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Non-judicial punishment maximum punishment cheat sheet for Article 15’s and Captain’s Mast

UCMJ maximum punishments for non-judicial punishment

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Type Restriction/Confinement Forfeitures Reduction Discharge
Summarized Art. 15 14 days extra duty/restriction None None None
Company grade Art. 15 14 days extra duty/restriction 7 days 1 grade (E1-E4) None
Field grade Art. 15 45 days extra duty/restriction (60 days
restriction if no extra duty)
½ of 1 month’s pay for 2 months 1 or more grades (E1-E4); 1 grade (E5-E6) None
General officer Art. 15 Same as field grade for enlisted; for officers, 60 days restriction or 30 days house arrest Same as a field grade Same as a field grade None
Summary CM (enlisted only) 1-month confinement (E1-E4); or 45 days hard
labor without confinement (E1-E4); 2 months restriction (E1-E9) (max combination of
restriction/hard labor without confinement is 45 days).
2/3 pay for one month 1 or more grades (E1-E4); 1 grade (E5-E9) None
Special CM 12 months (enlisted only) 2/3 pay per month for 1 year Lowest enlisted grade. Officers may not be reduced BCD (enlisted only)
General CM maximum for the offense Total forfeitures of pay and allowances Lowest enlisted grade. Officers may not be reduced. DD (E1-E9, noncommissioned warrant officers); dismissal (commissioned officers)
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