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To Catch a Predator & Internet Sting Operations in the Military

Have you, as a service member, been ensnared in a military online sting operation? Our military attorneys are well-equipped and experienced to defend you.

Military Child Pornography Defense Lawyers

Gonzalez & Waddington: Defending Service Members in Sting Operations

In the complex landscape of military justice, sting operations have emerged as a prevalent method to apprehend individuals suspected of various offenses, particularly sexual crimes. At Gonzalez & Waddington, we recognize the profound implications of being ensnared in such operations. As dedicated civilian military defense lawyers, we are committed to defending the rights and reputations of service members caught in these intricate webs.

Understanding Military Sting Operations

Sting operations, often reminiscent of the “To Catch a Predator” operations, are designed to trap individuals in compromising situations. These operations frequently involve undercover investigators posing as minors seeking to engage with adults online. While these stings have been notably active in regions like the Pacific, particularly in Okinawa and Hawaii, no location is truly safe from such operations.

Why Choose Gonzalez & Waddington for Sting Operation Defense?

  1. Experience and Expertise: With years of experience in military law, our team has a deep understanding of the tactics employed in sting operations. We’ve seen the methods, the inducements, and even instances of entrapment. Our skill allows us to dissect the prosecution’s case meticulously, challenging every piece of evidence and ensuring that your rights are upheld.
  2. Aggressive Defense Strategy: The prosecution is adept at building cases that seem watertight. They know how to sway juries and push for plea deals. But at Gonzalez & Waddington, we believe in an aggressive defense. We delve deep into the methods employed during the sting, looking for inconsistencies, illegal tactics, and any evidence of entrapment.
  3. Proven Track Record: Our commitment to justice and our relentless pursuit of the truth has led to numerous acquittals and favorable outcomes for our clients. We’ve exposed illegal tactics, missing evidence, and even instances where law enforcement personnel overstepped their boundaries.

The Implications of a Sting Operation Conviction

Being caught in a sting operation can have severe consequences. Convictions often lead to jail time, dishonorable discharges, and a tarnished reputation. Moreover, certain convictions, especially those involving minors, can result in mandatory registration as a sex offender, a label that can affect every aspect of your life, from employment opportunities to personal relationships.

Your Defense Starts Now

While the implications of a sting operation are severe, it’s crucial to remember that an accusation is not a conviction. With the right legal team by your side, you can challenge the evidence, question the methods employed, and fight for your rights.

At Gonzalez & Waddington, we believe that every service member deserves a robust defense. If you or a loved one has been caught in a sting operation, don’t wait. Contact our team of experienced civilian military defense lawyers today and let us help you navigate the complexities of military justice.

Internet Sex Crimes – Sting Operations – Sexual Assault Defense

Child Pornography Court Martial Lawyers

A child pornography charge carries significant jail time and sex offender registration. The general public has a knee-jerk emotional reaction when learning about a child pornography charge against a community member. The bottom line is defendants in internet crime cases are innocent until proven guilty. The public’s rush to judgment does not guarantee the defendant will be found guilty in a court of law. If adequately defended by a skilled court-martial defense attorney, some child pornography and internet sex crime case can be won.

The Stakes are High in Child Pornography CasesUcmjarticle120772 Gonzalez &Amp; Waddington - Attorneys At Law

For internet sex crimes, the punishment for being found guilty is severe. A guilty verdict will change your life for the worse in the years and decades to come. Punishment for child pornography and internet sex crimes range from extensive confinement to a punitive military discharge, mandatory sex offender registry, preclusion from qualifying for specific jobs, and even preclusion from living in the vicinity of a school.

The context largely shapes the penalty for an individual found guilty of a child porn crime.

There are separate penalties for cases heard in federal court and state court. The Department of Justice usually pushes for multiple years in jail following a guilty verdict. Even simple possession of child porn can lead to a jail sentence of several years. An individual found guilty of distributing child porn or receiving child porn will face a minimum of a five-year sentence with the potential for it to extend up to 20 years.

However, if the defendant is not a first-time offender, the penalty is even harsher. Military defendants with a prior conviction might be sentenced to 40 years of jail time. Everyone accused of a child porn crime should be aware that such cases can start at the state level and move up to the federal level, making the penalty for a guilty verdict that much more severe. This is precisely why you need a proven child pornography criminal defense attorney in your corner.

The Subtleties of the Evidence Matter a Great Deal

The unique facts of your child pornography case are of the utmost importance. You need and deserve a fully customized legal defense strategy tailored to the specifics of your case. However, some internet crime attorneys are unwilling to invest the time, effort, and research necessary to custom tailor a legal defense to each client’s unique case. Meet with a child pornography defense lawyer who has a track record of success defending individuals against these serious charges, and you stand a decent chance of retaining your freedom with minimal or even no penalty.

