Aggressive Washington, CT Military Defense Attorneys
When You Need a Court Martial Lawyer in Washington, CT
Washington CT Military Defense Lawyers
Our court martial defense attorneys have successfully defended military personnel around the world.
The aggressive defense lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington have gained a reputation for defending military personnel at Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard installations worldwide. If you are stationed in Washington, CT and are accused of a military crime, then having the most hard-hitting court martial defense lawyer can be the difference between having your rights trampled versus winning your case or saving your career. Our court martial defense attorneys represent Washington, CT military service members in both criminal and administrative matters to include defending service members suspect of sex assault, drug offenses, and other crimes under military law.
This video is an excellent example of why you must hire the best military lawyers possible.
Our criminal defense attorneys defend false accusations of rape, child abuse, and sexual assault under Article 120 UCMJ, 120b UCMJ, and 120c UCMJ.
Unlike the majority of civilian court martial lawyers or your assigned military lawyer, pleading guilty is not something we commonly do. Our attorneys make the military to prove their case. We take just about every case to trial and fight the allegations in front of a jury.
Our military court martial outcomes are clear. The suspected military service member and his or her desired outcome is our primary concern. Our defense lawyers maintain smaller caseloads than the average appointed defense lawyer so that we can focus on every case separately. Your trial will not be outsourced to a random lawyer and we will not intimidate you into pleading guilty at the last minute. Our military defense attorneys have contested military court martial and administrative separation cases in the United States and worldwide.
Washington, CT Court Martial Lawyers
Our law firm’s founding attorney, Michael Waddington, is a member of the American Board of Criminal Lawyers, the most prestigious legal organizations made up of some of the high-powered criminal defense attorneys in the country. Membership is by invitation only and is limited to highly accomplished defense attorneys that have a decade of experience defending criminal cases.
Our high-powered court martial attorneys will use our experience to defend your court martial or administrative separation (ADSEP) case at Washington, CT.
Call today to consult with a hard-hitting military lawyer.
Military personnel stationed at Washington, CT merit the best military defense lawyers possible to represent them at their court martial or administrative separation hearing.
If you or a family member are stationed in Washington, CT and are suspected of a military crime such as sexual assault or if you are confronted with an admin discharge, NJP, show cause board, letter of reprimand, then contact our military attorneys now.
Click here for military law resources: Air Force Law Review – AFMAN 51-203: Records of Trial
Washington in Connecticut
Among the small, quaint little hamlets of Connecticut, you will definitely cherish the days spent in Washington, a small rural area. Washington CT is part of the Litchfield County in the New England region in the United States. The rate of population explosion has not yet affected the entire community in Washington, CT, as there were only 3,578 people as calculated during the 2010 census conducted by the United Nations Census Bureau.
The rural countryside with a scenic beauty: Washington, CT
- If you have been trying to soothe your bruised soul and want to get over the hustle and bustle that mark a usual city life, then the picturesque and pristine countryside of Washington, CT can provide you with an ultimate moment of peace, luxury and charge your holiday mood.
- There is active and congruent city life, a well-knit pattern of community development, and the presence of basic and emergency facilities like schools, colleges, doctors, hospitals, health centers and farmlands in this area.
- The place is interlinked to the city life of London, so you do not have to be hopeless if you want to have a glimpse of the happening nightlife in London.
More About Washington, CT
Washington, CT is located at the foothills that mark the southern part of the Berkshire Mountain ranges, and this place is located at an approximate distance of 130 km to the northern part of the great city of New York. The Bantam river valley, the Shepaug, the Eastern Aspetuck are some of the prominent geographical features of Washington, CT.
- There are multiple geographical variations as far as the description of the city is concerned. It is marked by hills, foothills, and plateaus, high rolling slopes of mountains, steep cliffs, downward slopes, rivers, brooks and valleys that are formed naturally along the river banks or streams.
- The vegetation cover ranges from mixed deciduous to coniferous forest belts which supply food and fodder for the cattle all throughout the years. Agricultural fields are most prominent in this area, and along with that, people also engage in poultry and dairy activities for their economic sustenance.
- There are several families in Washington, CT, who have a colonial historical background, and a one-time recording of the population might not always reflect the true numbers of all those communities who intersperse the land area.
The military and security base near Washington, CT
Washington, CT is also marked by an active military base that provides security from external threats and military coupes and aggressions. The United States Coast Guard Academy is one of the finest security structures. The academy for the coast guards is one of the premier institutions for the training and development of the coast guard officers. The academy has different campuses located in Connecticut, and the main campus is located in New London. Unlike the air force, the US Marine Corps and the Army, etc., the candidates opting for the job of a coast guard can apply for the job posts even if they do not have a congressional recommendation.
- Would-be coast guards are given options to choose and train themselves in nautical sciences, engineering and management.
- The submarine bases that operate in cities like Groton and New London, also contribute to a large scale for the development of naval research, naval medical facilities and naval development for the Washington, CT area.
Hence, along with historical background, the Washington, CT area is also marked by the rural landscape and the naval base, which has fortified the town since the historic times.