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Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers

Stationed at Altus AFB, Oklahoma? Facing a court-martial, UCMJ action, Administrative Separation Board, or other Adverse Administrative Action? Call our experienced Altus AFB military defense lawyers at 1-800-921-8607 for a free consultation.

Elite Military Defense Lawyers

“Our military defense lawyers are among the most experienced and hard-hitting in the world. With an unparalleled track record, we provide aggressive, strategic defense tailored to each client’s unique situation. Trust us to fight relentlessly for your rights and deliver the best possible outcome.” (Michael Waddington, Military Defense Lawyer)

Court Martial Attorneys – Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers

Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma: A Legacy of Excellence and Defense

Altus Air Force Base, located in Oklahoma, stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of the United States Air Force. Established in 1943, this base has played a pivotal role in training pilots and aircrews for combat and humanitarian missions, ensuring that the skies remain a domain where freedom and justice prevail.

Court Martial Lawyers at Altus Air Force Base

Altus Afb Military Defense Lawyers - Court Martial AttorneysWhen service members at Altus Air Force Base face legal challenges, they must have experienced court martial lawyers by their side. The military justice system is distinct from civilian courts, which have high stakes. Whether you’re an officer or enlisted, facing a court martial can severely affect your career, freedom, and reputation. Our team of dedicated court martial lawyers understands the intricacies of military law and has a proven track record of defending those who defend our nation.

Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers & Article 120 UCMJ

Article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) deals with sexual assault and rape. It’s a serious charge that can lead to a dishonorable discharge, confinement, and even forfeiture of all pay and allowances. If you or someone you know is facing charges under Article 120 UCMJ at Altus Air Force Base, it’s imperative to seek legal counsel immediately. Our lawyers are well-versed in the nuances of Article 120 and are committed to ensuring that every service member receives a fair and just trial.

Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers: Sexual Assault Defense Lawyers

Allegations of sexual assault can be life-altering. At Altus Air Force Base, such allegations are treated with the utmost seriousness, as they should be. However, every individual is entitled to a robust defense. Our sexual assault defense lawyers are dedicated to ensuring that every facet of your case is thoroughly examined. From gathering evidence to challenging testimonies, our Altus AFB military defense lawyers stand by our clients every step, ensuring their rights are protected and they receive a fair trial.

Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers: Serving Those Who Serve

Altus Air Force Base is home to some of the nation’s most dedicated airmen and women. When they face legal challenges, they deserve representation that understands the unique pressures and responsibilities of military life. Our military defense lawyers have years of experience navigating the military justice system. Whether you’re facing administrative actions or criminal charges, our Altus AFB military defense lawyers are here to provide the guidance, support, and defense you need.

Examples of Fictitious UCMJ Cases Our Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers Could Handle and Potential Defenses:

