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Video: Sigonella Military Defense Lawyers – Sicily Court Martial Attorneys – Italy Article 120 UCMJ

Video: Sigonella Military Defense Lawyers – Sicily

Court Martial Attorneys – Italy Article 120 UCMJ

In this video, military court martial lawyer Michael Waddington discusses military sexual assault and UCMJ Article 120 allegations at NAS Sigonella in Sicily, Italy. Our experienced civilian military defense lawyers defend military cases at NAS Sigonella. Contact our civilian court martial attorneys today to schedule a consultation.

If you’re a military member stationed in Sigonella, Italy, facing accusations or suspicions of a serious UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) violation, your future and career hang in the balance. In these turbulent times, seeking expert legal counsel is not just an option—it’s a necessity. While the military provides assigned defense counsel, opting for civilian Sigonella military defense lawyers can offer several distinct advantages.

1. Unwavering Focus and Dedicated Advocacy

Civilian Sigonella military defense lawyers specialize exclusively in military law. Their practice is not diluted by other legal areas, enabling them to understand the UCMJ, military court procedures, and the nuances of the Italian legal landscape. Unlike assigned military counsel who may be juggling multiple cases, civilian Sigonella military defense lawyers offer personalized attention, dedicating their time and resources to crafting a robust defense strategy tailored to your specific circumstances.

2. Independence and Objectivity

While assigned military counsel are undoubtedly competent, they operate within the military structure. This can sometimes create a perception of potential conflicts of interest or undue influence. Civilian Sigonella military defense lawyers, on the other hand, are independent and operate outside the chain of command. This autonomy allows them to advocate for your interests without any reservations or concerns about career repercussions.

3. Extensive Experience and Expertise

Civilian Sigonella military defense lawyers often have years of experience defending military personnel against various UCMJ violations. They have honed their skills in navigating the complexities of military investigations, negotiating with prosecutors, and litigating in court-martial proceedings. Their familiarity with the local legal system and their network of contacts can prove invaluable in gathering evidence, identifying potential witnesses, and building a compelling defense.

4. Strategic Defense Planning and Aggressive Representation

Civilian Sigonella military defense lawyers will work closely with you to develop a comprehensive defense strategy. They will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the case, explore all available legal options, and anticipate the prosecution’s tactics. In court, they will provide zealous representation, cross-examine witnesses, challenge evidence, and advocate for your innocence or the mitigation of any potential penalties.

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