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Court Martial Lawyers Defending Statutory Rape & Carnal Knowledge in the Military

Facing a court-martial, UCMJ action, Administrative Separation Board, or other Adverse Administrative Action for Statutory Rape? Call our experienced military defense lawyers at 1-800-921-8607 for a free consultation.

Elite Military Defense Lawyers

Carnal Knowledge – Military Statutory Rape Defense Lawyers

Gonzalez & Waddington: Navigating the Complexities of Sexual Assault of a Minor Allegations In the military’s rigorous justice system, allegations of sexual assault, especially those involving minors, are met with unparalleled severity. The consequences of such accusations can be life-altering, with potential outcomes ranging from lengthy imprisonments to dishonorable discharges. At Gonzalez & Waddington, we recognize the profound implications of these charges. Our team of seasoned civilian military defense lawyers is dedicated to defending service members against such allegations, ensuring that justice prevails. The Age of Consent in Military Law Contrary to widespread belief, the age of consent under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is 16, not 18. This distinction means that a service member can legally engage in consensual sexual activity with anyone aged 16 or older. However, complications arise when service members, under the impression they are interacting with someone of legal age, later discover the individual was under 16. Such misunderstandings can escalate, leading to formal charges, especially when the minor’s family becomes involved. Mistake of Fact as to Age: A Possible Defense to Carnal Knowledge In many instances, individuals misrepresent their age. A minor might appear, behave, and even claim to be older than they truly are. Such scenarios can lead service members to unintentional violations of the UCMJ. However, the government’s prosecution often remains indifferent to these circumstances. Fortunately, for Carnal Knowledge, the UCMJ recognizes the “mistake of fact as to age” defense. This defense asserts that the accused genuinely believed the minor was of legal age. For a conviction, the government must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused knew the individual was under 16. False Accusations: A Disturbing Trend One alarming pattern we’ve observed involves step-children, particularly step-daughters, leveling accusations against their step-fathers. Such allegations often emerge from households with conflicting parenting styles or underlying tensions. The motives can range from revenge for perceived wrongs to more complex psychological issues. Once such an allegation surfaces, a cascade of events unfolds. The alleged victim typically undergoes a forensic interview and a Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE). The accused might be removed from the household, and in some cases, children may be placed in protective custody. This sequence can shape the narrative against the accused, making a fair trial challenging. Our Defense Strategy at Gonzalez & Waddington Our approach to these sensitive cases is comprehensive:
  1. Credibility Assessment: We meticulously investigate the alleged victim’s credibility, searching for inconsistencies or potential motives for fabrication.
  2. Evidence Analysis: We scrutinize all evidence, from electronic communications to witness testimonies, to construct a robust defense.
  3. Expert Collaboration: We engage with forensic experts, psychologists, and other specialists to challenge the prosecution’s claims.
  4. Rights Protection: Throughout the process, we ensure your rights are upheld, from the initial investigation to the court-martial.
Statutory rape & sexual assault of a minor in the military Being accused of sexual assault by a minor within the military can be an overwhelming experience. But with Gonzalez & Waddington by your side, you have a team that not only believes in your innocence but also possesses the skill to defend it. If you or a loved one faces such allegations, don’t hesitate. Contact our team of dedicated civilian military defense lawyers, and let us stand with you in your pursuit of justice.

Gonzalez & Waddington: Defending Against Sexual Assault of a Minor Allegations

In the military justice system, allegations of sexual assault, especially involving minors, are treated with utmost seriousness. At Gonzalez & Waddington, we understand the gravity of such accusations and the profound impact they can have on a service member’s life and career. Our team of experienced civilian military defense lawyers is dedicated to ensuring that every service member receives a robust defense against such allegations. Understanding the Age of Consent in Military Law The military has stringent regulations when it comes to sexual crimes against minors. Contrary to popular belief, the age of consent under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) is 16, not 18. This means that a service member can legally engage in sexual contact with anyone who is 16 years old or older. However, complications arise when a service member believes they are engaging with someone of legal age, only to discover later that the individual was under 16. Such situations often escalate when the minor’s family learns of the relationship, especially if the older individual is a service member. Given the heightened awareness and sensitivity surrounding sexual assault in the military, these allegations frequently lead to formal charges. The Complexities of Consent In cases involving minors, the fact that the minor may have consented or appeared willing does not absolve the accused. The law is clear: individuals under the age of 16 cannot legally give consent. Thus, one of the primary defenses in such cases is the “mistake of fact as to age.” This defense hinges on proving that the accused genuinely believed the minor was of legal age. False Allegations: A Harsh Reality One recurring pattern in sexual assault allegations involves step-children, particularly step-daughters, accusing their step-fathers. Such allegations often emerge in households with differing parenting styles between the biological mother and the stepfather. The motives behind these allegations can vary, from a desire to live solely with the more lenient biological parent to personal vendettas. Once an allegation is made, a series of events is set into motion. The alleged victim typically undergoes a forensic interview, often recorded, and a sexual assault forensic examination. The accused may be removed from the household, and the children might be taken into protective custody. The alleged victim then undergoes counseling and therapy, further shaping their narrative for the trial. Our Approach at Gonzalez & Waddington Our defense strategy is multifaceted:
  1. Credibility Assessment: We understand that the outcome often hinges on the credibility of the alleged victim. We meticulously investigate motives for potential fabrications.
  2. Evidence Analysis: We delve deep into all available evidence, from text messages and social media interactions to witness testimonies, to build a comprehensive defense.
  3. Expert Consultation: We collaborate with forensic experts, psychologists, and other specialists to challenge the prosecution’s narrative.
  4. Rights Protection: We ensure that your rights are upheld throughout the process, from the initial investigation to the court-martial.
Facing allegations of sexual assault of a minor? Facing allegations of sexual assault of a minor can be one of the most challenging experiences in a service member’s life. But with Gonzalez & Waddington by your side, you have a team that believes in your innocence and will fight tirelessly for your rights. If you or a loved one faces such allegations, contact our team of dedicated civilian military defense lawyers. We’re here to help.

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