  • Article 120: Sexual Assault at Altus AFB, OK
    Airman John Smith was accused of sexual assault at an off-base party.
  • Article 120b: Rape of a Minor at Altus AFB, OK
    Sergeant Jane Doe was accused of raping a 15-year-old family friend.
  • Article 120c: Indecent Viewing at Altus AFB, OK
    Technical Sergeant Alex Brown was caught secretly recording in the women’s showers.
  • Article 134: Sexual Harassment at Altus AFB, OK
    Lieutenant Mark Johnson allegedly made persistent unwanted advances toward a subordinate.
  • Article 121: Larceny at Altus AFB, OK
    Staff Sergeant Emily Wilson was accused of stealing military equipment.
  • Article 112a: Drug Use at Altus AFB, OK
    Airman First Class Rachel Adams tested positive for illegal substances during a random urinalysis.
  • Article 128: Assault at Altus AFB, OK
    Senior Airman Michael Harris was accused of assaulting another airman during a bar fight.
  • Article 92: Failure to Obey Order at Altus AFB, OK
    Corporal Andrew Lee failed to follow direct orders during a training exercise.
  • Article 134: Fraternization at Altus AFB, OK
    Sergeant Lisa Green was accused of engaging in an inappropriate relationship with a subordinate.
  • Article 85: Desertion at Altus AFB, OK
    Private First Class David Kim was charged with desertion after being AWOL for 30 days.
  • Article 93: Cruelty and Maltreatment at Altus AFB, OK
    Staff Sergeant Olivia Clark was accused of hazing recruits.
  • Article 107: False Official Statements at Altus AFB, OK
    Technical Sergeant Thomas White allegedly provided false information during an investigation.
  • Article 133: Conduct Unbecoming an Officer at Altus AFB, OK
    Captain Jason Brown was accused of inappropriate conduct at a formal event.
  • Article 86: Absence Without Leave at Altus AFB, OK
    Airman First Class Samantha Thompson was AWOL for two weeks without authorization.
  • Article 134: Child Pornography at Altus AFB, OK
    Sergeant First Class Mark Taylor was caught with illegal images on his computer.
  • Article 132: Fraud at Altus AFB, OK
    Staff Sergeant Jessica Lee allegedly falsified travel expense reports.
  • Article 81: Conspiracy at Altus AFB, OK
    Corporal Brian Wilson was accused of conspiring to steal military property.
  • Article 117: Provoking Speeches at Altus AFB, OK
    Airman Christopher Green allegedly made threatening statements to a fellow service member.
  • Article 128: Aggravated Assault at Altus AFB, OK
    Technical Sergeant Angela Brown was accused of assault with a weapon.
  • Article 134: Indecent Exposure at Altus AFB, OK
    Senior Airman Matthew Scott allegedly exposed himself in a public place.
  • Article 121: Wrongful Appropriation at Altus AFB, OK
    Lieutenant Commander Sara White was accused of misusing a government vehicle for personal errands.
  • Article 92: Dereliction of Duty at Altus AFB, OK
    Sergeant Kevin Miller was accused of failing to perform his assigned duties.
  • Article 123: Forgery at Altus AFB, OK
    Technical Sergeant Nicole Green allegedly forged signatures on official documents.
  • Article 134: Disorderly Conduct at Altus AFB, OK
    Airman Adam Clark was accused of causing a disturbance at a military event.
  • Article 134: Adultery at Altus AFB, OK
    Sergeant Amanda Johnson was accused of engaging in an extramarital affair with a fellow service member.
  • Article 133: Conduct Unbecoming at Altus AFB, OK
    Captain Laura Brown allegedly engaged in behavior inappropriate for an officer.
  • Article 134: Obstructing Justice at Altus AFB, OK
    Staff Sergeant Kyle Adams allegedly interfered with a military investigation.
  • Article 134: Misprision of Serious Offense at Altus AFB, OK
    Senior Airman Michael Lee was accused of failing to report knowledge of a crime.
  • Article 125: Kidnapping at Altus AFB, OK
    Airman First Class David Johnson allegedly kidnapped a civilian during an off-base altercation.
  • Article 134: Bribery at Altus AFB, OK
    Technical Sergeant Susan Brown allegedly accepted bribes in exchange for favorable treatment.

Hiring Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers

Altus Afb Military Defense Lawyers Court Martial AttorneyAltus AFB military defense lawyers are experienced in handling various UCMJ cases. Whether you face charges under Article 120, Article 92, or any other serious offense, Altus AFB military defense lawyers are committed to providing robust legal defense. From investigating the facts to challenging the evidence, Altus AFB military defense lawyers work diligently to protect the rights and careers of service members. Trust Altus AFB military defense lawyers to navigate the complexities of military law and ensure the best possible outcome for your case.

The skill of Altus AFB military defense lawyers is crucial in addressing serious UCMJ charges. They provide comprehensive legal representation, ensuring service members understand their rights and options. By conducting thorough investigations and leveraging their knowledge of military law, Altus AFB military defense lawyers strive to achieve favorable outcomes, whether through dismissal of charges, reduced penalties, or acquittals.

What Cases Do Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers Handle?

Common cases handled by Altus AFB military defense lawyers include sexual assault under Article 120, where detailed evidence and witness testimonies are critical. For charges under Article 120b, such as rape of a minor, Altus AFB military defense lawyers work to uncover inconsistencies in the accuser’s statements and gather exculpatory evidence. In indecent viewing or recording cases under Article 120c, Altus AFB military defense lawyers focus on the legality of the search and seizure of evidence.

Altus AFB military defense lawyers also handle Article 134 cases involving sexual harassment, where they challenge the interpretation of interactions and seek to demonstrate consensual behavior or misinterpretation. For larceny charges under Article 121, they scrutinize the evidence of ownership and intent. Drug use allegations under Article 112a are addressed by examining the procedures and validity of drug tests.

Altus AFB military defense lawyers defend assault charges under Article 128 through self-defense claims and challenging the credibility of witnesses. They also argue for misunderstandings or unlawful orders in cases of failure to obey orders under Article 92. The role of Altus AFB military defense lawyers is indispensable in maintaining justice and fairness within the military justice system.

Relevant Outbound Links:

  1. The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) – A comprehensive guide to the UCMJ, providing detailed information on its various articles, including Article 120.
  2. Altus Air Force Base Official Website – Stay updated with the latest news, events, and information directly from Altus AFB.

