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West Point NY Military Defense Lawyers: Defending Those Who Defend Our Nation

Stationed at West Point, New York? Facing a court-martial, UCMJ action, Administrative Separation Board, or other Adverse Administrative Action? Call our experienced West Point military defense lawyers at 1-800-921-8607 for a free consultation.

Elite Military Defense Lawyers

“Our military defense lawyers are among the most experienced and hard-hitting in the world. With an unparalleled track record, we provide aggressive, strategic defense tailored to each client’s unique situation. Trust us to fight relentlessly for your rights and deliver the best possible outcome.” (Michael Waddington, Military Defense Lawyer)

Facing UCMJ at West Point? Call our West Point NY military defense lawyers to discuss your options

West Point, New York, is home to the prestigious United States Military Academy, renowned for producing some of the nation’s top military leaders. However, military personnel may face serious legal challenges, where the role of West Point NY military defense lawyers becomes crucial. At Gonzalez & Waddington, we understand the unique needs of military personnel and provide unparalleled defense for those accused of UCMJ violations. Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2024 ed.)

The History of West Point, NY

West Point Ny Military Defense Lawyers Court Martial AttorneysWest Point’s history is intertwined with the rich military traditions of the United States. Established in 1802, the academy has since produced generations of military leaders. Over the years, the institution has expanded in scope and significance, becoming an integral part of the U.S. military structure. For many members of the armed forces, an assignment to West Point is a coveted honor.

Understanding the UCMJ at West Point, NY

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is the legal framework governing United States Armed Forces members. Unlike civilian law, the UCMJ includes unique regulations and offenses that apply exclusively to military personnel. Violations of the UCMJ can lead to serious consequences, including court-martials, dishonorable discharges, and even imprisonment.

Court Martials at West Point

Court-martials are military trials conducted under the authority of the UCMJ. They vary in type, ranging from Summary Court-martial (for minor offenses) to General Court-martial (for the most severe crimes). A conviction in a court martial can have devastating repercussions on a soldier’s career and personal life. This is why having a skilled team of West Point, NY, military defense lawyers from Gonzalez & Waddington is essential.

Specific UCMJ Articles: 120, 120b, and 120c

UCMJ violations under Articles 120, 120b, and 120c are related to sexual misconduct and are considered extremely serious offenses.

  • Article 120: Pertains to rape and sexual assault. Accusations under this article can lead to severe penalties, including long-term imprisonment and mandatory registration as a sex offender.
  • Article 120b: Involves rape and sexual assault of a child. Convictions under this article carry even harsher penalties, reflecting society’s strong stance against crimes involving minors.
  • Article 120c: Addresses other sexual misconduct, such as indecent exposure and other lewd acts. While lesser in severity than Articles 120 and 120b, these charges can still damage a soldier’s reputation and career.

Why You Need Skilled West Point NY Military Defense Lawyers

Facing UCMJ violations can be daunting. The stakes are high, often involving both legal penalties and the lasting stigma of a conviction. This is why it is crucial for any soldier accused of a UCMJ violation at West Point to secure the best defense possible.

Here’s why you need West Point NY military defense lawyers like those at Gonzalez & Waddington:

  • Understanding of Military Law: Military law is vastly different from civilian law. Our court martial lawyers have in-depth knowledge of the UCMJ and the nuances that can make or break a case.
  • Proven Track Record: Gonzalez & Waddington has a history of successfully defending military personnel in various court-martials. Our track record speaks volumes about our dedication and effectiveness.
  • Tailored Defense Strategies: No two cases are alike. Our team formulates customized defense strategies to address the unique aspects of each client’s situation.
  • Commitment to Clients: We are committed to providing comprehensive legal support, including pre-trial counseling, trial representation, and post-trial advocacy.

The Value of Experienced Representation

Given the complexity and severity of UCMJ violations, having a knowledgeable legal team is advantageous and essential. West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington bring years of experience, understanding of military culture, and an unwavering commitment to their clients.

Whether you are facing charges under UCMJ Articles 120, 120b, 120c, or any other serious offense, our team is equipped to navigate the intricacies of military law and provide the defense you deserve.

Hiring West Point NY Military Defense Lawyers

The consequences can be life-altering for any soldier stationed at West Point facing UCMJ violations. The right defense team can make all the difference. Trust the experienced West Point, NY, military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington to defend your rights and fight for your future. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in your need.

Examples of Fictitious UCMJ Cases Our West Point NY Military Defense Lawyers Could Handle and Potential Defenses:

Case 1: Article 120 – Sexual Assault at West Point, NY

Captain John Doe was accused of sexually assaulting a fellow officer, Lieutenant Jane Smith, during a deployment training at West Point. The incident allegedly occurred during a late-night training exercise in a remote area. Jane claims John used force to coerce her into a sexual act. However, John maintains that the encounter was consensual.

