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Video: Schofield Barracks Article 120 UCMJ Military Defense Lawyers – Hawaii Court Martial Attorneys

Video: Schofield Barracks Military Defense Lawyers

Article 120 UCMJ Military Defense Lawyers – Hawaii Court Martial Attorneys

In this video, military court martial defense lawyer Michael Waddington discusses how to vet and retain the best military defense lawyers and how to mount the best court martial defense in Article 120 UCMJ cases. Mr. Waddington also discusses military sexual assault and UCMJ Article 120 allegations at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Our experienced civilian military defense lawyers defend military cases at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii. Contact our civilian court-martial attorneys today to schedule a consultation.

Schofield Barracks, a major U.S. Army installation in Hawaii, houses the 25th Infantry Division and numerous other units. Service members stationed here can face legal challenges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), necessitating the expertise of military defense lawyers.

These attorneys, often former military JAG officers, specialize in navigating the complexities of military law. They provide critical defense for soldiers facing charges ranging from minor infractions to serious offenses like court-martial trials. Their expertise covers various areas, including:

  • Defense in court-martial proceedings: Representing soldiers facing charges like assault, drug offenses, or desertion, ensuring due process and fair trials.
  • Administrative actions: Assisting with administrative separations, non-judicial punishment (Article 15), and other disciplinary measures.
  • Investigations: Providing counsel to individuals under investigation, protecting their rights during questioning.

Legal resources for soldiers at Schofield Barracks include the on-base Legal Assistance Office, providing general legal services and information. Additionally, several experienced military defense lawyers practice in the Honolulu area, offering specialized representation for those facing UCMJ actions.

It’s crucial for any service member facing legal issues to seek counsel from a qualified military defense lawyer to protect their rights and ensure the best possible outcome.

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