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Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Attorneys

Stationed at Naval Base San Diego, California? Facing a court-martial, UCMJ action, Administrative Separation Board, or other Adverse Administrative Action? Call our experienced Naval Base San Diego military defense lawyers at 1-800-921-8607 for a free consultation.

Aggressive Military Defense Lawyers

Our military defense lawyers are among the most experienced and hard-hitting in the world. With an unparalleled track record, we provide aggressive, strategic defense tailored to each client’s unique situation. Trust us to fight relentlessly for your rights and deliver the best possible outcome.” (Michael Waddington, Military Defense Lawyer)

San Diego Military Defense Lawyers: Navigating the Complexities of Military Law

Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers Ucmj Court Martial AttorneysMilitary personnel in San Diego face unique legal challenges, often requiring specialized legal representation. San Diego military defense lawyers are well-versed in the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) intricacies, court-martial proceedings, and specific regulations governing military personnel.

If you or a loved one are facing military legal issues in San Diego, finding a qualified defense lawyer can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

Understanding the UCMJ and Military Law in San Diego: Your Rights and Responsibilities

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is the bedrock of military law in the United States, governing the conduct of all active-duty, reserve, and National Guard personnel. It’s a comprehensive legal framework that establishes both the rights and responsibilities of service members, as well as the procedures for investigating and prosecuting offenses.

In San Diego, with its significant military presence, understanding the UCMJ is crucial for anyone serving in the armed forces. It’s not just about knowing what actions are prohibited; it’s about understanding the legal processes that can impact your career, freedom, and future.

Key Areas Covered by the UCMJ:

  • Criminal Offenses: The UCMJ outlines a wide array of offenses unique to the military, such as desertion, disobedience of orders, and conduct unbecoming an officer. It also addresses standard criminal offenses like theft, assault, and drug crimes, but with specific military implications.
  • Non-Judicial Punishment (NJP): Often referred to as “Article 15,” NJP is a form of disciplinary action imposed by a commander for minor offenses. While less severe than a court-martial, NJP can still have significant consequences.
  • Court-Martial Proceedings: Service members may face a court-martial, a military trial with its own set of rules and procedures for more serious offenses. The UCMJ details the different types of court-martials, the roles of various participants, and the potential penalties. Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2024 ed.)
  • Rights of the Accused: The UCMJ guarantees certain rights to service members accused of crimes, including the right to legal counsel, the right to remain silent, and the right to a fair trial.

UCMJ Offenses Specific to San Diego:

While the UCMJ applies uniformly across the U.S. military, certain offenses may be more prevalent in specific locations. In San Diego, with its naval and Marine Corps bases, offenses related to sexual assault (Article 120), alcohol-related misconduct, and unauthorized absence (AWOL) are unfortunately common.

The Importance of Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers:

Navigating the UCMJ and military law is a complex task. Consulting with a San Diego military defense lawyer is essential if you’re facing any legal issues in the military. They can:

  • Explain your rights and options:  Naval Base San Diego military defense lawyers can help you understand the charges against you, the potential consequences, and the best course of action.
  • Protect your interests: A lawyer will advocate for you throughout the legal process, ensuring your rights are protected and fighting for the best possible outcome.
  • Navigate the system: Military law has its unique procedures and jargon. Naval Base San Diego military defense lawyers can guide you through the system, ensuring you understand what’s happening at every stage.

Understanding the UCMJ is not just about avoiding trouble; it’s about knowing your rights and responsibilities as a service member. A knowledgeable San Diego military defense lawyer can be your strongest ally if you face legal challenges.

Why Choose a San Diego Military Defense Lawyer: Your Advocate in the Face of UCMJ Challenges

When you’re facing military legal charges, the stakes are incredibly high. Your career, reputation, freedom, and future can be on the line. That’s why enlisting the help of a seasoned San Diego military defense lawyer is not just a smart move but a critical one. Here’s why:

