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Video: Fort Carson Military Defense Lawyers – Colorado Springs Court Martial Attorneys – Article 120 UCMJ

Video: Fort Carson Military Defense Lawyers – Colorado Springs Court Martial Attorneys – Article 120 UCMJ

In this video, military defense lawyer Alexandra Gonzalez-Waddington discusses military sexual assault and UCMJ Article 120 allegations at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Our Military Defense Lawyers defend military cases at Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Call our civilian Fort Carson military lawyers today.

Fort Carson, Colorado, is a major U.S. Army installation with a significant legal presence to support its military community. Military lawyers at Fort Carson, or Judge Advocates General (JAG) officers, provide various legal services to soldiers, their families, and retirees.

Fort Carson Military Lawyers

These services include:

  • Legal Assistance: Free legal advice and representation on family law, wills, landlord-tenant issues, consumer protection, and more.
  • Criminal Defense: Representing soldiers accused of violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) in courts-martial and other disciplinary proceedings.
  • Military Administrative Law: Handling administrative actions like discharge boards, promotions, and other personnel matters.
  • Claims and Litigation: Processing claims for damages or injuries and representing the government in legal disputes.
  • Operational Law: Advising commanders on legal aspects of military operations, including the laws of war and rules of engagement.

Fort Carson also has a Special Victim Counsel (SVC) program to provide independent legal representation to victims of sexual assault. The SVC advocates for the victim’s interests throughout the legal process, ensuring their rights are protected.

Military lawyers at Fort Carson are crucial in maintaining order, discipline, and justice within the military community. Their expertise in military law helps ensure that soldiers receive fair treatment and their rights are protected. If you are a soldier stationed at Fort Carson or a family member seeking legal assistance, the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate is your primary resource for legal services.


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