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Gonzalez & Waddington – Attorneys at Law

Video: Goodfellow AFB Military Defense Lawyers – Texas Court Martial Attorneys – Article 120 UCMJ

Video: Goodfellow AFB Military Defense Lawyers – Texas Court Martial Attorneys – Article 120 UCMJ

In this video, military defense lawyer Alexandra Gonzalez-Waddington discusses military sexual assault and UCMJ Article 120 allegations at Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo, TX. Our Military Defense Lawyers defend military cases at Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo, TX. Call our civilian Air Force Court Martial Attorneys today.

Goodfellow Air Force Base (AFB) houses the Area Defense Counsel (ADC), a team of dedicated military attorneys committed to providing independent and professional legal representation to Airmen and Guardians facing criminal accusations or adverse actions. Their mission is to uphold justice and fairness within the Air Force and Space Force while ensuring the rights and interests of service members are protected.

Services provided by Goodfellow AFB military defense lawyers include:

  • Criminal Defense: Representing Airmen and Guardians accused of violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) in courts-martial and other disciplinary proceedings.
  • Administrative Representation: Assisting with administrative actions like non-judicial punishment, discharge boards, and other personnel matters.
  • Article 31 Rights Advisement: Ensuring service members understand their right to remain silent and their right to military legal counsel.