  1. In-Depth Expertise in UCMJ and Military Law:
  • Unlike civilian lawyers, military defense attorneys specialize in the intricacies of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). They possess an in-depth understanding of military regulations, procedures, and case law that general practitioners simply don’t have.
  • This specialized knowledge of Naval Base San Diego military defense lawyers allows them to identify potential defenses, challenge evidence, and build strong cases tailored to the specific nuances of military law.
  1. Proven Experience with Court-Martial Proceedings:
  • San Diego military defense lawyers have extensive experience representing service members in court-martial proceedings. They know the military justice system’s ins and outs, including the unique rules of evidence and courtroom procedures.
  • This experience enables them to anticipate the prosecution’s tactics, craft compelling defense strategies, and present their case persuasively to military judges and juries.
  1. Unwavering Commitment to Protecting Your Rights:
  • Military defense lawyers are dedicated to safeguarding the rights of service members. They understand the immense pressure and unique challenges faced by those in the military, and they are committed to providing zealous advocacy to ensure your rights are upheld throughout the legal process.
  • Whether challenging unlawful searches and seizures, fighting for a fair trial, or advocating for a more lenient sentence, your lawyer will be your steadfast advocate.
  1. Local Expertise and Connections:
  • San Diego-based military defense lawyers deeply understand the local legal landscape, military installations, and the specific nuances of the San Diego military community.
  • They have established relationships with local prosecutors, judges, and other legal professionals, which can be invaluable in negotiating favorable outcomes or resolving cases efficiently.
  1. Focused on Protecting Your Military Career:
  • A San Diego military defense lawyer understands the devastating impact a criminal conviction can have on your military career. They will work tirelessly to minimize the consequences of any charges, aiming for acquittals, reduced charges, or alternative sentencing options that allow you to continue serving honorably.
  1. Personalized Attention and Support:
  • Facing military legal charges is incredibly stressful. A San Diego military defense lawyer will provide you with personalized attention, support, and guidance throughout the process. They will inform you of developments in your case, answer your questions, and address your concerns, ensuring you feel confident and supported every step.

Remember: Having a skilled and experienced military defense lawyer is imperative when your future and reputation are at stake. Don’t leave your fate to chance – invest in the best legal representation in San Diego.

Defending Court Martial Cases in San Diego: Strategic Approaches to Safeguard Your Rights and Future

San Diego military defense lawyers leverage a multi-faceted approach to protect their clients facing court-martial charges. Their strategies are tailored to the specific circumstances of each case but often include the following:

  1. Meticulous Investigation and Evidence Review:
  • The foundation of any strong defense is a thorough investigation. Military defense lawyers will meticulously scrutinize the evidence against you, including witness statements, forensic reports, and other relevant materials.
  • They will look for inconsistencies, weaknesses, and evidence obtained illegally or violating your rights. This can be crucial in challenging the prosecution’s case and seeking to have evidence suppressed.
  1. Challenging the Charges and Legal Basis:
  • Military defense lawyers are skilled at analyzing the legal grounds for the charges against you. They will examine whether the charges were properly filed, if the elements of the offense are met, and whether any procedural errors were made during the investigation or charging process.
  • If any legal defects or irregularities are found, they may file motions to dismiss the charges or seek other remedies to protect your rights.
  1. Strategic Negotiation with Prosecutors:
  • In some cases, negotiating with the prosecution may be in your best interest to reach a favorable plea agreement. Military defense lawyers are experienced negotiators who can leverage their knowledge of the law, the facts of your case, and their relationships with prosecutors to secure reduced charges, alternative sentencing, or other favorable outcomes.
  1. Building a Compelling Defense Narrative:
  • Military defense lawyers will work with you to develop a strong defense narrative highlighting your character, service record, mitigating circumstances, and other factors that may influence the judge or jury.
  • They may gather character references, expert testimony, and other evidence to support your defense and create a more complete picture of you as a person and a service member.
  1. Presenting a Powerful Defense in Court:
  • If your case goes to trial, your military defense lawyer will be your advocate in the courtroom. They will cross-examine witnesses, challenge the prosecution’s evidence, and present a persuasive case on your behalf.
  • They aim to create reasonable doubt in the jury or convince the judge that the prosecution has not met its burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
  1. Protecting Your Military Career:
  • Throughout the legal process, your lawyer will be mindful of the potential impact of the charges on your military career. They will work to minimize any negative consequences, such as a dishonorable discharge or loss of benefits, and explore options for rehabilitation or alternative sentencing that may allow you to continue serving.
  1. Post-Trial Advocacy and Appeals:
  • If you are convicted, your military defense lawyer will continue to advocate for you during the sentencing phase. They will argue for a more lenient sentence and explore options for early release, parole, or other forms of post-conviction relief.
  • If appropriate, they may also file an appeal to challenge the conviction or sentence, seeking to overturn the verdict or secure a new trial.

By employing these and other strategic approaches, San Diego military defense lawyers are dedicated to providing their clients with the best possible defense and protecting their rights, reputation, and future.

