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Video: Fort Eustis Civilian Court Martial Defense Attorneys – Article 120 UCMJ Military Lawyers

Video: Fort Eustis Civilian Court Martial Defense Attorneys – Article 120 UCMJ Military Lawyers

In this video, military court martial defense lawyer Michael Waddington discusses how to vet and retain the best military defense lawyers and how to mount the best court martial defense in Article 120 UCMJ cases. Mr. Waddington also discusses military sexual assault and UCMJ Article 120 allegations at Fort Eustis, in Newport News, Virginia. Our experienced civilian military defense lawyers defend military cases at Fort Eustis, in Newport News, Virginia. Contact our civilian court-martial attorneys today to schedule a consultation.

When choosing a civilian defense attorney for a court-martial at Fort Eustis, consider their experience with military law, their reputation, and their track record of success. Several law firms and individual attorneys in the Hampton Roads area specialize in military law and have a strong presence at Fort Eustis. Some reputable options include

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