Myriad Child Pornography Defense Strategies are Available

The subtleties of your child porn case ultimately dictate which legal strategy will prove optimal. An experienced Internet crimes defense attorney will analyze your case’s details and decide the best legal defense strategy.

for example, someone might have planted child pornography on your phone, computer, or another device. Perhaps a vindictive ex-spouse or co-worker planted the illegal material on your computing device. It is also possible a roommate or another visitor used your web-connected computing device to download child porn or other illicit materials.

Perhaps you mistakenly left your wireless internet connection open for anyone in the area to use. Such an unsecured connection sets the stage for others to use your wireless internet to download child porn through your unique IP address. Though it rarely occurs, there is even the potential for police to put child porn on a computer or other computing device to frame the defendant.

Don’t assume you will automatically be found guilty simply because you have been charged with child pornography. An experienced attorney will analyze all the subtle details of your case to craft the optimal legal defense that ultimately helps you beat the charge and return your life to normal.

The quality of Your Court-Martial Attorney Often Impacts Your Outcome

If you are accused of a child pornography offense of any type, your life chances hang in the balance. This is precisely why you need an elite child pornography defense attorney who will fiercely advocate on your behalf to reduce the charges or have them eliminated. Rely on a savvy internet crimes defense lawyer, and there is a good chance you will regain your freedom through a dismissal of the charge or a withdrawal of the charge.

If the case goes to trial, your attorney will zealously advocate on your behalf to prove your innocence, obtain an acquittal, and negotiate for a reduced charge or a decreased sentence.

Furthermore, if you are convicted of a child pornography crime, your attorney might be able to get your conviction overturned through a legal appeal.

Gonzalez & Waddington: Challenging False Allegations Under Article 120 UCMJ

In the realm of military justice, few allegations carry as much weight and potential for damage as those under Article 120 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). This article addresses sexual assault and rape, and while it serves as a necessary tool to address genuine offenses, it has also become a ground for false accusations. At Gonzalez & Waddington, we are deeply committed to defending service members who find themselves unjustly accused under this article.

The Gravity of Article 120 UCMJ Allegations

Being accused of a sexual crime, especially under the stringent regulations of the military, can be life-altering. The mere whisper of such an allegation can lead to immediate ostracization, suspension from duties, and even pre-trial confinement. The military’s approach to such allegations, often summarized as “believe the victim,” can sometimes bypass the foundational legal principle of “innocent until proven guilty.”

Why False Allegations Occur

False allegations, though a minority, do occur and can stem from various motivations:

  1. Personal Vendettas: Disputes, personal disagreements, or revenge can sometimes escalate into false accusations.
  2. Misunderstandings: Consensual encounters can sometimes be misinterpreted or regretted, leading to allegations.
  3. External Pressures: Peer pressure or the influence of superiors can push an individual to make allegations they might not have considered initially.
  4. Benefits and Protections: In some cases, the alleged victim might believe that making an accusation can offer them certain protections or advantages within the military structure.

The Impact of False Allegations

For the accused, the consequences of a false allegation can be devastating:

  1. Career: Even if acquitted, the mere accusation can halt promotions, lead to demotions, or end a military career.
  2. Personal Life: Relationships can strain or break, and the accused can face isolation from peers and superiors.
  3. Mental Health: The stress, anxiety, and stigma attached to such allegations can lead to severe mental health issues.
  4. Legal Consequences: If convicted based on false evidence or testimonies, the accused might face imprisonment, dishonorable discharge, and mandatory registration as a sex offender.

Gonzalez & Waddington: Your Shield Against False Accusations

Our approach to defending those falsely accused under Article 120 UCMJ is multifaceted:

  1. Thorough Investigation: We delve deep into the evidence, ensuring that every piece of testimony, every shred of physical evidence, and every witness statement is scrutinized.
  2. Expert Testimonies: We collaborate with medical, psychological, and forensic experts to challenge the prosecution’s narrative.
  3. Challenging Credibility: We meticulously evaluate the credibility of the accuser, looking for inconsistencies in their statements, potential motivations for false accusations, and any history that might shed light on their reliability.
  4. Protecting Your Rights: We ensure that your rights are upheld at every stage, from the initial investigation to the court-martial.

False allegations under Article 120 UCMJ

False allegations under Article 120 UCMJ, while not commonplace, are a grim reality. They can shatter lives, end careers, and lead to unwarranted punishments. At Gonzalez & Waddington, we believe in the principle of justice and the importance of a fair trial. If you or a loved one faces such allegations, remember that you have the right to a defense that believes in your innocence and fights for your rights. Reach out to our team of dedicated civilian military defense lawyers, and let us stand by your side in these challenging times.

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