Finding the Right San Diego Military Defense Lawyer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Choosing the right military defense lawyer is one of the most important decisions when facing legal charges. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you find the perfect advocate for your case:

  1. Prioritize Experience and Specialization:
  • Look for lawyers who exclusively practice military law. They have in-depth knowledge of the UCMJ, court-martial procedures, and the nuances of military justice.
  • Seek out attorneys with proven experience in handling cases similar to yours. For instance, if you’re facing an Article 120 charge, find a lawyer with a track record of success in defending sexual assault cases.
  1. Check Credentials and Reputation:
  • Verify that the lawyer is licensed to practice law in California and has a good standing with the State Bar.
  • Research the lawyer’s reputation. Look for online reviews, testimonials, and any awards or recognition they’ve received.
  • Ask for references from past clients and contact them to get firsthand feedback about their experience.
  1. Schedule Consultations:
  • Most Naval Base San Diego military defense lawyers offer free initial consultations. Take advantage of this opportunity to discuss your case with several lawyers.
  • Prepare a list of questions beforehand. Ask about their experience, approach to your type of case, fees, and communication style.
  1. Assess Communication and Comfort Level:
  • Pay attention to how the lawyer communicates. Are they clear, concise, and easy to understand? Do they listen attentively to your concerns and answer your questions thoroughly?
  • Trust your gut instinct. Choose a lawyer with whom you feel comfortable and confident. You need to trust that they will fight tirelessly on your behalf.
  1. Consider Fees and Payment Options:
  • Naval Base San Diego military defense lawyers typically charge hourly or flat fees. Discuss the fee structure upfront and get a clear estimate of the total cost.
  • Inquire about payment plans or other financing options if necessary.

Additional Tips for Finding Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers:

  • Don’t Delay: The sooner you hire a lawyer, the more time they have to build your defense.
  • Ask About Resources: A good lawyer will have access to a network of investigators, expert witnesses, and other professionals who can assist with your case.
  • Check for Military Background: While not essential, lawyers with prior military experience may have a deeper understanding of the military culture and legal system.

Resources for Finding San Diego Military Defense Lawyers:

  • Justia: Search for top-rated military lawyers in San Diego based on client reviews, experience, and other factors.
  • State Bar of California: Use the lawyer referral service to find qualified military defense lawyers in your area.
  • Military Legal Resources: Check websites like the Military Law Center or Kral Military Defense for listings of experienced military lawyers.

Remember: Choosing the right San Diego military defense lawyer can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Take time, research, and select an attorney who will fight tirelessly to protect your rights and future.

Military Defense Lawyer Costs in San Diego: Investing in Your Future

The cost of hiring a San Diego military defense lawyer can vary significantly depending on several factors:

1. Experience and Reputation:

  • Highly experienced and reputable lawyers with a track record of success in complex military cases may charge higher fees. Their expertise and proven ability to achieve favorable outcomes often command a premium.
  • Less experienced lawyers or those just starting their practice may offer lower rates to attract clients. However, it is crucial to weigh the cost against their experience and specialization in military law.

2. Complexity of the Case:

  • Simple cases involving minor offenses or straightforward legal issues may require less time and effort, resulting in lower legal fees.
  • Complex cases involving multiple charges, extensive investigation, or intricate legal arguments will likely incur higher costs due to the increased workload and resources required.

3. Specific Services Required of Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers:

  • Some lawyers charge hourly rates, billing you for your time on your case, including consultations, research, court appearances, and other legal tasks. Hourly rates for military defense lawyers in San Diego typically range from $400 to $750 or more per hour.
  • Other lawyers offer flat fees for specific services, such as representing you at a court-martial or negotiating a plea agreement. Flat fees can provide more predictability but may not cover all potential costs that could arise during the case. Flat fees range from $5,000 – $15,000 for a retainer and $30,000 – $75,000 for a contented trial.

Additional Costs for Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers:

  • Expert witness fees: If your case requires expert testimony from forensic specialists, psychologists, or other professionals, you may be responsible for their fees.
  • Travel expenses: If your lawyer needs to travel for your case, you may be required to reimburse them for travel costs.
  • Court filing fees: Administrative fees may be charged for filing motions, appeals, or other court documents.

Average Costs: of Civilian Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers

  • Simple cases: You might expect to pay anywhere from $10,000 to $25,000 for a straightforward case with minimal legal complexities.
  • Complex cases: The costs of more involved cases requiring extensive legal work, expert witnesses, or appeals can easily exceed $50,000.