West Point NY military defense lawyers can challenge the credibility of the accuser, highlight inconsistencies in her testimony, and present evidence of a consensual relationship to defend against the allegations.

Case 2: Article 120b – Sexual Abuse of a Child at West Point, NY

Sergeant Mark Allen was charged with sexual abuse of a child under 16. The accusation came from Mark’s neighbor, a 14-year-old girl who claimed that Mark inappropriately touched her during a neighborhood barbecue. Mark unequivocally denies the charges.

West Point NY military defense lawyers can gather evidence to refute the accuser’s claims, including possible alibi witnesses and character references, to establish reasonable doubt.

Case 3: Article 128 – Aggravated Assault at West Point, NY

Staff Sergeant Lisa Anderson was accused of aggravated assault against a fellow service member, Corporal James Carter, during a heated argument that turned physical. Witnesses provided conflicting accounts of the incident, leaving details murky.

West Point NY military defense lawyers might cross-examine witnesses to uncover inconsistencies and raise reasonable doubt about the severity or authenticity of the alleged assault.

Case 4: Article 120 – Rape at West Point, NY

Lieutenant Mike Brown is facing rape charges after an accusation by Lieutenant Mary Johnson, who claimed Mike forced himself on her after a party at the officer’s club. Mike asserts that everything that happened that night was fully consensual and initiated by Mary.

West Point NY military defense lawyers could scrutinize Mary’s background, look into her past for any history of false accusations, and use text messages or other communications to prove consent.

Case 5: Article 133 – Conduct Unbecoming an Officer at West Point, NY

Major Jane Taylor was accused of conduct unbecoming an officer after being found in a compromising situation with an enlisted soldier, Private First Class Tom Miller. The military alleges that Jane abused her rank and authority.

West Point NY military defense lawyers can argue that the relationship was consensual and did not affect the chain of command or operational readiness, emphasizing the private nature of the situation.

Case 6: Article 134 – Child Pornography at West Point, NY

First Lieutenant Peter Wright was charged under Article 134 for possession of child pornography after explicit images were found on his laptop during a routine inspection at West Point. Peter claimed the images were downloaded inadvertently through a spam email.

West Point NY military defense lawyers can attempt to prove that Peter did not intentionally download or possess the illegal images, possibly bringing in forensic experts to trace the download origins.

Case 7: Article 112a – Wrongful Use of Controlled Substances at West Point, NY

Private First Class Sarah Green tested positive for an illegal substance during a random drug test. Sarah claims she was a victim of spiked drinks at an off-campus party and did not knowingly consume drugs.

West Point NY military defense lawyers could challenge the reliability of the drug test, argue the possibility of unintentional ingestion, and investigate the party circumstances to corroborate her story.

Case 8: Article 107 – False Official Statement at West Point, NY

Captain David Lee is accused of making a false official statement regarding the whereabouts of government property. An audit revealed discrepancies in the inventory records he submitted.

West Point NY military defense lawyers can explore whether any discrepancies were unintentional clerical errors and demonstrate Captain Lee’s history of integrity in his service record.

Experienced West Point, NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington are well-versed in defending service members against serious UCMJ allegations. They can meticulously examine evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and build robust defenses to safeguard their clients’ rights and careers.


Case 9: Assault Under Article 120 UCMJ at West Point, NY

West Point Ny Military Defense Lawyers Court Martial AttorneysSecond Lieutenant John Smith was accused of sexually assaulting a fellow cadet during a party off-campus. The alleged victim stated that John took advantage of her while she was intoxicated. Potential consequences of this case could include a dishonorable discharge and imprisonment. If you face similar accusations, contact the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 10: Child Sexual Abuse Under Article 120b UCMJ at West Point, NY

Captain Jane Doe was accused of molesting a minor who attended the same community center as her children. The prosecution claims text messages and eyewitness accounts corroborate the minor’s allegations. Conviction could result in dismissal from the service and a lengthy prison term. Call our West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for legal advice.

Case 11: Indecent Exposure Under Article 120c UCMJ at West Point, NY

Sergeant First Class Harold Green was accused of exposing himself in a public park near West Point. Unidentified witnesses reported the incident to military police. If convicted, he could face administrative separation and registration as a sex offender. Consult with West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington to explore potential defenses.

Case 12: Aggravated Assault at West Point, NY

Private First Class Linda Brown was charged with aggravated assault after a fight with another cadet resulted in severe injuries. The incident was reported by multiple witnesses. A conviction could lead to a punitive discharge and possible jail time. Contact the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for assistance.

