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Zealous Advocacy In Sexual Assault &Amp; Child Victims Cases (2017)
Defending charges of sexual assault and child abuse can be daunting — but with the right tools, it doesn’t have to be.

Zealous Advocacy in Sexual Assault & Child Victims Cases


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Every year, NACDL identifies the hottest topics and most pressing issues when defending these cases, and brings in nationally-renowned lawyers and experts to help you prepare for battle. This year’s 8th Annual Defending Sex Cases training seminar will most assuredly be our best yet; packed with topics and speakers you won’t want to miss!

You will learn the best strategies for dealing with sex trafficking allegations, cases involving alcohol and memory, DNA mixtures, child witnesses, forensic exams, cell phone evidence, and much more. For the first time, this year we will also offer an optional breakout lunch presentation focused on defending sexual assault cases in military courts.

Much like all NACDL programs, this event also presents the unique opportunity to develop both professional and personal contacts where you can experience the camaraderie of being with criminal defense lawyers from all around the world. Don’t miss this exciting educational opportunity. Attend this highly-rated one-of-a-kind NACDL seminar and leave with a better understanding of defending sex crimes cases in order to effectively represent your clients before, during, and after trial.

Make your plans to join us at Planet Hollywood Hotel in Las Vegas, November 16-17, 2017 — register today!

Program Agenda

Thursday, November 16, 2017
7:00 am Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Welcoming Remarks – NACDL President Rick Jones, CLE Program Co-Chairs Jacqueline Goodman (Fullerton, CA), Missy Owen (Charlotte, NC) & Kathleen Stilling (Brookfield, WI)
8:10 am Empowering a Jury to Say “Not Guilty” in a Sexual Assault Case – Dyke Huish (Mission Viejo, CA)
9:40 am Using Sun Tzu’s The Art of War to Win Sexual Assault Cases – Michael Waddington (San Juan, PR)
10:40 am Exhibits, Networking & Refreshment Break
11:00 am Trace Evidence and Mixtures – Deconstructing the DNA Findings – Dan E. Krane (Fairborn, OH)
12:00 pm Lunch on Your Own
12:30-1:30 pm Special Lunchtime Workshop: Defending a Military Client Charged With Sexual Assault – Noel Tipon (Honolulu, HI) & Michael Waddington (San Juan, PR)
2:00 pm Forensic Child Interviews: Suggestiveness and Taint – Elizabeth J. Griffin (St. Louis Park, MN)
3:00 pm False Confessions in Child Sexual Assault Cases – Laura Nirider (Chicago, IL)
4:00 pm Exhibits, Networking, & Refreshment Break
4:20 pm Date Rape – Drugs, Alcohol and Memory – Lisa M. Wayne (Denver, CO)
5:20 pm Adjourn for the day
7:00 pm Cocktail Reception


Friday, November 17, 2017
7:00 am Registration, Exhibits & Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Morning Announcements – CLE Program Co-Chairs Jacqueline Goodman (Fullerton, CA), Missy Owen (Charlotte, NC) & Kathleen Stilling (Brookfield, WI)
8:10 am Answering the Million Dollar Question – Why Would She Lie? – Andre Vitale (Seattle, WA)
9:10 am Stop the Insanity: Effective Cross-Examination of the SANE Witness – Cathleen Bennett (Boston, MA)
10:10 am Exhibits, Networking & Refreshment Break
10:30 am Autism Spectrum Disorder and Online Sexual Offenses: Surviving the “Perfect Storm” – Mark J. Mahoney (Buffalo, NY)
11:30 am Shaking Things Up-Motion Practice in Child Sex Cases– Kathleen Stilling (Brookfield, WI)
12:30 pm Lunch on Your Own 
2:00 pm Cell Phone Forensics in Sex Cases – Peyton Engel (Madison, WI)
3:00 pm Sex Trafficking – Dustin Johnson (Sacramento, CA) & David I. Komisar (Nashville, TN)
4:00 pm Exhibits, Networking, & Refreshment Break
4:20 pm Culturally Centered Mitigation Investigation for Sentencing – Michelle Simpson Tuegel (Waco, TX)
5:20 pm Seminar Adjourns– See you in 2018!

Seminar Faculty

Cathleen Bennett (Boston, MA)
Peyton Engel (Madison, WI)
Elizabeth J. Griffin (St. Louis Park, MN)
Dyke Huish (Mission Viejo, CA)
Dustin Johnson (Sacramento, CA)
David I. Komisar (Nashville, TN)
Dan E. Krane (Fairborn, OH)
Mark J. Mahoney (Buffalo, NY)
Laura Nirider (Chicago, IL)
Michelle Simpson Tuegel (Waco, TX)
Kathleen Stilling (Brookfield, WI)
Noel Tipon (Honolulu, HI)
Andre Vitale (Seattle, WA)
Michael Waddington (San Juan, PR)
Lisa M. Wayne (Denver, CO)

CLE Credits

NACDL is an accredited provider of CLE in all states requiring mandatory CLE Training. NACDL will apply for at least 12 general credit hours in every state requiring pre-approval. Approved hours for each state will be identified at the seminar. Some states, IL, GA, NC, NE, PA, TX and UT require additional fees by the attendee in order to receive credit.

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