Financial Assistance for Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers:

  • Military Legal Assistance Offices: Military installations often have legal assistance offices that offer free or low-cost legal services to service members. However, these offices may have limited resources and cannot handle complex cases.
  • Pro Bono Lawyers: Some military defense lawyers offer pro bono (free) legal services to eligible service members facing financial hardship.
  • Payment Plans: Many lawyers offer payment plans or financing options to help make legal representation more affordable.

Important Considerations when hiring Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers:

  • Don’t Choose Solely Based on Price: While cost is a factor, prioritize experience, expertise, and a proven track record in military law.
  • Get a Detailed Fee Agreement: Always ask for a written fee agreement that outlines all potential costs and billing practices.
  • Discuss Payment Options: Don’t hesitate to discuss payment plans or explore other financial assistance options if needed.

Investing in a skilled and experienced San Diego military defense lawyer is an investment in your future. It can mean the difference between preserving your military career, protecting your reputation, and securing your freedom.

Article 120 UCMJ: San Diego Defense Strategies for Sexual Assault Charges

Facing a sexual assault charge under Article 120 of the UCMJ is a daunting experience. The consequences can be severe, including imprisonment, dishonorable discharge, and a lifetime registration as a sex offender. However, San Diego military defense lawyers employ various strategic approaches to defend clients facing these charges.

Key Defense Strategies of Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers:

  1. Consent:
  • One of the most common defenses in Article 120 cases is consent. The defense will argue that the sexual activity was consensual, meaning both parties willingly agreed to engage in it.
  • Lawyers may use various evidence to support this defense, including text messages, witness statements, and the accuser’s prior behavior.
  • However, it’s important to note that consent is not a valid defense if the accuser was incapacitated due to intoxication, unconsciousness, or mental incapacity.
  1. Mistaken Identity or False Accusations:
  • In some cases, the defense may argue that the accused person is not the perpetrator of the alleged offense. This could involve presenting evidence of an alibi or challenging the accuser’s identification of the accused.
  • The defense may also argue that the accusations are false, motivated by revenge, jealousy, or other ulterior motives. This can involve investigating the accuser’s background, relationships, and potential biases or inconsistencies in their statements.
  1. Lack of Intent or Mens Rea:
  • To be convicted of sexual assault, the accused must have had the specific intent to commit a non-consensual sexual act. The defense may argue that the accused lacked this intent, possibly due to intoxication, a misunderstanding, or a belief that the accuser was consenting.
  • Proving lack of intent can be challenging, but it’s a viable defense strategy supported by strong evidence.
  1. Procedural and Constitutional Violations:
  • Military defense lawyers will scrutinize every aspect of the investigation and legal process to ensure that the accused’s rights were protected.
  • If the UCMJ, military regulations, or the accused’s constitutional rights were violated, the defense may seek to suppress the evidence or even dismiss the charges.
  1. Mitigation:
  • Even if a conviction seems likely, the defense can work to mitigate the severity of the sentence. This involves presenting evidence of the accused’s good character, military service record, remorse, and any other factors that might persuade the judge or jury to impose a lesser punishment.

Additional Considerations for Article 120 Defense in San Diego:

  • Military Culture: San Diego’s significant military presence means that the community and legal system may have certain biases or preconceptions about sexual assault cases. A skilled defense lawyer understands this dynamic and can navigate it effectively.
  • Military Resources: San Diego offers various resources for military personnel accused of sexual assault, including counseling, legal assistance, and support groups. Your lawyer can help you access these resources and build a strong defense strategy.

Important Note: The success of any defense strategy depends on the specific facts of the case and the skill of the military defense lawyer. It’s crucial to consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible after being charged to discuss your options and develop a personalized defense plan.

San Diego Military Bases: Your Guide to On-Base Legal Resources

San Diego has several major military installations, including Naval Base San Diego, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, and Naval Air Station North Island. Each base offers various legal resources to assist military personnel and their families with legal matters, both civil and military.

Naval Base San Diego:

  • Region Legal Service Office Southwest (RLSO SW): This office provides legal assistance on various personal civil matters, including family law, consumer issues, landlord/tenant disputes, wills, and powers of attorney. They also offer limited assistance with immigration and naturalization matters.
  • Defense Service Office (DSO) West: This office provides defense counsel to military personnel facing court-martial or other adverse actions. They offer confidential legal advice and representation throughout the legal process.
  • Legal Assistance Department: Located at 32nd Street, Bldg 56, this department provides legal assistance to active duty personnel, retirees, and their dependents. Services include legal consultations, document preparation, and referrals to specialized attorneys.

Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton:

  • Legal Assistance Office: This office offers legal services to active-duty Marines, their families, and retirees. It advises and assists on various legal issues, including family law, consumer law, estate planning, and landlord/tenant disputes.
  • Base Legal Office: This office handles legal matters related to the base’s operations, including contracts, environmental law, and labor law. They also provide legal advice to commanders and staff on various legal issues.

Naval Air Station North Island:

  • Legal Assistance Office: Similar to other bases, this office provides legal assistance to active duty sailors, their families, and retirees on various legal matters.
  • Naval Justice School: This school provides legal training to judge advocates, paralegals, and other legal personnel in the Navy and offers continuing legal education courses to practicing attorneys.

Additional Resources:

  • Military OneSource: This Department of Defense-funded program offers free confidential counseling and legal assistance to service members and their families.
  • State Bar of California Military Legal Assistance Program: This program connects military personnel with volunteer attorneys who provide free legal services for various civil legal issues.
  • Local Bar Associations: Many local bar associations in San Diego offer lawyer referral services or pro bono legal clinics for military personnel.

Important Considerations:

  • Limitations: On-base legal assistance offices typically provide limited-scope services and may not be able to represent you in court.
  • Conflicts of Interest: If facing a court-martial or other adverse action, you may be entitled to free legal representation from a military defense attorney. However, it’s important to know that these attorneys may have a conflict of interest if they also work for the command that prosecutes you.
  • Seeking Outside Counsel: If you have a complex legal issue or require full legal representation, it’s advisable to consult with a civilian attorney who specializes in military law.

By understanding the legal resources available on base and in the community, you can make informed decisions about your legal options and protect your rights.

Quotes and Statistics on the Military Justice System

The military justice system is a specialized legal framework designed to maintain discipline, order, and justice within the armed forces. This system is governed by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), the Manual for Courts-Martial, and regulations specific to each military branch. Understanding this system is crucial for service members and legal professionals working in the military.

Key Components of Military Justice

The UCMJ is the cornerstone of military law. It establishes the procedures and penalties for various offenses within the military. According to Article 77 of the UCMJ:

“Any person punishable under this chapter who— (1) commits an offense punishable by this chapter, or aids, abets, counsels, commands, or procures its commission; or (2) causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him would be punishable by this chapter, is a principal.”

The Manual for Courts-Martial provides detailed guidance on the conduct of courts-martial, including the rules of evidence and procedures for trial. According to Rule for Courts-Martial 301:

“A person subject to the code is responsible for understanding the laws and regulations governing their conduct, and ignorance of the law is not a defense to a charge of misconduct.”

Like other branches, the Navy has specific regulations to complement the UCMJ and the Manual for Courts-Martial. The Navy Regulations, for instance, emphasize the importance of maintaining discipline and order. According to the Navy Regulations:

“The maintenance of discipline among personnel of the naval service is essential to its efficiency. Disobedience, insubordination, or neglect of duty is not to be tolerated.”

Military justice also addresses severe offenses such as sexual assault and sexual harassment. Statistics reveal the extent of these issues within the military. According to a report by the Department of Defense:

“In fiscal year 2020, there were 7,816 reports of sexual assault involving service members as victims.”

Sexual harassment remains a pervasive issue as well. The Department of Defense’s Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies reported:

“Approximately 51% of women and 10% of men at the academies reported experiencing sexual harassment in the academic program year 2018-2019.”

The UCMJ explicitly addresses sexual assault under Article 120, which outlines the various forms of sexual offenses and their respective penalties. According to Article 120:

“Any person subject to this chapter who commits a sexual act upon another person by threatening or placing that other person in fear or by causing bodily harm to that other person is guilty of sexual assault and shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.” Manual for Courts-Martial, United States (2024 ed.)

Hiring Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers

Naval Base San Diego Military Defense LawyersThe military justice system plays a vital role in ensuring that members of the armed forces adhere to high standards of conduct. It combines the UCMJ, the Manual for Courts-Martial, and specific branch regulations to provide a comprehensive legal framework.

Addressing issues like sexual assault and harassment remains a critical focus, underscored by the legal provisions and statistical data highlighting the need for ongoing vigilance and improvement.

When You Need a Navy Court Martial Lawyer in San Diego, California

We have successfully defended and acquitted Navy sailors worldwide. Check out our case results to learn more.

The experienced San Diego military defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington have gained a reputation for representing sailors at Navy bases such as Naval Base San Diego. If you are stationed at Naval Base San Diego and are accused of a military offense, having the most aggressive court martial defense lawyer can be the difference between losing your career and family versus winning your case or redeeming your career.