Our Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers Defend Airmen throughout Oklahoma

Altus Air Force Base is more than just a military installation; it’s a community of dedicated professionals who serve our country with honor and distinction. When legal challenges arise, it’s essential to have a team of experienced lawyers who understand the unique aspects of military law. Whether you’re facing charges under Article 120 UCMJ or seeking representation for other legal matters, our firm is here to provide the skill and dedication you deserve.

Article 120 UCMJ and Sexual Assault Defense at Altus Air Force Base

While designed to maintain discipline and order within the ranks, the military justice system is a complex entity that requires specialized knowledge and skill. One of the most contentious and sensitive areas within this system is Article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), which addresses sexual assault and rape. At Altus Air Force Base, as with other military installations, the implications of an Article 120 charge can be profound. This is where the role of specialized sexual assault defense lawyers becomes paramount.

Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers & Article 120 UCMJ

Article 120 UCMJ is a comprehensive statute that outlines various offenses related to sexual assault, ranging from unwanted sexual contact to rape. The gravity of these offenses means that the military takes any allegation under Article 120 extremely seriously. While this is undoubtedly necessary to protect victims and maintain the integrity of the armed forces, it also means that those accused face severe repercussions, both professionally and personally.

The consequences of a conviction under Article 120 can be devastating. They can include a dishonorable discharge, loss of all benefits, forfeiture of pay, and significant periods of confinement. Given the severity of these potential outcomes, it’s clear why having a specialized defense lawyer is beneficial and essential.

Sexual Assault & Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers

Sexual assault defense lawyers who specialize in Article 120 UCMJ cases bring a unique set of skills and knowledge to the table. They understand the military’s procedures, the nuances of the UCMJ, and the specific challenges that come with defending against sexual assault allegations.

  1. Evidence Gathering: One of the primary roles of a defense lawyer is to gather evidence. This can include medical records, witness statements, and any other relevant documentation. In the context of Article 120, this might involve challenging the credibility of the accuser or presenting evidence that supports the accused’s version of events.
  2. Expert Testimony: In many sexual assault cases, expert testimony can play a crucial role. This could be a medical expert who can provide insight into physical evidence or a psychological expert who can offer perspective on the accuser’s state of mind or behavior. A skilled defense lawyer will know when and how to utilize these experts to build a robust defense.
  3. Navigating Military Procedures: The military justice system has procedures and protocols, distinct from civilian courts. A defense lawyer specializing in Article 120 UCMJ will be adept at navigating these procedures, ensuring that the accused’s rights are upheld at every stage.
  4. Negotiation and Plea Bargaining: Not all cases go to trial. Sometimes, negotiating a plea deal might be in the accused’s best interest. A seasoned defense lawyer can assess the strength of the prosecution’s case and advise their client on the best course of action, whether going to trial or negotiating a plea.

Why Choose Our Sexual Assault Defense Lawyers at Altus Air Force Base?

Our team of defense lawyers at Altus Air Force Base is dedicated to serving those who serve our country. We understand a military career’s unique pressures and challenges and recognize the profound impact an Article 120 charge can have on a service member’s life.

With years of experience in the military justice system, our lawyers have successfully defended numerous service members against Article 120 allegations. We approach each case with compassion, dedication, and tenacity, ensuring our clients receive the best defense.

Furthermore, we believe in the “innocent until proven guilty.” Regardless of the charges, everyone deserves a fair trial and robust defense. Our team is committed to upholding this principle and ensuring that every Altus Air Force Base service member receives the representation they deserve.

False Article 120 UCMJ Allegations at Altus AFB

Facing an Article 120 UCMJ charge can be one of the most challenging experiences in a service member’s life. The stakes are high, and the potential consequences are severe. However, navigating these challenges and securing a favorable outcome is possible with legal representation. Our team of sexual assault defense lawyers at Altus Air Force Base is here to provide the skill, support, and dedication that every service member deserves. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you or someone you know is facing charges under Article 120. We’re here to help.

Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers Excellence Representation

Altus Air Force Base (AFB) in Oklahoma is a testament to the United States’ commitment to air superiority and defense. Located in the southwestern part of the state, this base has been instrumental in training and equipping the nation’s airmen for decades. But like any other military institution, Altus AFB is not without its legal challenges. This is where the skill of court martial lawyers and military defense lawyers comes into play.

The Significance of Altus Air Force Base

Altus AFB’s rich history dates back to its establishment in 1943. Over the years, it has evolved into a premier training base for aircrew members. The base is home to the 97th Air Mobility Wing, pivotal in the Air Education and Training Command. The wing aims to train world-class airmen ready to deliver and refuel the joint force.

