What is a discharge in lieu of court-martial?

Discharges in Lieu of Court Martial, Separations in Lieu of Trial, and Officer Resignations for the Good of the Service

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Court-martial lawyer, Michael Waddington, discusses Discharges in Lieu of Court Martial, Separations in Lieu of Trial, and Officer Resignations for the Good of the Service. Call 1-800-921-8607 to speak with a civilian defense attorney today.

Types of Pre-Trial Discharges in Lieu of Court-Martial

  • Chapter 10 – Discharge in Lieu of Court-Martial (Army)
  • Chapter 4 (Air Force)
  • Separation in Lieu of Trial – SILT (Navy)
  • Resignation (Officers)

Major Benefits of a Discharge in Lieu of Court-Martial

  • No Federal Conviction
  • No Jail Time
  • No Sex Offender Registration
  • No Punitive Discharge (Dishonorable, Bad Conduct, or Dismissal)

Major Disadvantages of a Discharge in Lieu of Court-Martial

  • Other Than Honorable Discharge – OTH (General discharges are grants in some situations)
  • Loss of Most VA & Military Benefits
  • Loss of Military Career

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