Case 13: Rape at West Point, NY

Major Brian Johnson was accused of raping a civilian during a weekend off base. The allegations came to light after the alleged victim filed a police report. If found guilty, Brian faces severe penalties including life imprisonment. Contact West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington if you are in a similar situation.

Case 14: Sexual Harassment at West Point, NY

Lieutenant Colonel Sarah Evans was reported by multiple subordinates for making inappropriate comments and unwanted advances. These allegations could impact her career significantly and lead to a court-martial. Discuss your case with West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 15: Distribution of Child Pornography at West Point, NY

Staff Sergeant Michael Lee was caught distributing child pornography via social media. The investigation revealed incriminating digital evidence. A conviction could result in significant prison time and lifetime registration as a sex offender. If you are charged with such a crime, contact the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington today.

Case 16: False Official Statement at West Point, NY

During an investigation into a series of burglaries, Corporal Emily White was accused of lying about her whereabouts. The false statement could compound her legal troubles. Potential penalties include dishonorable discharge and confinement. Seek advice from West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 17: Theft of Military Property at West Point, NY

Sergeant James Miller was alleged to have stolen high-value military equipment and sold it online for profit. The unauthorized sale of military property is taken very seriously and could result in severe punishment. Contact West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington to discuss your options.

Case 18: Fraternization at West Point, NY

Lieutenant Jennifer Foster was caught in a romantic relationship with an enlisted soldier under her command, clearly violating military regulations. This could lead to non-judicial punishment or a court-martial. Consult the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for help with your defense.

Case 19: Hazing at West Point, NY

Cadet Sergeant Timothy Kelly faced allegations of hazing within his unit, involving physical abuse and humiliation of subordinates. If proven, the consequences could be severe, including expulsion from the academy. For defense strategies, consult West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 20: Drug Trafficking at West Point, NY

Private Charles Adams was accused of trafficking illegal substances on campus. Surveillance footage and undercover operations led to his arrest. This serious offense could lead to a dishonorable discharge and significant prison time. Contact West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington if you face similar charges.

Case 21: Domestic Violence at West Point, NY

Captain Laura Wells was charged with domestic violence after a heated altercation with her spouse. The case escalated following a police report and medical records of injuries. Potential outcomes include a court-martial and a permanent criminal record. Discuss your defense with West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 22: AWOL (Absent Without Leave) at West Point, NY

Specialist Daniel Harris went AWOL for two weeks without proper authorization. His absence jeopardized critical operations, leading to serious charges. A court-martial may result in a criminal record and punitive discharge. Contact West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for defense representation.

Case 23: Espionage at West Point, NY

Lieutenant Alexander Brown was investigated for allegedly sharing classified information with a foreign entity. If convicted, he could face life imprisonment and a dishonorable discharge. Seek representation from West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington immediately.

Case 24: Weapons Violations at West Point, NY

Cadet Corporal Rachel Spencer was charged with illegal possession and transfer of prohibited weapons on base. These violations carry serious penalties, including imprisonment and dismissal from the service. Call the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for assistance with your defense.

Case 25: Adultery at West Point, NY

Sergeant Mark Thomas was charged with adultery, which involved a fellow service member’s spouse. Such conduct undermines unit cohesion and discipline, leading to potential administrative action. Consult the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington to defend your case.

Case 26: Obstruction of Justice at West Point, NY

Second Lieutenant Kelly Jones was accused of obstructing a military police investigation into a theft on base. The penalties for obstruction could include a court-martial and confinement. For skilled defense strategies, contact the West Point, NY, military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 27: Child Endangerment at West Point, NY

First Sergeant Mike Davis was accused of endangering the welfare of his children by leaving them unattended in a vehicle. This serious charge could lead to criminal proceedings and administrative actions. Discuss defense options with the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 28: Cybercrimes at West Point, NY

Cadet Sergeant Brian Walker faced charges related to hacking into the academy’s computer systems and unauthorized data modification. These cybercrimes could result in significant legal consequences. For defense, consult the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 29: Bribery at West Point, NY

Lieutenant Nicole Anderson was accused of accepting bribes for preferential treatment in assignments. This serious offense could lead to court-martial and imprisonment. Contact the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington to discuss your case.

Case 30: False Accusation at West Point, NY

Staff Sergeant Erica Matthews was falsely accused of sexual misconduct by a subordinate she had disciplined. If proven innocent, she could avoid penalties, but the situation requires careful legal handling. Contact the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for advice.

Case 31: Misuse of Government Funds at West Point, NY

Lieutenant Colonel David Harris was charged with misappropriating government funds for personal use, a serious offense. A conviction could lead to dismissal and imprisonment. Consult the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for a robust defense.

