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Video: Camp Shelby MS Article 120 UCMJ Military Defense Lawyers – Court Martial Attorneys

Video: Camp Shelby Military Defense Lawyers – Court Martial Attorneys

In this video, military court martial defense lawyer Michael Waddington discusses how to vet and retain the best military defense lawyers and how to mount the best court martial defense in Article 120 UCMJ cases. Mr. Waddington also discusses military sexual assault and UCMJ Article 120 allegations at Camp Shelby, MS. Our experienced civilian military defense lawyers defend military cases at Camp Shelby, MS. Contact our civilian court-martial attorneys today to schedule a consultation.

Camp Shelby, a major National Guard training site in Mississippi, has witnessed a steady stream of soldiers undergoing training and mobilization. With this significant military presence comes the need for legal representation for service members facing disciplinary actions or criminal charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

Camp Shelby Military Defense Lawyers are specialized attorneys who understand the intricacies of military law and the unique challenges faced by soldiers. They provide critical legal counsel and representation in various situations, such as:

  • Courts-martial: Defending soldiers facing charges ranging from minor infractions to serious offenses.
  • Non-judicial punishment (Article 15): Advising soldiers on their rights and options when facing disciplinary action from their commanding officer.
  • Administrative separations: Representing soldiers facing discharge from the military and advocating for the best possible outcome.
  • Investigations: Providing legal counsel to soldiers under investigation for misconduct or criminal activity.

Camp Shelby Military Defense Lawyers play a crucial role in safeguarding the rights and careers of service members. Their expertise and experience in military law are essential for navigating the complexities of the legal system and ensuring a fair trial. When seeking legal representation, it is imperative to choose a lawyer with a proven track record and a deep understanding of military law, like those found at Camp Shelby Military Defense Lawyers.

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