Gonzalez & Waddington – Attorneys at Law

Overview of the procedures for the production of expert witnesses:

  1. Witnesses.
    1. Military Personnel: Request that the witness’ commander issue any necessary orders. RCM 703(e)(1).
    2. Civilian Witnesses: Subpoena. RCM 703(e)(2). (1) Use for trial or depositions but not for pretrial interviews or Article 32 investigations. RCM 703(e)(2)(B) discussion. (2) Issued by the trial counsel. RCM 703(e)(2)(C). (3) Use DD Form 453. See the content requirements of RCM 703(e)(2)(B) and follow the requirements of RCM 703(e)(2).
  2. Evidence.
    1. Evidence is under the control of the government. Trial counsel notifies the custodian of the evidence of the time, place, and date evidence is required and requesting custodian to send or deliver the evidence. RCM 703(f)(4)(A).
    2. Evidence not under control of the government. Subpoena. RCM 703(f)(4)(B).

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