The base’s strategic location in Oklahoma provides an optimal environment for training missions, with vast airspace and minimal air traffic. This ensures the airmen receive the best training possible, preparing them for real-world scenarios.

Altus AFB Court Martial Lawyers: Defenders of Justice

While Altus AFB is a hub of military excellence, it is also a place where service members might face legal challenges. Whether it’s an accusation of misconduct, a disciplinary issue, or any other legal matter, the military justice system can be daunting for those accused.

This is where court martial lawyers come into the picture. These legal professionals specialize in military law and understand the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) nuances. They are adept at navigating the intricacies of military trials and ensuring that service members’ rights are upheld.

If you or a loved one faces a court martial at Altus AFB, having our experienced military defense lawyers by your side is crucial. They can guide you, build a strong defense, and advocate on your behalf, ensuring you receive a fair trial.

Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers: Champions of the Accused

In addition to court-martial cases, service members at Altus AFB might encounter other legal challenges. These can range from administrative actions and non-judicial punishments to investigations into alleged misconduct. In such situations, the skill of military defense lawyers is invaluable.

Military defense lawyers are well-versed in service members’ rights and the procedures of the military justice system. They can provide counsel, represent service members during investigations, and challenge unjust actions against them.

Whether it’s a minor infraction or a more serious allegation, having a military defense lawyer on your side can make all the difference. They can ensure that you are treated fairly, your rights are protected, and you have the best chance of a favorable outcome.

Why Choose Our Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers for Your Defense?

Our law firm boasts a team of seasoned Altus AFB military defense lawyers dedicated to defending the rights of service members at Altus AFB. With years of experience in military law, we understand the unique challenges that service members face and are committed to providing the best defense possible.

Our Altus AFB military defense lawyers believe in upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and integrity. Our lawyers are well-versed in the UCMJ and deeply understand the military culture and service members’ challenges. This allows us to provide tailored legal solutions that address the specific needs of our clients.

Altus Air Force Base & Military Sexual Assault Allegations

Altus Air Force Base is a beacon of military excellence, training, and preparedness. However, its members might face legal challenges like any other military institution. Our team of court-martial and Altus AFB military defense lawyers are here to help whether you’re facing a court-martial or any other legal issue. We are committed to defending your rights and ensuring you receive the best legal representation possible. Reach out to our Altus AFB military defense lawyers today, and let us be your advocates in adversity.

History of Altus Air Force Base, Oklahoma

Altus AFB Military Lawyer | Court Martial AttorneyThe 97th Air Mobility Wings (AMW), the Altus Air Force Base host unit near Altus, Oklahoma, provides training programs to thousands of students. The Altus AFB, founded on June 17, 1942, was previously known as the AAF Advanced Flying School. Later, in 1953, the military changed the base’s name to Altus AFB. Today, it continues to educate students, including flight and aircraft maintenance program participants.

The 97th AMW, assigned to the 19th Air Force of the Air Education and Training Command,  provides training programs from beginner to advanced levels. The host unit includes the 97th Operations Group, the 97th Mission Support Group, the 97th Maintenance Directorate, and the 97th Medical Group. As part of the host unit, these groups are responsible for the following: training flight and maintenance participants on C-17 and KC-135; providing quality life support for military personnel on a local base; providing aircraft and engine maintenance; and promoting quality health, safety, and confidence of active-duty personnel.

The Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers at Gonzalez & Waddington have years of experience defending military service members worldwide. The law firm currently offers legal assistance to military service members in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Japan, Korea, and Guam.

Our Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers Provide the Following Legal Services Offered:

  • Administrative Proceedings
  • Administrative Separation Boards
  • Appeals
  • Article 15(s) and Non-judicial Punishment
  • Article 32 Investigations
  • Article 120 Sexual Assault – UCMJ
  • Court Martial Defense
  • Discharge Upgrades
  • Letter of Reprimand Rebuttals
  • Military Record Corrections
  • Pre-charge Investigation & Representation
  • Show Cause Boards

If you are stationed at the Altus Air Force Base near Altus, Oklahoma, call the law firm of Gonzalez & Waddington to speak with our Altus AFB Military Defense Lawyers. You can also visit the Gonzalez & Waddington website to inquire about legal services or request information. Whether you are calling or visiting online, one of our legal military attorneys or legal assistants will respond to your service request as soon as possible.


Altus Air Force Base
104 South Fifth St.
Altus AFB, OK 73523

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