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Guy’s Night Out Crashed by E-4 Party Girl

Guy’s Night Out Crashed by E-4 Party Girl

U.S. v. Army E-7 – Shaw Air Force Base, SC/Pensacola, FL

Allegations: MULTIPLE SEXUAL ASSAULT CHARGES, Fraternization
Max Punishment: 50 YEARS IN PRISON, DD, Sex offender registration
Result: NOT GUILTY OF ALL SEX CHARGES, Guilty of one specification of fraternization
SENTENCE: NO DISCHARGE, 30 days in the base brig, No Reduction in Rank
Discharge: NONE
Location/Branch/Rank: Shaw AFB, SC/Army/E-7

Court Martial Summary:

Shaw Afb Court Martial Defense LawyersOur client was TDY near Eglin AFB, Florida, for an Army Combat Air Controller training mission. His all-male team of NCOs went to McGuire’s Pub and the International Lounge for dinner and drinks. One of his team members, a male E-7 (Warrant Officer Candidate), invited a female E-4 to join the guys for drinks. While this is fraternization in the Army, the E-7 intended to hook up with the E-4 after she had a few drinks.

As you can imagine, this story does not end well. At the bar, the E-7 tried to hook up with the E-4, but the alleged victim was more interested in our client. After the E-7 repeatedly struck out, he became upset and jealous of our client. He then returned to his room alone.

Meanwhile, our client headed to his room with the E-4. Inside his room, they started hooking up consensually. While they were hooking up, the E-7 lurked outside, pouting. He then started banging on our client’s door. When our client answered the door, the E-7 barged in and made the E-4 leave.

The E-7 confronted the E-4 and tried to convince her that she had been sexually assaulted. The next day, the male E-7 accused our client of sexually assaulting, harassing, and maltreating the female E-4 at the bar and in her room.

The E-4 went along with it and claimed sexual assault. The E-4 claimed that our client forcibly removed her breast from her shirt, groped her, and forced himself into her room.

Mr. Waddington fought the case before an enlisted jury.

At trial, we exposed the E-7/Warrant Officer as a lying dirtbag. The other witnesses crumbled under cross-examination, and the alleged victim was shown to be a drama queen and exaggerator.

RESULT: NOT GUILTY OF ALL SEX CHARGES, Guilty of one specification of fraternization

SENTENCE: NO DISCHARGE, 30 days in the local brig, No Reduction in Rank

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