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Video: Fort Drum Military Defense Lawyers – Court Martial Attorneys New York – Article 120 UCMJ

Fort Drum Military Defense Lawyers – Court Martial Attorneys New York – Article 120 UCMJ

Fort Drum, New York, a prominent Army installation and home to the 10th Mountain Division, necessitates a strong legal support system for its service members. Military defense lawyers play a crucial role in safeguarding the rights and careers of soldiers facing legal challenges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).

These specialized attorneys, often former military JAG officers, deeply understand military law and procedures. They provide expert representation in various legal matters, including:

  • Courts-martial: Defending soldiers against charges ranging from minor infractions to serious offenses, ensuring a fair trial and just outcomes.
  • Administrative actions: Advising and representing soldiers facing adverse administrative actions like non-judicial punishment, separation boards, or security clearance issues.
  • Investigations: Counseling soldiers under investigation, safeguarding their rights during questioning, and ensuring fair treatment.

Fort Drum houses the Trial Defense Service (TDS) office, which offers independent and confidential legal counsel to soldiers facing adverse actions. Additionally, several reputable law firms in the vicinity specialize in military defense law and offer comprehensive legal services tailored to the unique needs of military personnel.

For soldiers stationed at Fort Drum, seeking legal representation from experienced military defense lawyers can be the difference between a career-ending conviction and a successful defense. These attorneys provide invaluable support, ensuring that soldiers’ rights are protected and they receive the best possible legal outcome.

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