Our criminal defense attorneys represent San Diego sailors in both UCMJ and administrative matters, including defending Navy sailors accused of sexual assault, rape, and other crimes under military law.

Selecting Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers

Naval Base San Diego Military Defense Lawyers

Unlike most civilian military criminal defense attorneys or your free US Navy lawyer, pleading guilty is an option of last resort. Our Attorneys compel the US Navy to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt. We take almost every case to trial and fight the allegations before a military panel.

Naval Base San Diego Military Defense LawyersOur US Navy court martial victories speak for themselves. Our chief concern is the suspected sailor and his or her desired outcome. Our San Diego military defense lawyers keep lighter caseloads than the typically assigned Navy military attorney so that we can focus on each client individually.

Your case will not be outsourced to a third party, and we will not push you into pleading guilty at the last minute. Our military defense lawyers have defended US Navy court martial and administrative separation cases worldwide.

Naval Base San Diego Court Martial Attorneys

Our firm’s founding lawyer, Michael Waddington, is an experienced criminal attorney who was voted a “Super Lawyer” in Georgia and is rated Superb on AVVO.com. Our hard-hitting Navy military lawyers will use our skills to defend your court martial or administrative separation case at Naval Base San Diego.

Call today to consult with an experienced military attorney.

Sailors working at Naval Base San Diego merit the best court martial lawyers to defend them in court martial or administrative separation (ADSEP) proceedings.

If you or a family member are stationed at Naval Base San Diego and are accused of a military crime such as sexual assault or if you are facing an administrative separation, NJP/Captain’s Mast, or a reprimand, then contact our court martial defense attorneys now.

When You Need Legal Representation in San Diego, California

Military defendants facing trial in the military justice system need qualified legal counsel to battle against the military legal system. When you need to find and hire aggressive and quality defensive attorneys, the attorneys at the Gonzalez & Waddington firm are ready to fight for those at the Naval Base San Diego in southern California.

Our San Diego military defense lawyers are highly practiced in defending criminal court-martial cases and are extremely versatile when defending military prosecution teams. The client always comes first for the Gonzalez & Waddington firm, which fights for each client’s protection in court-martial cases in the United States and abroad.

A Brief History of Naval Base San Diego

Naval Base San Diego Military Defense LawyersIn 1921, 977 acres of land, formerly owned by Pacific Marine Construction, became a Navy repair facility. That same year, then Secretary of the Navy Teddy Roosevelt Jr. established the area as a US Destroyer Base. During World War II, the base expanded and changed beyond its initial post as a Destroyer Base.

It became a repair base during the mid-1940s, and its main function was to convert, overhaul, and maintain more than 5,000 ships. After World War II, it was re-designated as a naval base. In the 1990s, the base became a primary port for the US Pacific Fleet and was renamed a naval base.

In 2004, the USS San Diego was named in honor of the Naval Base San Diego host city. The LPD-22 ship was the fourth ship to be named to honor the city. The ship was commissioned in 2002. Other ships to bear the same name were an armored cruiser, a WWII light cruiser, and a combat stores ship.

Present Day Naval Base San Diego, California

Over the years, the base has grown so exponentially that it is known as a city within a city. Over 40,000 people currently work on base, and 4,000 live on base. It functions as a home port for 52 ships and 120 tenant commands. It will also receive the Navy’s Littoral Combat Ships.

The economic impact on the city of San Diego and outlying areas with such high employment and residencies means added revenues for the city and county and offers career and educational opportunities to those in the area. San Diego, though expensive as far as the cost of living is concerned, is also known as “America’s Finest City” for its constant beautiful weather, gorgeous surroundings, and strong Navy influence on the community.

Naval Base San Diego Court Martial Attorneys

Attorney Michael Waddington graduated from Temple University School of Law in Philadelphia, completing the Trial Lawyer Training Program. He currently deals with serious court-martial cases, including war and white-collar crimes.

His military defense experience is lasting, as he is a former Chief of Military Justice, a former Special Assistant United States Attorney, and an Army JAG officer.

Michael Waddington’s career as a defense lawyer is brimming with experience. He has successfully defended servicemen and women against accusations of computer crimes, larceny, detainee abuse, financial crimes, aggravated assault, maiming, and trainee abuse, among others.

For his impressive work, he has been voted one of the top 100 trial lawyers in the United States by The National Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Waddington and his team are ready to defend your criminal defense case at Southern California’s Naval Base San Diego.

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