Case 32: Fraternization at West Point, NY

Second Lieutenant Jason Clark was involved in an improper relationship with a lower-ranking soldier, breaching the military’s fraternization rules. The consequences could include non-judicial punishment or court-martial. Discuss your defense with the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 33: Desertion at West Point, NY

Private Roger Steele fled his post during a training exercise and remained absent for 30 days, leading to desertion charges. This serious crime could result in a dishonorable discharge and lengthy imprisonment. Contact West Point, NY, military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for a strong defense.

Case 34: Unlawful Conduct with a Minor at West Point, NY

Corporal Chris Johnson was accused of engaging in inappropriate relations with a minor he met online. Such charges could lead to significant prison time and a dishonorable discharge. Seek immediate counsel from West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 35: Fraud at West Point, NY

Staff Sergeant Juliet Thompson was accused of defrauding the government with false travel claims. This offense could result in severe penalties, including court-martial. Contact the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington to defend your rights.

Case 36: Murder at West Point, NY

First Lieutenant Kevin Martinez was accused of murdering a fellow soldier during a quarrel. The case attracted significant media attention and could lead to life imprisonment. Discuss your defense strategy with the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

Case 37: Blackmail at West Point, NY

Sergeant Paul Lopez faced charges of blackmailing a subordinate for personal gain. This offense could lead to court-martial and imprisonment. Consult with the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington to understand your options.

Case 38: Insubordination at West Point, NY

Cadet Officer Mary Alvarez was charged with gross insubordination after refusing a direct order from her superior. This could lead to severe disciplinary action. For thorough legal representation, contact the West Point, NY, military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington.

If you find yourself accused of similar charges, it is imperative to seek legal assistance. Call the West Point NY military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington today to discuss the possible defenses for your case.

United States Military Academy (West Point), New York Military Defense Lawyers

When You Require a Military Criminal Defense Lawyer in West Point

We have successfully defended and acquitted USMA Cadets. View our case experience with various military defense counsel. The ferocious military lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington have gained a name for advocating for US Military personnel at bases such as the United States Military Academy. Suppose you are at West Point and are under investigation for a military crime.

In that case, hiring the most tenacious civilian defense lawyers can be the difference between being a registered sex offender versus winning your case or saving your career. Our court martial lawyers enthusiastically represent United States Military Academy American US service members in punitive and non-judicial cases: Sexual assault, Manslaughter – Article 119, UCMJ, Indecent Liberty with a Child, Larceny & Fraud, or Retaliation – Article 132, UCMJ.

Reach out to Our Experienced USMA Civilian Defense Attorneys

Unlike most military counsel or your delegated military defense lawyer, pleading out is a last resort option. When our criminal defense lawyers take a service member to defend, our civilian defense attorneys compel the military to divulge the evidence and prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. We take nearly every case to a jury trial and fight the allegations before a military panel.


Rated 5 out of 5 stars based on 147 customer reviews.

United States Military Academy Military Attorneys

Also, some of Michael Waddington’s cases were made into films, such as “Killings at the Canal,” a CNN documentary special that unveils what caused the murders of Iraqi terrorists by Army soldiers. He also often lectures on criminal lawyers on cross-examination. Finally, our hard-hitting West Point unyielding court-martial lawyers will use our history to defend your court-martial or administrative separation (ADSEP) case at the United States Military Academy.

Information on West Point – United States Military Academy

West Point was used to train cadets in engineering since 1794, and the United States Military Academy at West Point became the US Military Academy in 1802.

The United States Military Academy (USMA) is a four-year federal university in West Point, New York State. It is the oldest of the five American military academies and trains cadets drafted into the US Army. The best-known academic program at the US Military Academy at West Point was discovered when it was coined by a small cadre of officers who fought in one of America’s civil wars.

The United States Military Academy (USMA) was founded in 1802 after President Thomas Jefferson ordered the Academy at West Point. The US Army Garrison 264 includes headquarters, the main company, the provost marshal, the military police, religious programs, support for Keller Army Community Hospital, West Point Dental, activities for the USMA Band (regular Army bands and USMA cadets not members of the USMA Bands) and the Directorate of Human Resources (DHR). In 1967, a British Army officer at West Point presented the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst with a sword used as a trophy in a military qualification competition at the academy.

New York Military Defense Lawyers

West Point – United States Military Academy Court-martial Defense Attorneys

Our determined defense attorneys at Gonzalez & Waddington will arrange free counseling to discuss your allegations in detail and explain how they will fight your case, which differs from most military attorneys. Use the contact form to contact our unrelenting military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington for legal advice. Call our determined civilian military defense counsel at Gonzalez & Waddington. Our ferocious defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington use their cunning to assemble a powerful, cutting-edge defense against criminal charges in federal, military, and state courts.

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