Navy used its port in the 1940s, and the British transferred its Gulf security role to the US in 1971. As a result, the BDF was transforming and had begun a massive project to double its size. The US government has also funded the development of jetties so that ships can moor closer to shore.

Hard-hitting Bahrain Defense Lawyers

NSA Bahrain is home to more than eight thousand military personnel and 78 Tenant Commands. This base is home to the United States Fifth Fleet. The Fifth Fleet participates in theater security cooperation with the nation, including protecting freedom of navigation through the Strait of Hormuz. Its mission was to protect the vital oil and energy flow through the Strait of Hormuz and the Gulf. In addition, the NSA Bahrain is home to the Dad Al-Jadid helicopter squadron.

The Bahrain Air Force is the primary base for US marine and naval activities in the region. The NSA is responsible for ensuring the security of the air and sea assets. It also operates a Navy Exchange facility. A major part of the air force’s operations is training and supplying the armed forces. Further, the military supports Kuwait and the US by providing logistical and morale support.

The United States Air Force bases in the kingdom of Bahrain are home to the nation’s armed forces. Both countries share a strategic partnership. Both nations have strategic interests in each other’s region. They also have mutually-owned submarines. The United States has a presence in the country through this air force. It is the largest naval base in the Middle East. In addition to supplying the Bahraini military with aircraft, the US has assisted with training and military exercises.

The US Navy has a presence in Bahrain. In addition, the US Fifth Fleet has a base on the island. The base is located halfway down the Persian Gulf. The Gulf is home to the world’s largest military base. However, the US Navy has a strong presence in the country. This means that the United States can easily defend the Gulf. It is also home to other forces.

During the Gulf War, the United States deployed more than 20,000 personnel to the country. After the invasion, the US military in Bahrain remained there until the Gulf War was over. Its small ground force and combat planes also participated in the coalition’s campaign to liberate Kuwait. A year later, the Gulf War was over. The US military had become one of the few nations to join the coalition in that conflict.

The Bahrain Defense Force is a wing of the Bahrain National Guard. It is one of the GCC’s most important countries in the region. It is a powerful military with several air force bases. Its fighters are the backbone of the nation’s military. In addition, the Royal Bahrain Airforce has four helicopter squadrons. By the end of the Gulf War, the country’s defense forces were composed of about 1,500 people.

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